
Model: view/WebDriverCucmSnmpCommunityString

View to automate manual on-boarding steps by using the Voss GUI Automation capability.

Model Details: view/WebDriverCucmSnmpCommunityString

Title Description Details
Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM
  • Type: Object
CUCM GUI Connection *
  • Field Name: Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM.gui_cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/GuiCucm
  • Format: uri
CUCM server role * Default: CUCM--CUCM Voice/Video
  • Field Name: Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM.cucm_server_role
  • Type: String
  • Default: CUCM--CUCM Voice/Video
Community String Name *
  • Field Name: Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM.communityString
  • Type: String
Access Privilleges * Default: ReadOnly
  • Field Name: Configure SNMP Community String in CUCM.accessPreviliges
  • Type: String
  • Default: ReadOnly