
Model: data/DashboardWidgetChartGauge

Data model for dashboard gauge chart widget.

Model Details: data/DashboardWidgetChartGauge

Title Description Details
Data Settings Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Data Settings
  • Type: Object
Title * The title to be displayed for this widget.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.title
  • Type: String
Description Provide a useful description for this widget.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.description
  • Type: String
Resource Specify resource
  • Field Name: Data Settings.resource
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ReporterResource
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Fields Specify the fields from the resource to be used in the chart.
  • Field Name: fields.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field Name This is the field name.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.fields.[n].ruleName
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Friendly Name Specify a friendly name to be used in the chart.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.fields.[n].headerName
  • Type: String
Field Type This is the field type
  • Field Name: Data Settings.fields.[n].ruleTypeString
  • Type: String
Operation Select the operation to be performed on the field.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.fields.[n].operation
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Filters Specify filters to be applied to the data.
  • Field Name: filters.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field Name Specify Field Name
  • Field Name: Data Settings.filters.[n].ruleName
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Operation Specify operation
  • Field Name: Data Settings.filters.[n].operation
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Filter Value Specify filter value
  • Field Name: Data Settings.filters.[n].filterValue
  • Type: String
Sorts Specify sorts to be applied to the fields.
  • Field Name: sorts.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field Name Select the field name to sort by.
  • Field Name: Data Settings.sorts.[n].ruleName
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Sort Type Select the sort type
  • Field Name: Data Settings.sorts.[n].sort
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Ascending", "Descending"]
Chart Options Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Chart Options
  • Type: Object
Series Limit The maximum number of groups to display on the chart Default: 0
  • Field Name: Chart Options._groupingLimit
  • Type: String
  • Default: 0
  • Choices: ["All", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "1000", "10000", "50000", "100000"]
Description Specify description
  • Field Name: Chart Options.description
  • Type: String
Chart Settings Chart Settings
  • Field Name: settings
  • Type: Object
Description Specify description
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.description
  • Type: String
Gauge Label Specify suffix
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.suffix
  • Type: Any
Min Specify min
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.min
  • Type: Integer
Max Specify max Default: 100
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.max
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 100
Label Inside Specify labelInside
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.labelInside
  • Type: Boolean
Show Bands Specify showBands
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.showBands
  • Type: Boolean
Band 1 % Specify the percentage range for Band 1 Default: 33
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.green
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 33
Green Color Select the color for Band 1 Default: #68bd17
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.greenColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #68bd17
  • Format: color
Band 2 % Specify the percentage range for Band 2 Default: 33
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.yellow
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 33
Yellow Color Select the color for Band 2 Default: #fbc403
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.yellowColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #fbc403
  • Format: color
Band 3 % Specify the percentage range for Band 3 Default: 34
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.red
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 34
Red Color Select the color for Band 3 Default: #dc0c00
  • Field Name: Chart Options.settings.redColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #dc0c00
  • Format: color
Gauge Label Specify suffix
  • Field Name: Chart Options.suffix
  • Type: Any
Min Specify min
  • Field Name: Chart Options.min
  • Type: Integer
Max Specify max Default: 100
  • Field Name: Chart Options.max
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 100
Label Inside Specify labelInside
  • Field Name: Chart Options.labelInside
  • Type: Boolean
Show Bands Specify showBands
  • Field Name: Chart Options.showBands
  • Type: Boolean
Band 1 % Specify the percentage range for Band 1 Default: 33
  • Field Name: Chart Options.green
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 33
Green Color Select the color for Band 1 Default: #68bd17
  • Field Name: Chart Options.greenColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #68bd17
  • Format: color
Band 2 % Specify the percentage range for Band 2 Default: 33
  • Field Name: Chart Options.yellow
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 33
Yellow Color Select the color for Band 2 Default: #fbc403
  • Field Name: Chart Options.yellowColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #fbc403
  • Format: color
Band 3 % Specify the percentage range for Band 3 Default: 34
  • Field Name: Chart Options.red
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 34
Red Color Select the color for Band 3 Default: #dc0c00
  • Field Name: Chart Options.redColor
  • Type: String
  • Default: #dc0c00
  • Format: color