
Model: view/GS_IOSGateway_QuickAdd_View

Quick Add SIP Gateway

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Quick Add SIP Gateway allows you to configure a new SIP gateway at the site level, with minimum details. Saving the form triggers a background process that uses the information you provide, along with configuration templates, and automatically creates the required elements at the correct hierarchies:

At customer level

Saving a Quick Add SIP Gateway configuration creates and adds the following elements at the customer level:

  • The IOS device
  • The SIP trunk
  • The SIP LBO gateway
At site level

Saving a Quick Add SIP Gateway configuration performs these actions at the site level:

  • The gateway is associated to the site
  • The E1/T1 Ports are added (optional)


Add the SIP Gateway and Associated Components

  1. In the Admin Portal, choose the site.

  2. Go to (default menus) Apps Management > IOS > Quick Add SIP Gateway to open the Quick Add SIP Gateway form.

  3. On the IOS Device tab, configure IOS gateway details:

  4. On the SIP Trunk tab, choose a SIP trunk template.


    • The SIP trunk templates assembles data (such as IPv4) from the details you specified in the Network Addresses section of the IOS Device tab in the previous step.
    • The Configuration Templates list displays available templates. Type siptrunk in the Name column to filter the list. Existing sample SIP trunk templates can be cloned, modified, and saved under a new name.
  5. On the SIP Gateway tab, complete the relevant fields, for example:

    SIP Gateway Name Mandatory.
    Run On Every Node Enabled by default. Defines whether the Unified CM hosts the trunk everywhere.
    Enable Command Builder Enabled by default.


    Country is a read-only field that displays the location of the SIP gateway. The value in this field (the country) is the same as the site to which the SIP gateway will be associated.

  6. Optional. On the Ports tab, add an E1 or T1 port to the gateway:

  7. Click Save.

    Once the transaction completes:

Related Topics

Model Details: view/GS_IOSGateway_QuickAdd_View

Title Description Details
IOS Device Name *
  • Field Name: iosName
  • Type: String
IOS Device Description
  • Field Name: iosDescription
  • Type: String
Prime Collaboration
  • Field Name: iosPrimeCollab
  • Type: String
Network Addresses
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n]
  • Type: Array
Address Space *
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n].addressSpace
  • Type: String
IPv4 Address *
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n].iPAddrV4
  • Type: String
  • Format: ip-address
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n].description
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n].domain
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: networkAddresses.[n].hostname
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: credentials.[n]
  • Type: Array
Credential Type *
  • Field Name: credentials.[n].credentialType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["SNMP_V2", "SNMP_V3", "CLI"]
UserId *
  • Field Name: credentials.[n].userid
  • Type: String
Password *
  • Field Name: credentials.[n].password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Access Type Default: RO
  • Field Name: credentials.[n].accessType
  • Type: String
  • Default: RO
  • Choices: ["RO", "RW"]
  • Field Name: credentials.[n].description
  • Type: String
SIP trunk template *
  • Field Name: sipTrunkTemplate
  • Type: String
SIP Gateway name *
  • Field Name: sipGatewayName
  • Type: String
SIP Gateway Description
  • Field Name: sipGatewayDescription
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: country
  • Type: String
Run On Every Node Default: true
  • Field Name: runOnEveryNode
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Enable Command Builder Default: true
  • Field Name: enableCommandBuilder
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Override Voice Translation Limit
  • Field Name: overrideVoiceTranslationLimit
  • Type: Boolean
T1/E1 Ports
  • Field Name: ports.[n]
  • Type: Array
Port Number * e.g. 1/0/0
  • Field Name: ports.[n].portNumber
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ports.[n].description
  • Type: String
Port Template *
  • Field Name: ports.[n].portTemplate
  • Type: String