
Model: device/cuc/Cors

Model Details: device/cuc/Cors

Title Description Details
Description Description of a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing object.
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String
Domain Name The domain name that is allowed to access a kind of resource.
  • Field Name: DomainName
  • Type: String
Is Full Access If IsFullAccess is TRUE then GET,HEAD.POST,PUT and DELETE permissions will be given else if FALSE then only GET and HEAD permissions will be provided
  • Field Name: IsFullAccess
  • Type: Boolean
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier Cross-Origin Resource Sharing object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24T3CPURFk1w44qHcR%24RCY9hzcW%2Btu/g4tNzJ2RQ4DzOElbMppwokttPMrbwxqZ11uGydhJ7OzczLuIAPHqZ7NnIuUHvL2yQDdHTwD4lrW%2BCIMlCPHtP4TB0r8Na2kIFyaegvbvaF28SAhxATtwk%2Bq4Ok4ejZQwtWr%2BVRf8pC9co6vYqCd7dOKyOxbwq0FFPZS1FMrPrGR217eepMB0//oeuqor1SLv%2BwDY8Z6dXURFpelEty0d7UeY7GGTrMpgdrwc1FyCg5lWj%2BTtfLY1vTuX2sscmeHATYKc82K9R0ett%2BJQoznx46djRb4QEMA4nt1E33M5sp85ZKFlF1V2m/yBnongHSOT%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []