
Model: data/NfsDestination

Network File System (NFS) Destinations.

Model Details: data/NfsDestination

Title Description Details
Name * The name of the NFS destination instance.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Host * The host name or IP address of the NFS server.
  • Field Name: host
  • Type: String
Share Location The path of the shared NFS folder (e.g.: /mnt/nfs_share/data/).
  • Field Name: share_location
  • Type: String
UID The UID value to use when talking to the NFS server.
  • Field Name: uid
  • Type: Integer
GID The GID value to use when talking to the NFS server.
  • Field Name: gid
  • Type: Integer
Operation Timeout (seconds) The timeout in seconds for each NFS operation. Default: 20
  • Field Name: timeout_seconds
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 20
NFS Port Use this port for the NFS connection instead of using portmapper.
  • Field Name: nfs_port
  • Type: Integer
Mount Port Use this port for the MOUNT protocol instead of using portmapper.
  • Field Name: mount_port
  • Type: Integer