
Model: view/Site_Phones_Reset

View to kick off reset/restart of all site level phones.

Model Details: view/Site_Phones_Reset

Title Description Details
Note Default: If a device is not registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you cannot reset or restart it. If a device is registered, to restart a device without shutting it down, choose "Restart All Phones" from the dropdown. To shut down a device and bring it back up, choose "Reset All Phones" from the dropdown. WARNING: The selected Action will be performed on ALL phones currently registered at this Site.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: If a device is not registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you cannot reset or restart it. If a device is registered, to restart a device without shutting it down, choose "Restart All Phones" from the dropdown. To shut down a device and bring it back up, choose "Reset All Phones" from the dropdown. WARNING: The selected Action will be performed on ALL phones currently registered at this Site.
Action to Take Default: Reset All Phones
  • Field Name: action
  • Type: String
  • Default: Reset All Phones
  • Choices: ["Reset All Phones", "Restart All Phones"]