
Model: device/msgraph/Groups


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VOSS Automate allows you to view the details of Microsoft Teams Active Directory (AD) groups synced in from the Microsoft Teams cloud portal, so that you can choose these groups for use with Microsoft auto attendants and call queues.

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View Microsoft Teams Groups

This procedure displays groups synced in from the Microsoft Teams cloud portal, and allows you to view a group's details.

  1. In the VOSS Automate Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Groups to open the Groups list view.

  2. View existing groups in the list.

  3. Click on a group in the list to view its details.


    Any updates required will need to be made in the Microsoft Teams cloud portal, and changes are automatically synced in to VOSS Automate.

Model Details: device/msgraph/Groups

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
Display Name *
  • Field Name: displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Group Types
  • Field Name: groupTypes.[n]
  • Type: Array
Mail *
  • Field Name: mail
  • Type: String
Is Mail Enabled
  • Field Name: mailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Mail Nickname *
  • Field Name: mailNickname
  • Type: String
Is Security Enabled
  • Field Name: securityEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Assigned Licenses
  • Field Name: assignedLicenses.[n]
  • Type: Array
Disabled Plans
  • Field Name: disabledPlans.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: assignedLicenses.[n].skuId
  • Type: String