
Model: data/AuthorizedAdminHierarchy

Authorized Admin Hierarchy

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VOSS Automate allows a single user account to be configured as both an End User (with services) and as an Administrator, and supports the following:

An Authorized Admin Hierarchy instance contains a role. This instance can then be assigned to a user so that if the user is then also assigned a self-service role, the user is then an end user with admin access: a user with multiple user roles - both a self-service role and this role from the Authorized Admin Hierarchy instance. See: User Roles.


When an Authorized Admin Hierarchy is set for a user, the hierarchy of that instance (the model data/AuthorizedAdminHierarchy instance) as well as its descendants will be visible as authorized hierarchies for administration purposes.

Users with multiple user roles then have a User Type of "End User + Admin". See: Create a User.

Upon user login, the VOSS Automate system then assigns the appropriate role to the user in accordance with the requested portal:

Portal Role
Automate Self-service selfservice
Automate Classic Admin administration
Automate Admin administration


Manage Authorized Admin Hierarchy

Configuring Authorized Admin Hierarchy involves these high-level tasks:

To create an instance of an Authorized Admin Hierarchy:

  1. Log in as Customer or Provider administrator and choose Role Management > Authorized Admin Hierarchy.

  2. To add or modify an Authorized Admin Hierarchy instance, either add or modify the instance Name and select the Role.

    Available roles will also include those roles containing the current hierarchy where the created Authorized Admin Hierarchy instance resides, in their Hierarchies Allowed list - see: Role Management.

  3. Click Save

Related Topics

the API Request Headers section in the API Guide.

Authorized Admin Hierarchy

Model Details: data/AuthorizedAdminHierarchy

Title Description Details
AuthorizedAdminHierarchyGroup Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: AuthorizedAdminHierarchyGroup
  • Type: Object
Name * The name that is given to the Authorized Admin Hierarchy.
  • Field Name: AuthorizedAdminHierarchyGroup.name
  • Type: String
Role * The administration Role that is associated with the Authorized Admin Hierarchy
  • Field Name: AuthorizedAdminHierarchyGroup.role
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Role
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri