
Model: view/ucprep_profile_view

UCPrep Profile Push

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UCPrep Profile Push Reference

Name Field Description
UCPrep Profile Drop-down providing the available UCPrep Profiles configured on the system.
Profile Description Description populated automatically when a UCPrep Profile is chosen from the UC Prep Profile drop-down.
Target Call Manager Cisco Call Manager to which the UCPrep Profile Data will be pushed.
Target Unity Cisco Unity server to which the UCPrep Profile Data will be pushed.

View to push CUCM/CUC element at granular level.

Model Details: view/ucprep_profile_view

Title Description Details
Profile Managment Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Profile Managment
  • Type: Object
UC Prep Profile: UC Prep Profile to push at CUCM/CUC
  • Field Name: Profile Managment.ucprep_profselect
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ucprep_UC_Profiles
  • Target attr: ucprep_profilename
  • Format: uri
Profile Description
  • Field Name: Profile Managment.description
  • Type: String
Target Call Manager Target Call Manager
  • Field Name: Profile Managment.target_cucm_friendly
  • Type: String
Target Unity Connection Target Unity Connection
  • Field Name: Profile Managment.target_cuc_friendly
  • Type: String