
Model: device/msgraph/MsolAccountSku


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VOSS Automate can be used to assign, modify, and remove Microsoft user licenses.

To allow VOSS Automate to manage Microsoft user licenses, you will need to enable the following setting in the site's defaults (Site Management > Defaults, MS Teams tab): Manage Licenses and Allow User Staging

When VOSS Automate is enabled for license management:

Users are placed in staging (an unsaved state) while license data is synced in to VOSS Automate. A licensed user may be assigned with a line and available number in VOSS Automate.

Targeted syncs may be scheduled from VOSS Automate to poll the Microsoft cloud for changes at regular intervals. Users are automatically provisioned in VOSS Automate, based on their service profiles and assigned licenses. The sync process moves Microsoft users to appropriate sites with the correct configuration, based on the site defaults, filter criteria, and user service profiles. The number assigned to the user is added to a number inventory in VOSS Automate, and is flagged with the user's name.


View Microsoft Licenses by Customer

To view all Microsoft licenses synced currently synced in to VOSS Automate, go to (default menu) Subscriber Management > Licenses. The Licenses summary list view provides the following license details per customer:

Licensing Users for MS Teams and Teams Phone by Group Membership

VOSS Automate provides options to manage licensing by group membership. Licenses associated with the group apply to members of the group.

Such licensing can be configured:

Configuration Templates for MS Groups

VOSS provides reference configuration templates that can be cloned to a hierarchy, renamed and modified in order to customize the group membership that will be affected by the operation associated with the configuration template.

The templates are shown on the Customizations > Configuration Templates menu and the model associated with the configuration templates is view/MsGraphManageGroup.

The Group names need to be typed in, and the list can be inspected from the MS Subscriber Management > Groups menu. If MS licenses are associated with the groups, these will be applied or removed according to the configuration template Operation function. (For cloned templates, the User and Operation values do not have to be modified if the operation of the original template is to remain the same.)


If the Add and Remove configuration templates contain the same list of groups, these should not both be selected when creating a Quick Add Group, since the result of applying the Quick Add Group will then be to both add and remove the overlapping group.

The best practice is to create separate Quick Add groups to apply for on-boarding and off-boarding a user, each containing only the required configuration template.

However, in cases where administrators wish to ensure only a standard set of groups apply during on-boarding or off-boarding, the configuration templates can be combined to achieve the desired set.

These created configuration templates can now be applied to the relevant created Quick Add Groups for use in on-boarding, off-boarding and flow-through provisioning.

Related Topics

View a Subscriber's Microsoft Licenses

To view the license details of individual subscribers via the Subscriber management functionality:

  1. Go to (default menu) Subscriber Management > Subscribers.
  2. Click on a subscriber to open the Subscribers [subscriber name] page.
  3. Select the MS Licenses tab.
  4. View currently enabled licenses for the subscriber.

Off-boarding Users and Licensing

Off-boarding a user in VOSS Automate simply involves removing the user's licenses. See Onboard Microsoft Users

Related Topics

Microsoft Subscribers in the Core Feature Guide

Model Details: device/msgraph/MsolAccountSku

Title Description Details
Service Plans
  • Field Name: ServicePlans.[n]
  • Type: Array
Service Plan ID
  • Field Name: ServicePlans.[n].ServicePlanId
  • Type: String
Service Name
  • Field Name: ServicePlans.[n].ServiceName
  • Type: String
ID *
  • Field Name: Id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: SkuId
  • Type: String
Active Units
  • Field Name: ActiveUnits
  • Type: String
Consumed Units
  • Field Name: ConsumedUnits
  • Type: String
SKU Part Number
  • Field Name: SkuPartNumber
  • Type: String
Warning Units
  • Field Name: WarningUnits
  • Type: String