
Model: relation/HcsDpManageSiteREL

HCS Site Dial Plan

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A Cisco HCS site dial plan is not automatically created for a site when the site is created.

Once the first site for a specified customer is deployed, the customer-level dial plan elements are provisioned on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), followed by the site-specific dial plan elements.

Each subsequent site only has site-specific dial plan elements to provision, so it takes less time to create.

For customers with two or more sites, the site dial plan must be applied to each site.

A site can be associated with only one dial plan.

Add a Cisco HCS Site Dial Plan

This procedure creates a Cisco HCS site dial plan and associates the dial plan with a site.


To add a site dial plan:

  1. Log in to the VOSS Automate Admin portal as a Provider administrator or Customer administrator.


    For details around tasks that can be performed for each admin level, see Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution Roles and Privileges.

  2. Go to (default menus) Cisco Dial Plan Management > Site > Dial Plan, and view existing site dial plans in the list view.

  3. Click the Plus icon (+) to add a new site dial plan; then, select the site.

  4. On the Dial Plan / New Record page, configure the dial plan:


    This field displays only if your customer dial plan does not use ISPs, for example, HCS Type 3 dial plans (SLC, no ISP, DN=SLC+EXT).

    When enabled, this setting is applied only if there is an extension prefix defined in the customer dial plan.


    The read-only Site ID field displays a unique, auto generated number for each customer site, which is prefixed to elements as an identifier (for example, Cu4Si2 indicates Customer 4, Site 2).

  5. Click Save.

    The new site dial plan is added. The system takes a few minutes to provision the site dial plan, especially for the first site.

    The site information is loaded on CUCM, and is identifiable by its Customer ID, Site ID prefix.

Modify a Cisco HCS Site Dial Plan



This procedure modifies a Cisco HCS site dial plan.

  1. Log in as the Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the site where you want to update the dial plan.

  3. Go to (default menus) Cisco Dial Plan Management > Site > Dial Plan.

  4. In the list view, click on the site dial plan where you want to make changes.

  5. On the Dial Plan page, you can update the following:

    Field Description
    Area Code You can modify or delete existing area codes, or add new area codes.
    Local Number Length The length of a locally dialed number for the specified area code.
    Area Code Used for Local Dialing Defines whether the area code is included in locally dialed calls.
    Published Number The site published number is the default E.164 mask when a line is associated to a phone at a particular site.
    Emergency Call Back Number The site emergency call-back number is the calling number when initiating an outgoing emergency call.
  6. Click Save.

Area Code Changes in Cisco HCS Site Dial Plans

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plans, area code changes result in the affected local dialing translation patterns getting reapplied for the site:

When adding new area codes New translation patterns are deployed to the site, based on the country dial plan schema associated with the site.
When deleting area codes Related translation patterns are un-deployed from CUCM, based on the country dial plan schema associated with the site.
When modifying area codes Related translation patterns are un-deployed from CUCM, and new translation patterns are deployed, based on the updated area codes.

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plan schema groups, area code changes generate LBO IOS area code events. If you change the area code for a site associated with one or more Local SIP Gateways, area code IOS commands are generated:

When adding an area code The area code add IOS command is generated.
When deleting an area code The area code delete IOS command is generated if no other sites associated with the same SIP Local Gateway are using the deleted area code. If another site still references the same gateway's area code, the delete area code IOS command is not generated. This prevents invalidating the other site's local dialing behavior.
When updating an area code The area code delete and add IOS commands are generated as necessary, based on the added and deleted logic.

Published Number Changes in Cisco HCS Site Dial Plans

When changing an existing published number in a Cisco HCS site dial plan:

Emergency Call Back Number Changes in Cisco HCS Site Dial Plans

When updating a Cisco HCS site dial plan and you have a Type 1 - 4 dial plan configured, two calling party transformations are created automatically with the Emergency Call Back Number.

Changing the Emergency Call Back Number updates the calling party mask in these calling party transformation patterns if it used the previous Emergency Call Back Number:

If the calling party mask has been manually changed, the fields are untouched.

These calling party transformation patterns insert the Emergency Call Back Number as the caller ID for any emergency calls placed from phones within the site.

Next Steps

Apply any generated or regenerated IOS commands to your IOS gateway.

Create a Site Dial Plan

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com

This procedure creates a site dial plan and associates the dial plan with a site.


Before you start:

To add a site dial plan:

  1. Log in to the VOSS Automate Admin portal as a Provider administrator or Customer administrator.


    For details around tasks that can be performed for each admin level, see Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution Roles and Privileges.

  2. Go to (default menus) Dial Plan Management > Site > Dial Plan. The Dial Plan list view displays existing dial site plans.

  3. Click the Plus icon (+) to add a new site dial plan; then, select the site.

  4. On the Dial Plan / New Record page, configure the dial plan:


    This field displays only if your customer dial plan does not use ISPs, for example, HCS Type 3 dial plans (SLC, no ISP, DN=SLC+EXT).

    When enabled, this setting is applied only if there is an extension prefix defined in the customer dial plan.


    The read-only Site ID field displays a unique, auto generated number for each customer site, which is prefixed to elements as an identifier (for example, Cu4Si2 indicates Customer 4, Site 2).

  5. Click Save.

    The new site dial plan is added. The system takes a few minutes to provision the site dial plan, especially for the first site.

    The site information is loaded on CUCM, and is identifiable by its Customer ID, Site ID prefix.

Updating Site Dial Plans (Provider deployment)

Update a Site Dial Plan

This procedure updates a Cisco HCS dial plan for a site.


Relevant for a Provider deployment only.

  1. Log in as the Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the site where you want to update the dial plan.

  3. Go to (default menus) Dial Plan Management > Site > Dial Plan.

  4. In the list view, click on the site dial plan where you want to make changes.

  5. On the Dial Plan page, you can update the following:

    Field Description
    Area Code You can modify or delete existing area codes, or add new area codes.
    Local Number Length The length of a locally dialed number for the specified area code.
    Area Code Used for Local Dialing Defines whether the area code is included in locally dialed calls.
    Published Number The site published number is the default E.164 mask when a line is associated to a phone at a particular site.
    Emergency Call Back Number The site emergency call-back number is the calling number when initiating an outgoing emergency call.
  6. Click Save.

Making Area Code Changes in Site Dial Plans

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plans, area code changes result in the affected local dialing translation patterns getting reapplied for the site:

When adding new area codes New translation patterns are deployed to the site, based on the country dial plan schema associated with the site.
When deleting area codes Related translation patterns are un-deployed from CUCM, based on the country dial plan schema associated with the site.
When modifying area codes Related translation patterns are un-deployed from CUCM, and new translation patterns are deployed, based on the updated area codes.

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plan schema groups, area code changes generate LBO IOS area code events. If you change the area code for a site associated with one or more Local SIP Gateways, area code IOS commands are generated:

When adding an area code The area code add IOS command is generated.
When deleting an area code The area code delete IOS command is generated if no other sites associated with the same SIP Local Gateway are using the deleted area code. If another site still references the same gateway's area code, the delete area code IOS command is not generated. This prevents invalidating the other site's local dialing behavior.
When updating an area code The area code delete and add IOS commands are generated as necessary, based on the added and deleted logic.

Making Published Number Changes in Site Dial Plans

When changing an existing published number in a site dial plan:

Making Emergency Call Back Number Changes in Site Dial Plans

When updating a site dial plan and you have a Type 1 - 4 dial plan configured, two calling party transformations are created automatically with the Emergency Call Back Number.

Changing the Emergency Call Back Number updates the calling party mask in these calling party transformation patterns if it used the previous Emergency Call Back Number:

If the calling party mask has been manually changed, the fields are untouched.

These calling party transformation patterns insert the Emergency Call Back Number as the caller ID for any emergency calls placed from phones within the site.

Next Steps

Apply any generated or regenerated IOS commands to your IOS gateway.

Model Details: relation/HcsDpManageSiteREL

Title Description Details
Site name * Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • Field Name: siteName
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/BaseSiteDAT/choices/?field=SiteName&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24WasJqo2ILrKPu2eJ%24S%2BnNKxfr6P8gVG3jBhv0RROGJRMDLJruzQq/1IpjXaD1gj9amojDKBvb9yjjyj0Yxi1mUEH09QvE/9DWy/FKQw39IUTiLASjvT4YBtya1IMx%2BkzdFex/Oac3Sz8K3WZKFzPpABzcDgRH0d%2Bj6HGxt1i2V8%2BeSTZWCcfUq/BYWW4iqigtt13/0ik%2BdSJ%2BqvR/poPJ6vWsImjZfFo8ruINT4bBpDtQ0Sqz/VY1CSCTT%2B%2BYkakr23/FwP1rtdvW/oC4QctiBkGpaDioe5Mq9g0%2BISTUnhsxkb50jDyE/PrVnL3mPvjUwPm50J/YovPpkCJkOYwBeJEvJujdkCdgo1Z/btQddCr7Z1ajy/I3lL9Uc0XfkIKhazlLJy8L8HKWzrwBbykvIGc%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: SiteName
  • Target Model Type: data/BaseSiteDAT
  • Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Customer Specify the customer that owns this site Default: {{ macro.HcsDpCustomerName }}
  • Field Name: custName
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/BaseCustomerDAT/choices/?field=CustomerName&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24F1HxxxDDDJbZC6Xu%24roieBoU0ble6fAyKUb%2BzGCMJAnWPXTxkOAPotRWqptClD4cwLO56MSvCdFzC8rB4U9KQZ%2BRTs9dGGdGcNZOda2JWnarutJtzc9rgJXxx8nBf2VQmPlGJAuywkhugkVdRXz2SmnqfTsolMdtulqWgsqzPIzmlxClEA3IdZlk6X7dlQEQbmEvnB2OH5%2ByETvVigcOBM7dedXSJkBiEVL%2BR6ZJ0BBoAd16lYaaVq5vdWY3I/cQ/JuoBCEDTLKfRZJIZdNvLZbgLPaOdMkUXc/R2W60xfRG6XQ3gyr5R2SvifyV/vRvvd1WAiwk8e6bkVbm8vf330VHdzTu3SkhWh6tRyUulfbqDRGk/1VR5IDjjhJXcNA4oceQr08CZ/sooSVOEssxHDVCXnQ0F/Qst8g%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: CustomerName
  • Target Model Type: data/BaseCustomerDAT
  • Default: {{ macro.HcsDpCustomerName }}
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
External breakout number The external breakout number for the country associated with this site.
  • Field Name: ext
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1
  • Pattern: ^$|^[0-9]*$
Site location code Site location code can have a maximum of 8 digits.
  • Field Name: slc
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 8
  • Pattern: ^$|^[0-9]+$
Extension length * Extensions can be from 1 to 30 digits in length. Default: 4
  • Field Name: extLen
  • Type: String
  • Default: 4
  • MaxLength: 2
  • Pattern: ^([1-9]|[12][0-9]|[3][0])$
Extension prefix required? Indicates that this site will use the extension prefix as specified in the customer dial plan. If the extension prefix is not specified in the customer dial plan, this setting has no effect. Default: false
  • Field Name: extPrefixReq
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Area Codes Specify one or more area codes for this site.
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Area Code * An area code associated with this site.
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n].areaCode
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 8
  • Pattern: ^[0-9#*]+$
Local Number Length * Length of the local numbers associated with this area code.
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n].locNumLen
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 2
Area Code Used for Local Dialing Indicates whether area code is needed for local dialing.
  • Field Name: areaCodeInLocalDialing
  • Type: Boolean
Published number The site published number is the default E164 mask when a line is associated to a phone, device profile, or remote destination profile at a particular site. The default CUCM phone line E164 mask, default CUCM device profile line E164 mask, and the default CUCM remote destination profile line E164 mask in the site default doc are updated with this number, unless those default values in the site defaults doc have been manually updated to some other number. Furthermore, if any existing subscribers are using the site published number in their phone line E164 mask, device profile line E164 mask, or remote destination profile line E164 mask, that value is updated as well.
  • Field Name: pubNumber
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Pattern: ^$|^(\\\+)?[0-9]+$|^\+?[0-9]+$
Emergency number The site emergency callback number is the calling number when initiating an outgoing emergency call. If you change the emergency callback number, the following calling party transformation patterns are updated to use the new value: *{{ macro.HcsDpSiteId}}*! and *{{ macro.HcsDpSiteId}}*\+!
  • Field Name: emerNumber
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Pattern: ^$|^(\\\+)?[0-9]+$|^\+?[0-9]+$
Site ID * Unique ID for this site Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteId }}
  • Field Name: siteId
  • Type: String
  • Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteId }}
  • MaxLength: 1024
Site Active Enable to activate the site. Default: false
  • Field Name: active
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Site-Location Code (SLC) Based Dial Plan * Indicates whether or not Site Location Code is required for this customer. This value for this field taken from Customer Dial Plan model. Default: {{ data.DpCustomer.slcBased }}
  • Field Name: slcBased
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: {{ data.DpCustomer.slcBased }}
Debug Info Used to store store debug info and on-screen help information. Default: Default debug info
  • Field Name: debug
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default debug info
  • MaxLength: 1024
Use DDI for emergency calls Use DDI for emergency calls when user is at home location
  • Field Name: createEmerPattern
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: shadow.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: shadow.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024