
Model: relation/NumberInventoryREL

Number Inventory

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Number inventory allows you to view and manage the numbers for use by users, devices, and services for the given hierarchy level. The inventory includes a combination of data that is automatically managed by the system (like usage) and other fields that are configurable and available to store any additional useful information you choose about the numbers (examples include ranges, billing IDs, circuit IDs) to complete your inventory view.

The inventory supports a range of capabilities outside the basic loading and tracking of inventory status. These include:

More details on these features are provided in the sections below.


Typically numbers are pushed to the UC applications when they are allocated/assigned to users/devices/services. While some available numbers may be in the UC apps for various reasons, the platform is not trying to maintain the available numbers in the underlying UC applications as it is only important when assigning the numbers to be used.

Hierarchy Considerations

The number inventory can exist at the same or higher hierarchy level to the users, services, and devices that consume them. This means you can define number inventory at the appropriate level to suit various needs:

Users, devices, and services that will consume numbers are typically at the site level in the system, so numbers they need should be at the same level (site) or above the site they reside in (Intermediate, Customer). The approaches can also be mixed as needed if some numbers are site specific while others are shared pools. When adding the number(s) into the inventory, you choose which hierarchy level to add the numbers to and this will determine their visibility in the system so should be considered when loading.

Number Uniqueness Considerations

Numbers in the inventory should be unique within a hierarchy structure (in other words, looking up the hierarchy). The inventory is not aware of dial plan elements or other mechanisms that can allow the same number to coexist multiple times - for instance partitions in UCM. This can lead to unpredictable results if the numbers tracked are not unique. For instance, in the Cisco Communications Manager world, having the same number in multiple partitions or even in multiple clusters while the inventory sits at the Customer level - it will be treated as a single number in the inventory. This is where allocating numbers to a site can help as long as the different UC app instances are in different VOSS Automate sites.

Partition and Cluster

Number inventory is not partition or cluster aware. If the same numbers are used multiple times but in different partitions, then these all map to the same number. This should be taken into account when thinking about the hierarchy level at which the number inventory exists.

Also, not being cluster aware, if the same number exists on different clusters, this again will map back to the same inventory value unless numbers are assigned to the site level.


Numbers can be reserved for future use. For example, for users who will soon be joining the company. When a number is reserved, it is unavailable and cannot be allocated to a subscriber, phone, device, etc.

Number Cooling

Numbers can be placed into a cooling period, either manually or automatically. When automated number cooling is enabled, numbers are placed into cooling for a predefined period when the subscriber or phone associated with the number is deleted.


Automated number cooling is enabled and disabled in the Global Settings. The default is disabled.

While the number is in its cooling period, it is unavailable and cannot be allocated, for example, to a subscriber, phone, or device.

A number is released from cooling and is available for use when:

Number Inventory entries - End-user Provisioning Tasks

The number inventory is integrated into various features in the system to:

  1. Display options of numbers for selecting/assignment across the system. The numbers presented for selection follow rules specific to the feature in many cases, for instance can lines be shared or not, etc.
  2. Manage the state of the numbers in the inventory via the workflows - marking the number used, available, and updating other managed fields depending on the MACD being performed. This includes any specific logic setup for the unmanaged fields - See the section on flexibility for options to control the update that occurs.

Related Topics

Viewing Numbers

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You can view the number inventory and details of individual numbers by going to the relevant menu item - default menu Number Management > Number Inventory. You can see an overall view of the inventory including search capabilities. To see the specific details for a number including full usage information, you can select a number from the list view. When viewing a number's details you will see:

Unlike other list views in the system, you cannot add or delete numbers from this inventory view. This needs to be done via the Number Range Managment form - see Number Range Management.

Number Details

Column Description
Internal number Numbers created in the number inventory are in VOSS Automate only. These are not synced to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM / CallManager).

Current status of the number. Options are:

  • Available
  • Used-Utility
  • Used
  • Cooling
  • Reserved
Vendor Optional, typically used to designate vendor-specific information for a device in a multi vendor setup.
Usage Available and Usage is empty when a number is first added to the number inventory.
E164Number Displays E164 Associations (N to 1 DN), depending on the number of E164s associated and whether a primary E164 is set or not.
Release Date Defines (when number cooling is enabled) the date on which a number that is currently in 'cooling' will become available.
Internal Number Type

If Vendor = "Microsoft", then for connectivity options with MS Teams and Phone System, any of: "Direct Routing", "Calling Plan", "Operator Connect". The value can be managed and is used to determine user configuration when the number is assigned.

If Vendor = "Cisco", then blank.

Tag A free text field, auto-populated when a new number or range of numbers is added. Used to identify or comment on a number or number range.
Description Free text field, available to provide additional information for a given number or range of numbers.
Reservation notes A free text field, typically used to provide more details about a status Reserved number.
Extra Extra1 to Extra9 fields are free text fields that are available to provide additional information for a given number or range of numbers.

Managed and Non-managed Number Inventory Fields

Number Inventory data fields are of 2 types:

See Number Inventory Flexibility and Description Customization in the Advanced Configuration Guide on how to utilize this capability.
If you are using any of the fields to store additional information, you can re-label the fields and include relevant help text for tool tips to be meaningful for administrators according to the data you are storing (e.g Billing ID if using a field for that) by means of a Field Display Policy for the relation/NumberInventory model.

For more details on the automated logic for managing status and usage, see Number Status and Usage.

Modify an individual number

While viewing a number's details, you can also modify settings on that individual number by selecting it. (To modify a range of numbers, see: Number Range Management.)

Click Save.

Related Topics

Number Status and Usage

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Values in the Status and Usage columns in the Number Inventory allow administrators to understand how numbers are used at a specific hierarchy level.


To access the Number Inventory, go to (default menus) Number Management > Number Inventory.

The table describes values in the Status and Usage columns in the Number Inventory:

Number Use Device Status Usage Vendor [1]
Not used by anything - Available blank blank
Phone Line [2] device/cucm/Phone (line instance) Used Device blank
Device Profile Line device/cucm/DeviceProfile (line instance) Used Device blank
Remote Destination Profile Line device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile (line instance) Used Device blank
Hunt Pilot [2] device/cucm/HuntPilot Used-Utility Hunt_Pilot blank
Pickup Group Pilot device/cucm/CallPickupGroup Used-Utility Pickup_Group_Pilot blank
System Call Handler device/cuc/Callhandler (System only) Used-Utility Call_Handler_Pilot blank
Voicemail Pilot device/cucm/VoicemailPilot Used-Utility Voicemail_Pilot blank
Meet Me device/cucm/MeetMe Used-Utility Meet_Me blank
CTI Route Point device/cucm/CtiRoutePoint Used-Utility CTI_RoutePoint blank
Call Park device/cucm/CallPark Used-Utility Call_Park blank
Directed Call Park device/cucm/DirectedCallPark Used-Utility Directed_Call_Park blank
VOSS Phone data/PRS_MultiVendorPhone_DAT Used-Utility VOSS_Phone phoneVendor
MS Teams Line URI device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser (LineURI) Used User Microsoft
Webex User device/spark/Number Used User Webex Calling [3]
AudioCodes devices device/audiocodes Used Device AudioCodes [4]
Not used by anything   Available blank Microsoft [5]
Number in cooling [6]   Cooling - blank
Number reserved [7]_   Reserved - blank


[1]Default vendor value is blank (for Cisco).
[2](1, 2)

If a number is used by both a Phone and Hunt Pilot then the Usage column will display both usage values, i.e. Device,Hunt_Pilot. This could be the case if you change the Partition and enter the DN manually so that they share the same DN.

However, the Status column will display only one status: the status triggered by the most recent transaction. The Status would change from Used to Used-Utility if you added the Hunt Pilot last. If it was already a Hunt Pilot and then you added it to a Phone, then Status would change from Used-Utility to Used.

Numbers can also be shared between Call Handlers and one or more device types. Status depends on whether Call Handler or devices were added first to the number. Usage will typically be Call_Handler_Pilot,Device.

[3]For Webex Calling numbers, the Internal Number Type can be Phone Number or Extension (if only extension, e.g. for workspaces)
[4]For AudioCodes, see the AudioCodes topic in the Core Feature Guide.
[5]For Microsoft, number type: Operator Connect or Calling Plan.
[6]If a number is currently in Cooling, the release date indicates when the number will come out of cooling.
[7]If a number is currently Reserved, you can enter an optional Tag to identify the user for which the number is reserved. An optional Reservation notes field is also available to allow you to enter additional information regarding the reserved number.

Related Topics

For details on call handlers and shared numbers, see Auto-Attendant Call Handler in the Core Feature Guide.

Cisco-Microsoft Hybrid Number Inventory

A Cisco-Microsoft hybrid setup is an integration of Cisco and Microsoft capability where we route Microsoft calls via Cisco Unified CM.

In a hybrid setup, the Internal Number Inventory (INI) can be set up in 2 ways:

The table below sums up the Number Inventory data for these cases.

Note that Extra2 and Extra4 hold the service type and E164 number (includes generated) respectively.

Scenario Status Vendor E164 Number [7]_ Usage Extra2 Extra4
Cisco-MS-Hybrid Used Cisco, Microsoft Exists Device, User Cisco-MS-Hybrid <blank>
Cisco-MS-Hybrid [8] Used Cisco, Microsoft <blank> Device, User Cisco-MS-Hybrid +88800<INI>
Cisco-No-Services Avail <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank>
Cisco-Only Used <blank> Exists Device <blank> <blank>
MS-Only-Entvoice Used Microsoft Exists User MS-Only-Entvoice <blank>
MS-Only-Entvoice Used Microsoft <blank> User MS-Only-Entvoice +88800<INI>
MS-Only-Hybrid Used Microsoft Exists User MS-Only-Hybrid <blank>
MS-Only-Hybrid Used Microsoft <blank> User MS-Only-Hybrid +88800<INI>
MS-Only-No-Entvoice Avail <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank>
No-Hybrid-Service Avail <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank> <blank>

For details on the service type scenarios, see Multi Vendor Service Definitions in the Core Feature Guide.



System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 179); backlink

Duplicate explicit target name: "7".

If assigned (and associated with Extra4 - prefix e.g. +88800)

[8]Generated TelURI will start with prefix e.g. +88800

Details and Usage

Selecting a specific number from the Number Inventory list view, opens the details view for that number.

The Number Details tab shows read only details for the number, for example Internal Number, Status, Usage, as well as editable fields such as Tag, Description, Reservation Notes, etc. In the case of Cisco-Microsoft hybrid entries, the vendor added would be "Cisco, Microsoft".

The Usage tab provides links to all instances where the number is used.


Related Topics

Webex App in the Core Feature Guide.

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 66); backlink

Duplicate target name, cannot be used as a unique reference: "7".

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 158); backlink

Duplicate target name, cannot be used as a unique reference: "7".

Wrapper relation for InternalNumberInventory. Summary attributes is defined in data-model (and in future core-versions, the FDP will define the summary-attrs)

Model Details: relation/NumberInventoryREL

Title Description Details
Number Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Number Details
  • Type: Object
Internal Number *
  • Field Name: Number Details.internal_number
  • Type: String
Status *
  • Field Name: Number Details.status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Available", "Used", "Used-Utility", "Reserved", "Cooling"]
  • Field Name: Number Details.vendor
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.usage
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.e164number
  • Type: String
Release Date A value indicates that the number is in temporary 'cooldown' isolation (and therefore also temporarily unavailable until the cooling duration expires, refer to global settings).
  • Field Name: Number Details.release_date
  • Type: String
Internal Number Type
  • Field Name: Number Details.internal_number_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Routing", "Calling Plan", "Operator Connect"]
  • Field Name: Number Details.tag
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.description
  • Type: String
Reservation notes
  • Field Name: Number Details.reservation_notes
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra1
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra2
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra3
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra4
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra5
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra6
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra7
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra8
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Number Details.extra9
  • Type: String
Usage Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Usage
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: lsview
  • Type: Object
Number Inventory Item Search for a (Used, Used-Utility or Used-Staging) Line
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.search_line
  • Type: String
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Line (Partition)
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.line10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Phone The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.phone10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Extension Mobility The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Device Profile
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.device_profile_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Remote Destination Profile (SNR) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Remote Destination Profile
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.remote_destination_profile_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (Cisco Subscriber) The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.user10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Hunt Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.hunt_group10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group The internal number inventory item is used by this CUCM Call Pickup Group
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.call_pickup_group_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Voicemail User The internal number inventory item is used by this Unity Connection User
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.voicemail_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Directed Call Park
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.callpark_directed10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Hunt Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.huntpilot10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Meet Me
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.meetme10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Voicemail Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.vmpilot_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
System Call Handler
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.systemcallhandler_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
CTI Route Point
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.ctirp_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug1_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug2_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug3_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug4_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug5_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug6_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug7_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug8_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug9_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Call Pickup Group Pilot
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.cpug10_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
VOSS Phone
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.vossphone_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
User (MS Subscriber) Using 'Line URI Tel'
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.msteams_LineUriTell_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
MS AutoAttendant / Call Queue Microsoft AutoAttendant or Call Queue via FirstApplicationInstanceFirstPhoneNumber
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.msteams_AaOrCq_application_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
MS Resource Account for AutoAttendant / Call Queue Microsoft Resource Acccount for MS AutAttendant / CallQueue
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.msteams_AaOrCq_ResourceAccount_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Webex App Calling
  • Field Name: Usage.lsview.webexapp_calling_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link