
Model: relation/SparkCustomer

Customer Access

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This procedure adds a Webex Teams service.

Webex Teams Feature Reference


To allow VOSS-4-UC to connect to the Webex Teams Cloud API, obtain the following from the Cisco Webex page:

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin GUI as a provider or reseller administrator.

  2. Select the hierarchy path to the correct customer node.

  3. Select Services > Webex Teams > Access Token to display Webex Teams Account.

    The form opens on a separate tab, at the following URL: https://us-central1-webex-teams-auth-token.cloudfunctions.net/webex_teams_oauth

  4. Click the GET TOKENS link.

  5. In the Email address field on the Cisco Webex page, enter a valid email address; then, click Next.

    An email address and password are only required the first time you log in to the Cisco Webex site.

  6. In the Password field on the Cisco Webex page, enter a valid password; then, click Sign In.

  7. View the codes/tokens generated and displayed on the form:

  8. Click on each Copy button in turn to copy the item, return to the VOSS-4-UC tab, and paste in the appropriate field on the Customer Access form. Note that the access tokens must also be pasted into the 'Repeat' fields.

  9. Fill out, at minimum, the other mandatory fields on the Customer Access form under Account Details:

    Field Description
    Webex Teams Customer Name Populated automatically, using the customer name.
    Default Calling Behaviour Can be applied to synced in users, if also set in Global Settings (Automatically apply default calling behaviour on Webex Teams user data sync)
    Use Organization's Domain

    Can be enabled if you select option Calling in Webex Teams (Unified CM)

    (same as Webex Teams Control Hub behavior)

    When selected, you may also enable Default UC Manager Profile

    Email Domain for Hybrid Calling in Workspaces When hybrid calling is enabled for a workspace, a dummy subscriber email domain can be added.
    Subscription ID Fill out the subscription ID (as seen on the Control Hub portal) to selectively manage multiple subscriptions in multiple sites. If required, fill out the newly managed subscription ID here.
    Site URL

    The site URL for Webex Enterprise Edition meeting services.

    When syncing licenses and subscriptions, VOSS-4-UC only syncs in subscriptions matching the ID and services from the site. See also Webex Teams Licenses

    Enterprise Content Management Enabled and These settings match the configuration setting on the
    Jabber Team Messaging Mode Enabled

    user feature of the Webex Teams Control Hub, and apply to the corresponding Default Calling Behaviour selection: Calling in Webex Teams (Unified CM) and Cisco Jabber app.

    Note that with these calling behaviour options, Quick Add Group Templates for Jabber devices under the Webex Teams group are applied.

    See Quick Add Subscriber Group Default Model

    UC Manager Profiles Added for use when managing users.
    HTTP Proxy String Required only if a proxy server is required to connect to the Webex Teams cloud, for example: http://[ip address]:port
    HTTPS Proxy String Required only if a proxy server is required to connect to the Webex Teams cloud, for example: https://[ip address]:port
  10. Click Save. The Webex Teams Service is added.

  11. Sync the Webex Teams Users for the customer. To do this, click Action > Sync Webex Teams Users on the Customer Access form.


    Webex Teams Users can also be synced from Administration Tools > Data Sync, and then running the SyncSpark[Customer] data.

Workflow Animation

The animation demonstrates how to create a Webex Teams service.

Customer Access

Webex Teams Feature Reference

Before You Begin

For VOSS-4-UC to connect to the Webex Teams Cloud API you need:

Both are obtained from the Cisco Webex page.


See procedure below for clarity if required:

  1. Log in as provider or reseller administrator.

  2. Make sure that the hierarchy path is set to the correct customer node.

  3. Choose Services > Webex Teams > Access Token to open the Webex Teams Account form on a separate tab, i.e it opens the following URL:


  4. Click the GET TOKENS link.

  5. Enter a valid Email address in the Email address field on the Cisco Webex page and click Next. An Email address and password are only required the first time you login to the Cisco Webex site.

  6. Enter a valid password in the Password field on the Cisco Webex page, and click Sign In. The following codes/tokens are generated and displayed on the form:


    • VOSS-4-UC automatically refreshes the access tokens every 7 days. To manually refresh the access tokens, click GET TOKENS on the Webex Teams Account form or Action > Refresh Access Token on the Customer Access form.
    • The Refresh Token is valid for 90 days. The number of valid days remaining for the access token is displayed in the Refresh Token Expires in counter on the Webex Teams Access Token Management for VOSS4UC page.
    • Refer to https://developer.webex.com/docs/integrations for more details on access token management.
  7. Click on each Copy button in turn to copy the item, return to the VOSS-4-UC tab, and paste in the appropriate field on the Customer Access form. Note that the access tokens must also be pasted into the 'Repeat' fields.

  8. Complete at minimum the other mandatory fields on the Customer Access form:

  9. Click Save to add the Webex Teams Service.

What to Do Next

Sync the Webex Teams Users for the customer by clicking Action > Sync Webex Teams Users on the Customer Access form.

Webex Teams Users can also be synced from Administration Tools > Data Sync, and then running the SyncSpark[Customer] data.

Customer Access

Full HTML Help

This procedure adds the Cisco Webex service (Webex Control Hub instance).


See the Network Device Lists (NDLs) topic in the Core Feature Guide.


For users upgrading to release 21.4-PB2, existing access tokens need to be refreshed in order to update permissions for newly added workspace_locations.

To create the Cisco Webex service:

  1. Log in to the Admin GUI as a provider or reseller administrator.

  2. Select the hierarchy path to the correct customer node.

  3. Select Apps Management > Webex Control Hub Access to display the list view of all the configured Webex Organizations.


    Existing accounts added before Automate 21.4-PB3 will show the internal account ID as the Organization Account Number, while accounts added from Automate 21.4-PB3 onwards, show the external account ID.

    Click Add (+).

  4. Enter the Webex App Customer Name. The default is the Automate Customer name.

  5. Enter your Webex Control Hub Account Organization ID (external account ID) in the Organization Account Number field. This can be obtained from the Webex Control Hub admin portal under the Account menu.

  6. Enter the Admin Account Email to specify the administrator managing the account. This is an informational field only.

  7. The HTTP Proxy String and HTTPS Proxy String fields are required only if a proxy server is required to connect to the Cisco Webex Control Hub API, for example: http://[ip address]:port or https://[ip address]:port.

  8. Note: The Webex organization account details need to be added to Automate first, before Access Tokens can be obtained.

  9. Click Save.


    When adding a new Webex Control Hub Access entry for a customer, data syncs and schedules are automatically created. Deleting a customer's Webex Control Hub Access automatically deletes these data syncs and schedules.

  10. After saving the new Webex organization and returning to the created account, the Access Tokens section contains a Connect to Webex Control Hub link that is used to request the tokens.

    Click the Connect to Webex Control Hub link to obtain the access tokens for the Webex Control Hub account. When the link is first used, a Webex admin user, with sufficient privileges, is required to login and accept the API authorization scope needed by Automate for integration.

    This action then redirects you to the Transactions page in VOSS Automate, where the progress for the retrieval of the access tokens can be monitored.


    The sync of roles and licenses into VOSS Automate are also part of this transaction.

  11. After the transaction completes successfully, the Access Tokens section shows Access Token Expires At and Refresh Token Expires At expiry times.


    • VOSS Automate automatically refreshes the access tokens every 7 days for 90 days, in other words, until the expiry of the Refresh Token.
    • The Refresh Token is valid for 90 days. The Connect to Webex Control Hub link can be used to refresh it. VOSS Automate General Settings contain options for the Webex App Tab to send impending expiry notifications and messages. See: Global Settings.
    • See https://developer.webex.com/docs/integrations for more details on access token management.

Related Topics

This relation implements the workflows to manage Spark Customer connection parameters and enabled services.

Model Details: relation/SparkCustomer

Title Description Details
Customer Name * Name of this customer
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Organization Account Number This can be found when logging into the Webex Control Hub portal under the Account menu. E.g. 000fd0e4-83ef-d398-be23-d06998580fed
  • Field Name: account_number_external
  • Type: String
Admin Account Email This is the email address of the account used to generate the access token.
  • Field Name: account_email
  • Type: String
Organization Account Number (Internal) This is the internal API id for the organization. This is automatically resolved from the external account number.
  • Field Name: account_number
  • Type: String
Default Calling Behaviour This is the default calling behaviour for the organization.
  • Field Name: default_calling_behaviour
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Calling in Webex App", "Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)", "Cisco Jabber app", "Third-Party app"]
Email Domain for Hybrid Calling in Workspaces This is the email domain that will be used when creating a Unified CM user associated with a Workspace in Webex App Control Hub for hybrid calling.
  • Field Name: email_domain
  • Type: String
Directory Synchronization Enabled This setting must be enabled if the Organization has been enabled for Directory Synchronization on the Webex Control Hub side.
  • Field Name: dirsync_enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Please Note Field to display notes to the user.
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String
Authorize Webex This is the link to initiate the Webex OAuth flow to obtain tokens.
  • Field Name: token_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Admin Access Token This is the Access Token provided when logging into Webex App Developer portal. This token is valid for 14 days. The Refresh token can be used to generate a new Access Token.
  • Field Name: token
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Refresh Token This is the Refresh Token provided when logging into Webex App Developer portal. This token will be used to create a new access token. The refresh token is valid for 90 dyas.
  • Field Name: refresh_token
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Access Token Expires At Time when the Access Token will expire.
  • Field Name: access_token_expires
  • Type: String
Refresh Token Expires At Time when the Refresh Token will expire.
  • Field Name: refresh_token_expires
  • Type: String
HTTP Proxy String HTTP Proxy string e.g.
  • Field Name: http_proxy
  • Type: String
HTTPS Proxy String HTTPS Proxy string e.g.
  • Field Name: https_proxy
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
  • Store Encrypted: True
Sync on Create Sync this organization's roles and licenses from Control Hub on creation.
  • Field Name: sync
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: shadow.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: shadow.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024