
Model: data/HierarchyNodeType

Hierarchy Node Type

A Hierarchy Node Type is a label that is created to describe a typical organizational hierarchy, for example: "Provider", "Customer" and "Site".

To create and organize a hierarchy, the following components are used:

Hierarchy Node Rules can be created to indicate which operation can be carried out on a Hierarchy Node Type from another Hierarchy Node Type. These rules can be used to define a hierarchy for the existing Hierarchy Node Types in terms of allowable operations. For example, a set of rules governing the creation of Hierarchy Node Types can define a hierarchy, for example: "Provider" > "Customer" > "Site". This means that "Customer" types can only be created from "Provider" types, and "Site" types can only be created from "Customer" types.

Hierarchy Nodes are instances of specific Hierarchy Node Types.

For example, if a Hierarchy Node Type of "Provider" is created and called "GenCorp", the hierarchy bar enables a new drop-down list control showing this as an instance. When "GenCorp" is selected and two new hierarchy nodes type of "Customer" are added with the name "GenCorp-EMEA" and "GenCorp-NA", then the hierarchy "Provider" > "Customer" is created with instances in the following hierarchy:

If the hierarchy "GenCorp" > "GenCorp-NA" is selected and a "Site" node type is created with the name "GenCorp-NY", then the following hierarchy exists:

Where no Hierarchy Node Rules exist, in order for these three example types to become a hierarchy, for example: "Provider" > "Customer" > "Site", the created hierarchy nodes will determine the hierarchy according to the selected type instance in the hierarchy drop-down list when the instances is created.

Hierarchy Node Types can also be set to constrain their resource use, so that hierarchies of the same type share system resources. Refer to the topic on Constraining Resource Use of a Hierarchy Node Type.

See also the topic Manage the Hierarchy Structure for further information.

Constraining Resource Use of a Hierarchy Node Type

Hierarchy Node Types can be configured so that system resources are distributed equally among node types similarly configured - in a round robin manner. System transactions that are carried out at such node types are then interleaved to allow equal processing time and resources.

This configuration makes it possible to set up hierarchy node types - such as for example Sites - so that transactions that run at these at the same time, are not queued in sequence but are interleaved.

This configuration is done by enabling the Constrain Resource Use setting for the node type.

The highest hierarchy node type in the tree is constrained by default, so that all transactions at this hierarchy will be included with those node types that have the constraint enabled explicitly.

The example below illustrates the queuing of transactions that are all scheduled at the same time at hierarchy levels of node types:

Transactions for Resource R are interleaved and queued as follows:

  1. Instance A (highest)
  2. Instance E (GenCorp-NA)
  3. Instance B (highest)
  4. Instance F (GenCorp-NA)
  5. Instance C (GenCorp-EMEA)
  6. Instance D (GenCorp-EMEA)

Create a Hierarchy Node Type

  1. Choose General Administration > Hierarchy Node Types to open the Hierarchy Node Types list view.
  2. Click Add to open the Hierarchy Node Types input form.
  3. Enter a name and description for the hierarchy node type.
  4. Enable the Constrain Resource Use for the node type if required. Refer to the topic Constraining Resource Use of a Hierarchy Node Type for details.
  5. Click Save when complete to add the hierarchy node type.

See also the topic Manage the Hierarchy Structure for further information on managing the hierarchy.

HierarchyNodeType instances allow the grouping of Hierarchy Nodes into a type.

Model Details: data/HierarchyNodeType

Title Description Details
Name * This defines a name for a Hierarchy Node label.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description A general description of this Hierarchy Node label.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Constrain Resource Use Constrain resource use of hierarchies of this type - including their child hierarchies - so as not to negatively affect the quality of service of other unrelated hierarchies. If selected available resources will be shared equally between hierarchy nodes of this and other constrained types.
  • Field Name: constrain_resource_use
  • Type: Boolean