
Model: device/exchangehybrid/PowerShellVirtualDirectory

Model Details: device/exchangehybrid/PowerShellVirtualDirectory

Title Description Details
CertificateAuthentication The CertificateAuthentication parameter specifies whether certificate authentication is enabled on the Windows PowerShell virtual directory. The valid values are $true and $false. The default value is $false.
  • Field Name: CertificateAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: PSComputerName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: WhenCreatedUTC
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: OrganizationId
  • Type: String
LiveIdBasicAuthentication This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: LiveIdBasicAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
Role The Role parameter species the configuration that should be used when the virtual directory is created. The following are the values that can be used with this parameter: FrontEnd Configure the virtual directory for use on a Client Access server. BackEnd Configure the virtual directory for use on a Mailbox server.
  • Field Name: Role
  • Type: String
LimitMaximumMemory The LimitMaximumMemory parameter specifies whether to limit the amount of memory used by the application pool in the Windows PowerShell virtual directory. If this parameter is set to $true, the amount of memory made available to the application pool is limited to 70 percent of the total physical memory in the server. If this parameter is set to $false, the amount of memory isn't limited. The default value is $false.
  • Field Name: LimitMaximumMemory
  • Type: Boolean
WebSiteName The WebSiteName parameter specifies the name of the IIS website under which the Windows PowerShell virtual directory is created.
  • Field Name: WebSiteName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: PSShowComputerName
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: DigestAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: ExternalAuthenticationMethods
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ObjectClass.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: VirtualDirectoryType
  • Type: String
RequireSSL The RequireSSL parameter specifies whether the Windows PowerShell virtual directory should require that the client connection be made using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The valid values are $true and $false. The default value is $true.
  • Field Name: RequireSSL
  • Type: Boolean
BasicAuthentication The BasicAuthentication parameter specifies whether Basic authentication is enabled on the Windows PowerShell virtual directory. The valid values are $true and $false. The default value is $true.
  • Field Name: BasicAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: AdfsAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: ExtendedProtectionTokenChecking
  • Type: String
WindowsAuthentication The WindowsAuthentication parameter specifies whether Integrated Windows authentication is enabled on the Windows PowerShell virtual directory. The valid values are $true and $false. The default value is $true.
  • Field Name: WindowsAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
Path The Path parameter specifies the directory that contains the system files for the Windows PowerShell virtual directory.
  • Field Name: Path
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OAuthAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the Windows PowerShell virtual directory to retrieve. If the virtual directory contains spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks ("). You can't use the Identity parameter with the Server parameter.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: DistinguishedName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OriginatingServer
  • Type: String
Name * The Name parameter specifies the name of the new Windows PowerShell virtual directory. The name you provide will have the name of the website it's created under appended to it. If the name you provide contains spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks (").
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: WSSecurityAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
LiveIdNegotiateAuthentication This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
  • Field Name: LiveIdNegotiateAuthentication
  • Type: Boolean
Server The Server parameter specifies the Exchange server name on which the new Windows PowerShell virtual directory should be created.
  • Field Name: Server
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: WhenCreated
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: InternalAuthenticationMethods
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: AdminDisplayVersion
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: MetabasePath
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ExchangeVersion
  • Type: String
ExternalUrl The ExternalUrl parameter specifies the external URL that the Windows PowerShell virtual directory points to.
  • Field Name: ExternalUrl
  • Type: String
InternalUrl The InternalUrl parameter specifies the internal URL that the Windows PowerShell virtual directory points to.
  • Field Name: InternalUrl
  • Type: String
DomainController The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory.
  • Field Name: DomainController
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ObjectCategory
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: IsValid
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: ExtendedProtectionFlags
  • Type: String
AppPoolId The AppPoolId parameter specifies the pool of programs that can be used with the Windows PowerShell virtual directory.
  • Field Name: AppPoolId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: WhenChanged
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: WhenChangedUTC
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: ObjectState
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ExtendedProtectionSPNList.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: AdminDisplayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: RunspaceId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Guid
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Id
  • Type: String