
Model: device/cuc/ScheduleDetail

Model Details: device/cuc/ScheduleDetail

Title Description Details
Start Date The date when this schedule detail becomes active. A value of NULL means the schedule is active immediately.
  • Field Name: StartDate
  • Type: String
Is Active Saturday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Saturday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveSaturday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Sunday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Sunday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveSunday
  • Type: Boolean
Schedule * The unique identifier of the parent Schedule object to which this schedule detail row belongs. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ScheduleObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/cuc/Schedule/choices/?choice_title=DisplayName&field=ObjectId&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24W0DAiXjephUCYw4j%24Nu91r8ClH7RGvJbl%2BRFst16BJBpNxwRhPoOj/2H6oGVuu63VD5/P7EsevqQgRbqrYoSva3V97P4VXLz9QR9oZhjnRiOLiDlatI9s%2B14wXotztDEgyKvCeYW/w4sw5LpVNolIhFStidC64hp6oma/Ce56cz3jVdHdWgjoUkYqcFQczeGGWUr7tDlFk9obMwrqGCR%2BT0dZjUo2NO2fi4YoQz6xZTmE09QN0sBetZso%2BlwHmxno0FLfqd6905KvpLNPg%2BCEFdywSs8nj93DcFN8M8FolbHRIMb6G%2BUknQ90cC7v9%2BuLXADLpfl%2BfXsi3mdFOnZ3P%2BVa2t4Tkt9xPAV5eXS/d%2B2NpnDVO/bjfdM8zKRuZc%2BZ0qHE3sSYQrePT9DcIJOts/2EVTlfZdsVTP/t%2B6M96yKLULagAocLYYiONg%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Target Model Type: device/cuc/Schedule
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a ScehduelDetail object. - template parameter [2]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Is Active Monday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Monday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveMonday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Wednesday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Wednesday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveWednesday
  • Type: Boolean
Schedule URI
  • Field Name: ScheduleURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24djKHfGhkQEpSRNn5%24%2Bdi%2Bmat84iaNjVKO9JRT31VLYE1PqttT3m38EPOSgGcGNoCI5afvuHFj/dZA0tZoW8zxSgYPQps9kqmceOM7h7tXvS3cnjSp4nI/icRgpy0WuovFYrti3bjPndlUArD8Awj8CJScoluWECLWAeUx8lGrxp9SfmR1TyHTGotMg9uCzfrqCOqwlEfGw5D0WW2iOTUaAzgihuAmYHvRMcVoBe68htH9xBrMJfwoUqkH5qQIEvja%2BHbUy/2xLo11WbCsUagqto3ulmo%2BueYwMV0ykb5FpKubaM76bBDYm0CVkq2GNJrkSb9gDtnn%2BYolnEQo/Ax/o3KoaShaujkIimeonqNX6w%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24djKHfGhkQEpSRNn5%24%2Bdi%2Bmat84iaNjVKO9JRT31VLYE1PqttT3m38EPOSgGcGNoCI5afvuHFj/dZA0tZoW8zxSgYPQps9kqmceOM7h7tXvS3cnjSp4nI/icRgpy0WuovFYrti3bjPndlUArD8Awj8CJScoluWECLWAeUx8lGrxp9SfmR1TyHTGotMg9uCzfrqCOqwlEfGw5D0WW2iOTUaAzgihuAmYHvRMcVoBe68htH9xBrMJfwoUqkH5qQIEvja%2BHbUy/2xLo11WbCsUagqto3ulmo%2BueYwMV0ykb5FpKubaM76bBDYm0CVkq2GNJrkSb9gDtnn%2BYolnEQo/Ax/o3KoaShaujkIimeonqNX6w%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
End Of Day Check this check box to specify that the schedule becomes inactive at midnight (the end of the day).
  • Field Name: EndOfDay
  • Type: Boolean
End Date The date when this schedule detail ends. A value of NULL indicates the scheule is active indefinitely.
  • Field Name: EndDate
  • Type: String
Is Active Tuesday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Tuesday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveTuesday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Friday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Friday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveFriday
  • Type: Boolean
Start Time The start time (in minutes) for the active day or days. The start time is stored as the number of minutes from midnight. So a value of 480 would mean 8:00 AM and 1020 would mean 5:00 PM. In addition, a value of NULL for the start time indicates 12:00 AM.
  • Field Name: StartTime
  • Type: Integer
Is Active Thursday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on this Thursday.
  • Field Name: IsActiveThursday
  • Type: Boolean
End Time The end time (in minutes) for the active day or days. The end time is stored as the number of minutes from midnight. So a value of 480 would mean 8:00 AM and 1020 would mean 5:00 PM. In addition, a value of NULL means "till the end of the day" (e.g. 11:59:59 PM in Linux land).
  • Field Name: EndTime
  • Type: Integer
Subject The subject matter or description for this schedule detail row.
  • Field Name: Subject
  • Type: String