
Model: data/SiteBuild_SiteData_DAT

Data for site build automation

Model Details: data/SiteBuild_SiteData_DAT

Title Description Details
SiteBuild Name * Structured name of site (using naming convention)
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Name
  • Type: String
SiteBuild Action * AddDataOnly, Validate, Add, Modify, Delete
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["AddDataOnly", "Validate", "Add", "Modify", "DeleteSite", "DeleteSiteData", "DeleteSiteAndSiteData", "ReprovisionSite"]
SiteBuild Type * Select: StandardSite, LinkedSite-Parent, LinkedSite-Child
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["StandardSite", "LinkedSite-Parent", "LinkedSite-Child"]
Linked Site Parent (Required for Child Sites) Linked Site Parent. Only required for child sites
  • Field Name: linkedSiteParent
  • Type: String
Site Activation Status Select: Pending, Partially Loaded, Loaded, Operational
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Pending", "Partially Loaded", "Loaded", "Build Started", "Build Completed", "Operational"]
Activate Site Dialplan Activate Dialplan
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_DialplanActive
  • Type: Boolean
Site Build Configuration Template * Select: From available CFTs starting with SiteBuild_CFT
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_CFT
  • Type: String
Site Build Notes (Text Box) Text field for general notes
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Notes
  • Type: String
Other Site Build Settings 1 Optional data field for use by SiteBuild CFTs
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Custom1
  • Type: String
Other Site Build Settings 2 Optional data field for use by SiteBuild CFTs
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_Custom2
  • Type: String
Site Build Valid? Result of SiteBuild Validation Check
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_ValidData
  • Type: Boolean
Site Build Validation Messages Result of SiteBuild Validation Check
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_ValidationMessages
  • Type: String
Site Build Steps Template Steps to execute
  • Field Name: SiteBuildSteps.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Site Build Step Name * Name of Site Build Step Template
  • Field Name: SiteBuildSteps.[n].StepName
  • Type: String
Description Function of this step
  • Field Name: SiteBuildSteps.[n].StepDescription
  • Type: String
Loop Through Loop through input data
  • Field Name: SiteBuildSteps.[n].loopThrough
  • Type: String
Site Build Step Status Result of Site Build Step Execution
  • Field Name: SiteBuildSteps.[n].StepStatus
  • Type: String
Update Steps Update Mappings
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n]
  • Type: Array
Step Name * Name of Site Build Step Template
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].StepName
  • Type: String
Description Function of this step
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].StepDescription
  • Type: String
Changed Attribute * Changed Attribute
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].attribute
  • Type: String
Action Action
  • Field Name: updateSteps.[n].action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Add", "Update", "Delete"]
Country * Select: From data/countries
  • Field Name: Country
  • Type: String
Description Site Description
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Extended Name Site Long Name
  • Field Name: extendedName
  • Type: String
External ID Site Billing ID
  • Field Name: externalID
  • Type: String
Address 1 * Site Address Line 1
  • Field Name: streetAddress1
  • Type: String
Address 2 Site Address Line 2
  • Field Name: streetAddress2
  • Type: String
Address 3 Site Address Line 3
  • Field Name: streetAddress3
  • Type: String
City * Site City
  • Field Name: city
  • Type: String
State Site State or County
  • Field Name: state
  • Type: String
Postal Code * Site ZIP Code or Postal Code
  • Field Name: postalCode
  • Type: String
Network Device List * Select: Choice of Customer Network Device List
  • Field Name: siteNdlrReference
  • Type: String
External Breakout Number * Select: 0, 9 (or possible blank or other options)
  • Field Name: ext
  • Type: String
Site Location Code Select unique X-digit SiteLocation for site
  • Field Name: slc
  • Type: String
Extension Length * Select Extension number length (excluding SLC) e.g.6
  • Field Name: extLen
  • Type: String
Area Codes Area Codes
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Area Code Select Local Area Code for site e.g. 858
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n].areaCode
  • Type: String
Local Number Length Select Local Area Code length e.g. 7
  • Field Name: areaCodeArray.[n].locNumLen
  • Type: String
Area Code Used for Local Dialing Select True if Area Code is required for Local Number Dialling
  • Field Name: areaCodeInLocalDialing
  • Type: Boolean
E164 Published number Site E164 Published Number e.g. +18585558230
  • Field Name: pubNumber
  • Type: String
E164 Emergency number Site E164 Emergenct Number e.g. +18585558239 (Must be unique to the site)
  • Field Name: emerNumber
  • Type: String
Use DDI for Emergency Use DDI for emergency calls
  • Field Name: useDdiForEmer
  • Type: Boolean
IOS Device Name (Max 11 Characters) IOS Device Name (Max 11 Characters)
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_IosDeviceName
  • Type: String
IOS Device Description IOS Gateway Description
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_IosDeviceDescription
  • Type: String
SIP Gateway Name SIP Gateway Name
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_SipGatewayName
  • Type: String
SIP Gateway Description IOS Gateway Description
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_SipGatewayDescription
  • Type: String
IOS Gateway Local IP Address Real IP Address of Gateway
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_Local_GatewayIPAddress
  • Type: String
IOS Gateway NAT IP Address IP Address of Gateway in service provider space
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_SP_GatewayIPAddress
  • Type: String
LBO Trunk CFT Select From available CFTs for Trunk Configuration
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_Trunk_CFT
  • Type: String
SRST Reference Name Gateway SRST Reference Name (if required)
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_SRST_Reference
  • Type: String
LBO Build Notes Text field for general notes
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_Notes
  • Type: String
LBO Local Media Services Enable local media services
  • Field Name: SiteBuild_LBO_LocalMedia
  • Type: Boolean
DevicePool MRGL Select from list of CUCM MRGLs
  • Field Name: devicepool_MRGL
  • Type: String
DevicePool CUCM Group * Select from list of CUCM Groups
  • Field Name: devicepool_cucmgroup
  • Type: String
Default Calling Search Space Select from list of CUCM CSSs
  • Field Name: default_line_css
  • Type: String
Default Call Forward Calling Search Space Select from list of CUCM CSSs
  • Field Name: default_callforward_css
  • Type: String
Default Subscribe CSS Select from list of CUCM CSSs
  • Field Name: default_subscribe_css
  • Type: String
SLRG-Emer Local Route Group Select from list of Route Groups
  • Field Name: devicepool_SLRG_Emer_LRG
  • Type: String
Location Voice Bandwidth (kbs) Set voice bandwidth for Call Access Control
  • Field Name: location_voice_bandwidth
  • Type: String
Location Video Bandwidth (kbs) Set video bandwidth for Call Access Control
  • Field Name: location_video_bandwidth
  • Type: String
Intra Site Codec Select from list of CUCM codec options
  • Field Name: region_intrasite_codec
  • Type: String
Inter Site Codec Select from list of CUCM codec options
  • Field Name: region_intersite_codec
  • Type: String
MOH Source ID Select from list of CUCM MOH Sources
  • Field Name: site_MOH_SourceID
  • Type: String
MOH Source Name Select from list of CUCM MOH Sources
  • Field Name: site_MOH_SourceName
  • Type: String
Default Phone Type Select from list of CUCM phone types
  • Field Name: defaultPhoneType
  • Type: String
Default Phone Protocol Select phone protocol
  • Field Name: defaultPhoneProtocol
  • Type: String
Default Phone Button Template Select from list of CUCM phone button templates
  • Field Name: defaultPbt
  • Type: String
Default Softkey Template Select from list of CUCM softkey templates
  • Field Name: defaultSkt
  • Type: String
CUCM Network Locale Select from list of CUCM Network Locales
  • Field Name: defaultNL
  • Type: String
CUCM User Locale Select from list of CUCM Network Locales
  • Field Name: defaultUL
  • Type: String
CUCM TimeZone Select from list of CUCM DTGs
  • Field Name: defaultDTG
  • Type: String
CUCM Service Profile Select from list of CUCM Service Profiles (if configured)
  • Field Name: default_cucm_user_serviceprofile
  • Type: String
CUC Timezone Select from list of CUC Timezones
  • Field Name: defaultcuctimezone
  • Type: String
CUC Language Select from list of installed CUC Languages
  • Field Name: defaultcuclanguage
  • Type: String
Default Language That Callers Hear Select from list of options
  • Field Name: defaultcuclanguagecallerhears
  • Type: String
CUC Subscriber Template Select using Macro-Evaluate command
  • Field Name: defaultcucsubscribertemplate
  • Type: String
CUC Phone System Select using Macro-Evaluate command
  • Field Name: defaultcucphonesystem
  • Type: String
VOSS Automate Self-Service Language Select from list of VOSS Automate Self-Service Languages
  • Field Name: default_self_service_language
  • Type: String
Site VM Service Select from list of Customer VM Services
  • Field Name: voiceMailService
  • Type: String
Site Pilot Number Select from list of available pilot numbers
  • Field Name: pilotNumber
  • Type: String
E164 Pilot Number (if required) Site-level E164 Pilot number (if required) Must be unique
  • Field Name: VM_E164_startNum
  • Type: String
Site Number Ranges Site Number Ranges
  • Field Name: Site.[n]
  • Type: Array
Starting Extension Start of internal number range (must be unique range)
  • Field Name: Site.[n].startNum
  • Type: String
Starting E164 Num Start of E164 number range (must be unique range)
  • Field Name: Site.[n].E164Num
  • Type: String
Range Size Range block size e.g. 1, 10, 100, 1000
  • Field Name: Site.[n].RangeSize
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["1", "10", "100", "1000"]
Number Range Description Number range description field (added toINI Extra1 field)
  • Field Name: Site.[n].NumRangeDescription
  • Type: String
Site Pickup Group Numbers Site Pickup Group Numbers
  • Field Name: SitePUG.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Pickup Group Name Site Call Pickup Group Name
  • Field Name: SitePUG.[n].name
  • Type: String
Description Site Call Pickup Group Name Description
  • Field Name: SitePUG.[n].description
  • Type: String
Call Pickup Group Number Site Call Pickup Group Pilot Number
  • Field Name: SitePUG.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Site Call Park Ranges Site Call Park Ranges
  • Field Name: SiteCallPark.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Park Range Size Site Call Park Range Size
  • Field Name: SiteCallPark.[n].rangeSize
  • Type: String
Call Park Number Site Call Park Number
  • Field Name: SiteCallPark.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Description Site Call Park Description
  • Field Name: SiteCallPark.[n].description
  • Type: String
Call Park Server Site Call Park CUCM Server
  • Field Name: SiteCallPark.[n].server
  • Type: String
Site Directed Call Park Ranges Site Directed Call Park Ranges
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Park Range Size Site Call Park Range Size
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].rangeSize
  • Type: String
Call Park Number Site Call Park Number
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].pattern
  • Type: String
Description Site Call Park Description
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].description
  • Type: String
Reversion Pattern Site Directed Call Park Reversion Pattern
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].reversionPattern
  • Type: String
Reversion CSS Site Directed Call Park Reversion CSS
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].reversionCss
  • Type: String
Retrieval Prefix Site Directed Call Park Retrieval Prefix
  • Field Name: SiteDirectedCallPark.[n].retrievalPrefix
  • Type: String