
Model: data/MonitoringSessions

Monitoring Sessions

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Provider administrators and higher have access to the Login Sessions menu (data/MonitoringSessions).


The values reflected for at the sys hierarchy are global totals across all hierarchies, and the utilization percentage is calculated against the global limits.

Also refer to the use of the voss session-limits commands, for example to show and manage session limits, in the Platform Guide.

Stores exposed aggregate results for Login Sessions Monitoring

Model Details: data/MonitoringSessions

Title Description Details
Interval The period over which the metric was aggregated.
  • Field Name: interval
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month"]
Start The start date/time for this aggregation group.
  • Field Name: start_ts
  • Type: String
End The end date/time for this aggregation group.
  • Field Name: end_ts
  • Type: String
Interface Interface
  • Field Name: interface
  • Type: String
Max Sessions Max Sessions
  • Field Name: MaxSessions
  • Type: Number
Utilization % Utilization %
  • Field Name: MaxUtil
  • Type: Number