
Model: data/HcsDpE164InventoryDAT

E164 Inventory

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In VOSS Automate, an '*' can appear before a directory number in a Type 4 dial plan.

The E164Number column and value displays E164 Associations (N to 1 DN), depending on the number of E164s associated and whether a primary E164 is set or not.

Examples of E164 format:

Note that the first example is for E164 Associations (N to N DN):

This type of number cannot be reached from an outside line. Typically, a number with the '*' prefix is not called from another line (user), but is tied to a service feature such as call pickup, hunt groups, or contact center.


Adding a new number to the number inventory on VOSS Automate does not add a number on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM / CallManager) until it is associated to a line.

View an E164 Inventory and Delete E164 Numbers

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View E164 Number Inventory

To view an E164 inventory, go to (default menus) Number Management > E164 Inventory.

This page presents the list of E164 numbers (the inventory) at the customer or site (depending on the hierarchy you're at). At higher levels of the hierarchy, for example, Provider, the Located At column shows whether the number is at a customer or site. Click on the link for the customer or site to view the numbers in the inventory at that customer or site.

To view (read-only) details for an E164 number, click on the number in the list.

The list view on the E164 Inventory page provides the following information:

Column Description
E164 Number The individual E164 number in the inventory.
Country The country associated with the E164 number.
Associated Flag Indicates the E164 number has been associated with a Directory Number
Located At Indicates the hierarchy of the site the E164 number was created for.

Delete E164 Numbers from the Inventory

This procedure deletes one or more E164 numbers from an E164 inventory.


You can't delete E164 numbers that are associated with an internal number.

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Go to (default menus) Number Management > E164 Inventory.

  3. In the E164 Inventory list view:

  1. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Migrate Translation Patterns for E164 to Internal Number Associations

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This procedure migrates existing translation patterns for E164 to internal number associations, if you manually configured translation patterns in the E164 lookup partition to associate E164 numbers to internal numbers for Direct Dial Inward (DDI) routing.


It is recommended that you migrate your existing translation patterns to use E164-to-Internal Number (DN) association.

Perform this procedure only once. If you did this migrate when upgrading to VOSS Automate, there is no need to migrate again when upgrading to a later VOSS Automate release.

To migrate translation patterns:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Add the appropriate E164 number inventory. See Add E.164 Inventory.
  3. View the E164 number inventory. See E164 Inventory.
  4. To verify that the selected directory number (DN) inventory is available for association, go to (default menus) Number Management > Number Inventory.
  5. Remove the translation patterns you added previously, via (default menus) Device Management > CUCM > Translation Patterns.
  6. Create the appropriate E164-to-DN associations, via (default menus) Number Management > E164 Associations (N to N DN). See Manage ranges of DNs associated with a range of E164s. These associations restore the appropriate translation patterns in the E164 Lookup partition for the selected customer.
  7. View the new translation pattern, via (default menus) Device Management > CUCM > Translation Patterns.

Related Topics

CUCM Translation Patterns in the Core Feature Guide.

This model wraps the E164Inventory functionality.

Model Details: data/HcsDpE164InventoryDAT

Title Description Details
E164 Number * The E164 Number.
  • Field Name: e164_number
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 17
  • Pattern: ^(\\\+)[0-9]*$
Number Type Number type - geo, non geo, etc.
  • Field Name: number_type
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 16
Country The country to which this E164 number is associated.
  • Field Name: country
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Countries
  • Target attr: country_name
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Associated Flag Indicates the E164 Number is associated with a Internal Directory Number. Default: false
  • Field Name: associated
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false