
Model: view/DP_MaintenanceVIEW

Dial Plan Maintenance Overview

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The Dial Plan Maintenance menu of the Dial Plan Management Tool allows you to push or remove dial plans to a selected target Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) cluster or to a Microsoft tenant.

You can use this tool at any hierarchy. The dial plan name should indicate at what level the dial plans may be used (customer or site).


The Dial Plan Management Tool and associated menus is visible in an Enterprise environment, and hidden on Provider deployments. To expose this feature on Provider deployments, set the Global Setting "Enforce HCS Dial Plan" to No. For details, see:

You can tag dial plans in the dial plan model with their type (Multi-tenant/Shared Architecture, Global, Intermediate, or Site) to introduce error checking into the tool.

The dial plan name allows only dial plans meant for a specific hierarchy use to be shown in the Dial Plan Maintenance tool. For example, If an administrator is at customer level in VOSS Automate and uses the dial plan drop-down, the list of available dial plans are only those tagged "Global". We do this to ensure the dial plan models with hierarchy specific macros are executed at the correct hierarchy levels.

Push or Remove Dial Plan

The Dial Plan Maintenance tool provides two operations:

Both push and remove operations work in the same manner:

  1. A dial plan model is chosen from the Dial Plan Name drop-down.
  2. A target CUCM or Microsoft tenant is chosen from the Target Call Manager Cluster drop-down.
  3. Choose operation, Push Dial Plan or Remove Dial Plan.

Dialplan Management Menu

The Dial Plan Management menus provide access to enhanced dial plan management functionality:

Dial Plan Management Tool

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The Dial Plan Management Tool menus provide access to enhanced dial plan management functionality:


By default, the Dial Plan Management Tool and associated menus is visible in an Enterprise environment, and hidden on Provider deployments. To expose this feature on Provider deployments, set the Global Setting "Enforce HCS Dial Plan" to No. For details, see:

Maintain Dial Plan elements on a specific CUCM

Model Details: view/DP_MaintenanceVIEW

Title Description Details
Dial Plan Setup Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup
  • Type: Object
Tool Description Tool Description. Default: Dial Plan Maintenance Tool
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.description
  • Type: String
  • Default: Dial Plan Maintenance Tool
Notes Notes. Default: This tool allows you to Push Dial Plan elements to Customer and Site level. The tool can add and remove dial plan elements to/from Call Manager and MS Teams. To remove dial plan element those element must not be locked by an other informix relationships in Call Manager. Be sure any required Global and Site level input data sheets are populated before execution.
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: This tool allows you to Push Dial Plan elements to Customer and Site level. The tool can add and remove dial plan elements to/from Call Manager and MS Teams. To remove dial plan element those element must not be locked by an other informix relationships in Call Manager. Be sure any required Global and Site level input data sheets are populated before execution.
Dial Plan Name * Dial Plan Name.
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.dpName
  • Type: String
Target Call Manager Cluster
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.targetCucm
  • Type: String
Target Microsoft Tenant
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.targetMsTenant
  • Type: String
Operation Dial Plan operation to execute. Default: verify
  • Field Name: Dial Plan Setup.operation
  • Type: String
  • Default: verify
  • Choices: ["Push Dial Plan", "Remove Dial Plan"]