
API Reference for view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor

NB! This 'QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor' view model will (eventually) be deprecated. Please re-integrate / start using 'HybridMultiVendorVIEW' instead. **Multi Vendor Quick Add Subscriber** provides a single page where you can: * Add or Remove Microsoft Direct Routing for a User * Assign a Microsoft Licence that allows Enterprise Voice to be Enabled * Change the Directory Number and Associated E164 for the users Teams Client * Change the Users Service Type * Update the Users Entitlement Profile * Update the Class of Service for the Users Teams Client **User Provisioning** 1. Select a User from the username dropdown. This will show a list of users that have already been synced to VOSS Automate via LDAP. This could either be via Top Down or Bottom up syncing. For provisioning to be successful the device.cucm.UserIdentity field should match the UPN of the user in O365(MsolUser). If the user already has cisco services these will be displayed in the "User Status & Existing Services" section 2. A Directory Number can be selected. If Cisco services exists the users 1st line will be displayed. 3. The required Service Type should be selected. For more information see the Service Type descriptions. 4. If displayed the Entitlement Profile can be changed. If the Entitlement Profile is configured in the Service Type this field will be hidden. 5. A Quick Add Group can be selected to configure settings on the Teams user based on data.LyncQuickAddGroups-Teams. Otherwise Values will use the Microsoft Site Defaults **Service Types** * Cisco-Only-E164 - User has only Cisco Devices with an associated E164 Number. Teams user is not Enabled for Enterprise Voice. There is no routing between Cisco and Teams for this User. * Cisco-MS-E164 - User has both Cisco Devices and a Teams Device with an associated E164 number. A SNR profile is used on the Cisco User to fork calls to the Teams Client. E164 Number can be shared across all devices. * MS-Only-E164 - User has only a Teams Device with an associated E164 Number. All Cisco Devices and Services will be deleted. * CiscoSubscriber-No-Services-E164 - All Cisco and Teams devices will be removed from the user. * Cisco-Only-IntExtn - User has only Cisco Devices with no associated E164. Teams user is not Enabled for Enterprise Voice. There is no routing between Cisco and Teams for this User. * Cisco-MS-IntExtn - User has both Cisco Devices and a Teams Device with no associated E164. A SNR profile is used on the Cisco User to fork calls to the Teams Client. A dummy E164 number (+888SLC+EXT) is generated to allow cross platform routing. * MS-Only-IntExtn - User has only a Teams Device with no associated E164. All Cisco Devices and Services will be deleted.A dummy E164 number (+888SLC+EXT) is generated to allow cross platform routing. * CiscoSubscriber-No-Services-IntExtn - All Cisco and Teams devices will be removed from the user. **Teams Licences** The MVS_QaS Workflow will check that the O365 user has an assigned license that has Entprise Voice capabalities. If a valid license is not found the workflow will fail. Alternatively it's possible for VOSS Automate to assign a valid license to the User. After assigning the license it may take some time for the change to appear on the Tenant, this is due to propogation delay in the Microsoft Cloud. The user will be marked as "Microsoft Update Pending", VOSS Automate will periodically check for this user in the Teams Tenant, once the User has appeared VOSS Automate will complete the configuration steps

Model ref.: view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor

The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].

Variables are enclosed in square brackets.

For a list of available UUIDs and their dot notations:
GET /api/v0/data/HierarchyNode/?format=json

Get the Add form

Task Call URL Parameters Response
Get the GUI Add form. GET /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor/add/
  • hierarchy=[hierarchy]
  • format=json
The GUI Add form of view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor as JSON

The API call to the /add/ URL can only be made from a hierarchy that allows the model type to be added. The actions in the response shows the url for the POST API call to create an instance.


Task Call URL Parameters Payload
Create POST /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor hierarchy=[hierarchy]
(For payload specification)

  • Response is a transaction pkid for the create action.
  • The GET call to
    tool/Transaction/[trans pkid]
    shows the View resource has no instance pkid, because a view model stores no instances.
  • Export Bulk Load Template

    Task Call URL Parameters Response
    Get a compressed format of the Bulk Load spreadsheet template for view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor POST /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor/export_bulkload_template/
    • hierarchy=[hierarchy]
    • modeltype=view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor
    The response is an attachment of the format: filetype_bulkloadsheet.xlsx.gz


    Task Call URL Parameters Response
    List GET /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor/
    • hierarchy=[hierarchy]
    • format=json
    • schema=true
    The view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor schema and all instances as JSON.

    (The list will return 0 to 3 view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor instances)


    Task Call URL Parameters Response
    Get the on-line Help for view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor. GET /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor/help hierarchy=[hierarchy] On-line help of Model ref.: view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor as HTML

    Instance API Reference


    Task Call URL Parameters Response
    Help GET /api/view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor/[pkid]/help hierarchy=[hierarchy] The on-line Help for view/QuickSubscriberForMsTeamsMultiVendor.