
Model: device/cuc/RoutingRule

Model Details: device/cuc/RoutingRule

Title Description Details
Display Name * The unique text name of the routing rule to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console. For example, the display name for the default routing rule for attempting subscriber sign-in is "Attempt Sign-In."
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Directory Handler URI The URI to fetch the directory handlers.
  • Field Name: DirectoryHandlerURI
  • Type: String
State The state of the rule (active, inactive, or invalid).
  • Field Name: State
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Active", "Inactive", "Invalid"]
Type The type of rule based on call type (direct, forwarded, or system).
  • Field Name: Type
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Direct", "Forwarded", "Both"]
Language The Windows Locale ID (LCID) identifying the language Cisco Unity Connection will associate with the call.
  • Field Name: LanguageCode
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["English(UnitedStates)"]
Routing Rule Conditions URI
  • Field Name: RoutingRuleConditionsURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24wxHbyM48t7nZE6Im%241xc18PkAE2uG898eGOEajXVQNFrAxZ7JNQsXCgJSnxwDouuVpewsjmM0EjTptv4dN7GrEXN0j98C4uc1FC6uSRCbNafoWi%2B/bOnnMYl0GFIIsOFKyjBFCqlxVpoK60q2Dg32zX%2Bbly48kJQvED/bd075oQZ8NEK70J7oMhAL3Y5PLAcc7FRUMuPb52msq18Ci1UqSGG/3PiXzkLaIWy2YdkIPqnnujHQ9meF1JnaYtJk8Ct0XT%2BFV%2BSru2dN/muxsvyBrXaodn8Sz08hvbWajq%2B6Nu2LQba/AFofe8z2WVNDmCqBwZlXZkxNeMyNnVS1ewjFLCDTt9/2NHsAVS5dqQ%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Use Call Language A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection will use the language assigned to the call.
  • Field Name: UseCallLanguage
  • Type: Boolean
Call Handler URI The URI to fetch the call handlers.
  • Field Name: CallHandlerURI
  • Type: String
Route Target Handler Display Name The text name of the handler to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration. For example, the display name for the default opening greeting call handler is "Opening Greeting."
  • Field Name: RouteTargetHandlerDisplayName
  • Type: String
Search Space The name of the SearchSpace which is used to limit the visibility to dialable/addressable objects when searching by extension (dial string).
  • Field Name: SearchSpaceObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/cuc/SearchSpace/choices/?choice_title=Name&field=ObjectId&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ufP5HqJxYlRBToYP%24PWrXysCjRiqSdlH3Q3enlzQdJe5R69xvV1eqR6PsKgf0ufTuV9dwexMGvs9UhNgGYsfEnJu5ZxbRK2xDE5OwW376OpwqS9wCAwI1wdE3pyl8PTnIKTbgz0fCztY96%2BfP6JU%2BYU2YXCf6XBagkC/l6bZj6vaIYulTRgsxYNBH%2BGoEdn5gkYZ9JcW3msFO6maKbvneMsWdXBMWvfUmIoC%2B7C5mBHeW3rjVHw5nL5zG8Lm2ytf1ELreVlV05qYNDPrCxsjo54aPNDv2f/gPeQDBMGf2NNnBCuE5sFPRUPX0D7aAEXdpCLhkFPolxVwT8waudcZ7Mi8dKrTdnq46Iv07Q7nrfJrMsBvEhOdhLr4pB3z5R3%2BatH3tgCoSzseIa10Nq3UmuHqWTgYrn5eFZe8FX/bU2VNM0t%2Bl%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Target Model Type: device/cuc/SearchSpace
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Use Default Language A flag indicating whether the language for this routing rule is derived from the routing rule object attribute or the default language from the location to which the routing rule belongs. Always use the LanguageCode column - if this is set, then the column LanguageCode is being derived directly from the location.
  • Field Name: UseDefaultLanguage
  • Type: Boolean
Conversation URI The URI to fetch the active conversations.
  • Field Name: ConversationURI
  • Type: String
Call Type The type of call.
  • Field Name: CallType
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Internal", "External", "Both"]
Search Space URI
  • Field Name: SearchSpaceURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24wxHbyM48t7nZE6Im%241xc18PkAE2uG898eGOEajXVQNFrAxZ7JNQsXCgJSnxwDouuVpewsjmM0EjTptv4dN7GrEXN0j98C4uc1FC6uSRCbNafoWi%2B/bOnnMYl0GFIIsOFKyjBFCqlxVpoK60q2Dg32zX%2Bbly48kJQvED/bd075oQZ8NEK70J7oMhAL3Y5PLAcc7FRUMuPb52msq18Ci1UqSGG/3PiXzkLaIWy2YdkIPqnnujHQ9meF1JnaYtJk8Ct0XT%2BFV%2BSru2dN/muxsvyBrXaodn8Sz08hvbWajq%2B6Nu2LQba/AFofe8z2WVNDmCqBwZlXZkxNeMyNnVS1ewjFLCDTt9/2NHsAVS5dqQ%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a RoutingRule object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24wxHbyM48t7nZE6Im%241xc18PkAE2uG898eGOEajXVQNFrAxZ7JNQsXCgJSnxwDouuVpewsjmM0EjTptv4dN7GrEXN0j98C4uc1FC6uSRCbNafoWi%2B/bOnnMYl0GFIIsOFKyjBFCqlxVpoK60q2Dg32zX%2Bbly48kJQvED/bd075oQZ8NEK70J7oMhAL3Y5PLAcc7FRUMuPb52msq18Ci1UqSGG/3PiXzkLaIWy2YdkIPqnnujHQ9meF1JnaYtJk8Ct0XT%2BFV%2BSru2dN/muxsvyBrXaodn8Sz08hvbWajq%2B6Nu2LQba/AFofe8z2WVNDmCqBwZlXZkxNeMyNnVS1ewjFLCDTt9/2NHsAVS5dqQ%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Route Target Handler Object Type The type of handler (CallHandler, InterviewHandler, or DirectoryHandler) for this object.
  • Field Name: RouteTargetHandlerObjectType
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["CallHandler", "Directory Handler", "Interview Handler"]
Flags A flag indicating whether the rule can be edited or deleted.
  • Field Name: Flags
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Deletable", "Editable", "EditableAndDeletable", "Immutable"]
Route Action The type of call action to take, e.g., hang-up, goto another object, etc.
  • Field Name: RouteAction
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Ignore", "Hangup Call", "Goto Specified Object", "Play Error Message", "Take a Message", "Skip Greeting", "Restart Greeting", "Transfer To Alternate Contact Number", "Route from Next Call Routing Rule"]
Route Target Handler The name of the specific object to send along to the target conversation.
  • Field Name: RouteTargetHandlerObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/cuc/Callhandler/choices/?choice_title=DisplayName&field=ObjectId&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24TFKh4w6zHGoC8ZGV%24wMe8dlrLI5pYCUMW%2B6BoNK9Y4iA1X0CteY/D1cxEYQYg0AH6TihAxC4iQq7Dla4wlgEP9HFY5%2BZlFz26OUw824KJdwf8K9zA2eSgrphuMIhdzWqdVnrpAlhSVzyK19k2TQ7IY3aVdvu5pI03egcDBA6FVdTrXsdXivMZoFCtL1s/4QttDqFrUEKt5nDxDdA6JZmHhbrxhxoJVMgUMWJzjqqDmhmmJX97%2BA3HCxK4ulKbtCSNoELS7j3A5vVU4PuOTRNSJwz7uDkyN9K8DZ7AYmNePkjhTlnYHUfIc8GW2vqW07tdvAf5C1i%2BdXrNr2Va2JO4tInnxaxPg5Vi5Bk7QLfCJCEr9kc/eT1LYrPdbp8/scqbk9JD/od%2BfOfLULhcg0/Z9f2k0HUY6FjUjHb8utwtLKQ68chsgq9YMpubPA%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Target Model Type: device/cuc/Callhandler
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Search Space Fetch URI The URI to fetch the search spaces.
  • Field Name: SearchSpaceFetchURI
  • Type: String
Undeletable A flag indicating whether this Routing Rule can be deleted via an administrative application such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration. It is used to prevent deletion of factory defaults
  • Field Name: Undeletable
  • Type: Boolean
Route Target Conversation The name of the conversation to which the caller is routed.
  • Field Name: RouteTargetConversation
  • Type: String
Interview Handler URI The URI to fetch the interview handlers.
  • Field Name: InterviewHandlerURI
  • Type: String
Rule Index The order in which Cisco Unity Connection executes the rules. A zero-based index is used to determine the order.
  • Field Name: RuleIndex
  • Type: Integer