
Model: device/msteamsonline/CsTenantFederationConfiguration

External Access

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VOSS Automate allows you to view and update external access settings for Microsoft Teams users, from within the VOSS Automate Admin Portal. This feature allows you to define how Microsoft Teams users in your organization may communicate with users and domains from outside of your organization.

Any changes you make in VOSS Automate or in the Microsoft Teams online portal for external access settings, are synced.

View and Manage External Access Settings

  1. Log in to the VOSS Automate Admin portal.

  2. Go to (default menus) Microsoft Subscribers > External Access to open the External Access summary list view, where you can view existing external access settings.


    • A default "allow all" instance with "Global" identity is available at the Customer hierarchy.
    • From the list view you can also export one or more items.

  3. To view or update an existing external access settings configuration, click on an item in the list view to open its management page, then, choose an option:

  4. Click Save.

    Any changes you made are synced to the external access settings on the Microsoft Teams online portal. Also, any settings changed through the Microsoft Teams portal will reflect in VOSS Automate.

Related Topics

Microsoft Quick Start in the Core Feature Guide

Model Details: device/msteamsonline/CsTenantFederationConfiguration

Title Description Details
External Access Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: External Access
  • Type: Object
External Domain Permissions When external domains are allowed, users in your organization can chat, add users to meetings, and use audio video conferencing with users in external organizations. By default, your organization can communicate with all external domains.
  • Field Name: External Access.DomainPermissions
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Allow all external domains", "Block all external domains", "Allow only specific external domains", "Block only specific external domains"]
Allowed Domains
  • Field Name: AllowedDomains.[n]
  • Type: Array
Blocked Domains
  • Field Name: BlockedDomains.[n]
  • Type: Array
Allow Communication with external Teams Users People in my organization can communicate with Teams users whose accounts aren't managed by an organization.
  • Field Name: External Access.AllowTeamsConsumer
  • Type: Boolean
Allow Inbound Teams Users External users with Teams accounts not managed by an organization can contact users in my organization.
  • Field Name: External Access.AllowTeamsConsumerInbound
  • Type: Boolean
Allow Skype Users Allow users in my organization to communicate with Skype users.
  • Field Name: External Access.AllowPublicUsers
  • Type: Boolean