
Model: data/HcsDpDnRangeDAT

Contains a directory number range.

Model Details: data/HcsDpDnRangeDAT

Title Description Details
Customer Name *
  • Field Name: custName
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/BaseCustomerDAT
  • Target attr: CustomerName
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Directory Number Range * DN Range. String composed of one of more digits in the range 0 to 9 and must be unique within the customer network. The string can also begin with \+ which represents the international escape character + or *. Used to group a set of directory numbers, to a site that has similar characteristics. The length may be determined on a site-by-site bases. The DN Range should not 1) have a first portion that matches an existing, shorter DN Range or site location code or 2) match the first portion of an existing, longer DN Range or site location code.
  • Field Name: dnRange
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 30
Directory Number Range Mask * Directory Number Range mask. Number of wildcard 'X' characters to append to the specified directory number range. For example, 2 would indicate XX. A range of 0 indicates that no mask will be used and the Directory Number Range will be an explicit directory number that should be internally routable.
  • Field Name: dnRangeMask
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 2
  • Pattern: ^([0-9]|[1][01])$