
Model: relation/HcsDpSiteShortCodeREL

Short Code

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Site short codes work the same for deployments that use shared lines across sites as they do for "real site" deployments. That is, short codes can be added to a site to allow shorter, convenient numbers to be dialed that are transformed into longer directory numbers. Normally, short codes are added to real sites that contain devices in order to allow users of those devices to dial shorter numbers to reach exiting directory numbers.

Because the inventory site doesn't contain devices, but only line inventory, site codes don't need to be added to the inventory site. Short code translation patterns are created on a site's Allow Internal (AInt) route partition.

Short Code

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Short codes are used for abbreviated dialing to other extensions and services.

Configure Short Codes

This procedure configures short codes.


Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator.


    When adding a short code, ensure that you select a valid site under your customer in the hierarchy node breadcrumb at the top of the view. Adding a short code at any other node in the hierarchy triggers a system error indicating that you must be at a site.

  2. Choose Cisco Dial Plan Management > Site > Short Code, then click Add to add a short code.

  3. Enter a short code in the Short Code field, using up to 16 characters with the following format:



  4. From the Short Code Type drop-down, choose one of:

    Option Description
    Called Mask The called mask maps to the Short Code. Valid entries include the digits 0 through 9; the international escape character + and the wildcard character X. For example, a called mask of 567XXX using Short Code *2.123 converts to 567123.
    Directory Number The directory number maps to the Short Code. Valid entries are digits 0 through 9.
    Pre-dot with Called Prefix The called prefix maps to the Short Code.
  5. Enter the value for the Short Code Type in the Value field.

  6. Select the Use Originator's Calling Search Space check box to indicate that the Short Code will use the originator's calling search space for routing a call rather than an explicit customer CSS.

    If the originating device is a phone, the originator's calling search space is a combination of the device calling search space configured on their phone and line calling search space configured on the originating line.

  7. Click Save to add the Short Code that you defined. The new Short Code appears in the table of Short Codes and it can be edited or deleted as required.

Model Details: relation/HcsDpSiteShortCodeREL

Title Description Details
Site Name * Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • Field Name: siteName
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/data/BaseSiteDAT/choices/?field=SiteName&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24FEdcRaUKW8TJ7GKR%2457ChWo2SCaQ7adkKVL08k2dOiZKqyAgt6lF7hFWJ%2BriwRHHj2POyFAIa5%2BosI11%2BYVTKnI/yynKuRx43rqQ5hzt6mhxZ7intAInub97GxxbM5h5KZV9bNlUODz2Cvzn%2B2fi1bGlC8YflxQpdqiFjire030mMejuoiRleXK1J31Q71t1E0mY7WdRi32iXi2UtsqodBi352DX6DFUL9t/NPv1VDRzd6%2BhMOYuuE%2B/WudUjUNT2IB1rePnpimAl2jNEJsbaVuIHUG/3opATEgfWnSIhKBLGNcZe8Z/XFUzy1DCyACRHRR/qd/Tk8IY1u%2B01WnlcQzAy5/243pjlHL4eI8nhgB5EimbZSwsbUJgATI8wpFUN6NE9eqE0Z%2ByxzPlIYIwXokIqTXM%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: SiteName
  • Target Model Type: data/BaseSiteDAT
  • Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Short Code * Short code number. Enter the abbreviated number to be supported by the site. This number can include wildcards (do not use spaces). Valid characters include 0 through 9, *, #, uppercase A, B, C, and D and \+, which represents the international escape character +.
  • Field Name: shortCode
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 48
  • Pattern: ^(\\\+)?[\[\]!\?\-\^0-9A-D\*#X]*\.?[\[\]!\?\-\^0-9A-D\*#X]*$
Short Code Type * The type of short code. Default: calledMask
  • Field Name: type
  • Type: String
  • Default: calledMask
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Choices: ["Directory Number", "Called Mask", "Pre-dot with Called Prefix"]
Value * If Short Code Type is Directory Number, the directory number to which this short code maps. If Short Code Type is Called Mask, the called mask to which this short code maps. If Short Code Type is Pre-Dot with Called Prefix, the called prefix to which this short code maps.
  • Field Name: value
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 16
  • Pattern: ^\+?[0-9X*#]+$
Use Originator's Calling Search Space If enabled, this short code will use the originator's calling search space to route the short code rather than an explicit CSS.
  • Field Name: useOrigCss
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: shadow.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: shadow.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024