
Model: data/GlobalSIPVMDPProfile

Dial Plan Profile

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This allows an advanced administrator to define all of the dial plan elements that make up the CUC integration.

Mandatory fields include; SIP Profile, SIP Trunk Security Profile, Device Pool, Route Group, Route List, SIP Trunk Inbound CSS, Call Manager Group and Voicemail Pilot CSS.

This form can be filled with static (exact) values if you want to deploy these same values over and over at Store level. This option is typically not used and is displayed for illustrative purposes only.

At the Provider hierarchy, macros are used to make the profile portable across several customers. For example, if you had two or three different versions of dial plans, then you would have two or three versions of this profile. The lower level administrators could then apply the profiles as required.


You can only add a SIP integration once a Dial Plan Profile has been configured.

pre-configured Dial Plan Framework for Global VM SIP Integrations

Model Details: data/GlobalSIPVMDPProfile

Title Description Details
Profile Name Friendly Name for Voicemail Dial Plan Profile
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Device Pool
  • Field Name: cucmDevicePool
  • Type: String
SIP Profile SIP Profile
  • Field Name: cucmSipProfile
  • Type: String
SIP Trunk Security Profile SIP Trunk Security Profile
  • Field Name: cucmStsprofile
  • Type: String
Route Group Route Group
  • Field Name: cucmRouteGroup
  • Type: String
Route List Route List
  • Field Name: cucmRouteList
  • Type: String
SIP Trunk Inbound CSS SIP Trunk Inbound CSS
  • Field Name: cucmSipTrunkInCSS
  • Type: String
SIP Trunk ReRouting CSS SIP Trunk ReRouting CSS
  • Field Name: cucmSipTrunkReRouteCSS
  • Type: String
Call Manager Group Call Manager Group
  • Field Name: cucmCMG
  • Type: String
Voicemail Pilot CSS Voicemail Pilot CSS
  • Field Name: cucmVMPCSS
  • Type: String
Voicemail Route Pattern Partition Partition that the phones can dial
  • Field Name: cucmRoutePatternPartition
  • Type: String
Notes Notes for tooling
  • Field Name: notes
  • Type: String