
Model: data/InternalNumberInventory

Number Inventory

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Number inventory allows you to view and manage the numbers for use by users, devices, and services for the given hierarchy level. The inventory includes a combination of data that is automatically managed by the system (like usage) and other fields that are configurable and available to store any additional useful information you choose about the numbers (examples include ranges, billing IDs, circuit IDs) to complete your inventory view.

The inventory supports a range of capabilities outside the basic loading and tracking of inventory status. These include:

More details on these features are provided in the sections below.


Typically numbers are pushed to the UC applications when they are allocated/assigned to users/devices/services. While some available numbers may be in the UC apps for various reasons, the platform is not trying to maintain the available numbers in the underlying UC applications as it is only important when assigning the numbers to be used.

Hierarchy Considerations

The number inventory can exist at the same or higher hierarchy level to the users, services, and devices that consume them. This means you can define number inventory at the appropriate level to suit various needs:

Users, devices, and services that will consume numbers are typically at the site level in the system, so numbers they need should be at the same level (site) or above the site they reside in (Intermediate, Customer). The approaches can also be mixed as needed if some numbers are site specific while others are shared pools. When adding the number(s) into the inventory, you choose which hierarchy level to add the numbers to and this will determine their visibility in the system so should be considered when loading.

Number Uniqueness Considerations

Numbers in the inventory should be unique within a hierarchy structure (in other words, looking up the hierarchy). The inventory is not aware of dial plan elements or other mechanisms that can allow the same number to coexist multiple times - for instance partitions in UCM. This can lead to unpredictable results if the numbers tracked are not unique. For instance, in the Cisco Communications Manager world, having the same number in multiple partitions or even in multiple clusters while the inventory sits at the Customer level - it will be treated as a single number in the inventory. This is where allocating numbers to a site can help as long as the different UC app instances are in different VOSS Automate sites.

Partition and Cluster

Number inventory is not partition or cluster aware. If the same numbers are used multiple times but in different partitions, then these all map to the same number. This should be taken into account when thinking about the hierarchy level at which the number inventory exists.

Also, not being cluster aware, if the same number exists on different clusters, this again will map back to the same inventory value unless numbers are assigned to the site level.


Numbers can be reserved for future use. For example, for users who will soon be joining the company. When a number is reserved, it is unavailable and cannot be allocated to a subscriber, phone, device, etc.

Number Cooling

Numbers can be placed into a cooling period, either manually or automatically. When automated number cooling is enabled, numbers are placed into cooling for a predefined period when the subscriber or phone associated with the number is deleted.


Automated number cooling is enabled and disabled in the Global Settings. The default is disabled.

While the number is in its cooling period, it is unavailable and cannot be allocated, for example, to a subscriber, phone, or device.

A number is released from cooling and is available for use when:

Number Inventory entries - End-user Provisioning Tasks

The number inventory is integrated into various features in the system to:

  1. Display options of numbers for selecting/assignment across the system. The numbers presented for selection follow rules specific to the feature in many cases, for instance can lines be shared or not, etc.
  2. Manage the state of the numbers in the inventory via the workflows - marking the number used, available, and updating other managed fields depending on the MACD being performed. This includes any specific logic setup for the unmanaged fields - See the section on flexibility for options to control the update that occurs.

Related Topics

View Directory Number Inventory

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Use this procedure to view the range of directory numbers that have been defined for a site.


In VOSS Automate, an * can appear before a directory number in a Type 4 dial plan.


  1. Choose Number Management > Directory Number Inventory (default).

    The list of all directory numbers (DNs) configured at or below the hierarchy appears. Here you can view the list of DN numbers or delete a DN number. You can change your hierarchy if needed.

    Filter the list of directory numbers as needed or select a link in the the Located At column to filter by the selected hierarchy.

    When a DN is first added to the inventory, the Usage column is blank.

    Refer to Number Status and Usage for the Status and Usage columns values.

    The E164Number column and value on an instance form displays as in the examples below for E164 Associations (N to 1 DN), depending on the number of E164's being associated and whether a primary E164 is set or not.

    Note that the first example display is also the display for E164 Associations (N to N DN):

    Directory numbers that begin with a * (asterisk), denote DNs that are used with hunt groups, assistant lines, Contact Center lines, and so on. This type of directory number cannot be reached from an outside line. Typically, a DN with the * prefix is not called from another line (user), but is tied to a service feature such as call pickup, hunt groups, or contact center.


    Adding a new DN to inventory on VOSS Automate does not add a directory number on Cisco Unified Communications Manager until it is associated to a line on VOSS Automate.

    The Directory Number Inventory entries appear in other end-user provisioning tasks in VOSS Automate as described in the table that follows. For more information on provisioning each of these tasks, refer to the VOSS Automate Core Feature Guide.

    Task VOSS Automate + Location Notes
    Lines Subscriber Management > Lines

    When lines are added through phones and subscriber, line details can be modified.

    The DN for the line cannot be modified; if you attempt to change the DN assigned to the line, the operation fails.

    Phones Subscriber Management > Phones > Lines tab > Dirn > Pattern

    The Dirn > Pattern contains a list of available directory numbers.

    DNs that are used are marked as "true" in the Directory Number Inventory.

    Only available DNs are listed.

    Subscribers Subscriber Management > Subscribers > Phones > Lines > Dirn

    The Dirn > Pattern contains a list of available directory numbers.

    DNs that are used are marked as "true" in the Directory Number Inventory.

    Only available DNs are listed.

      Subscriber Management > Subscribers > Voicemail The "Voicemail Line" list contains DNs provisioned to lines.
    Quick Add Subscribers Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber > Lines > Directory Number

    The Directory Number list contains available directory numbers.

    DNs that are used are marked as "true" in the Directory Number Inventory.

    Only available DNs are listed.

    PLAR (Hotdial) Subscriber Management > PLAR (Hotdial) DNs provisioned to lines are displayed in the Hotdial Destination Pattern list
    Hunt Groups Subscriber Management > Hunt Groups > Members> Directory Number DNs provisioned to lines are displayed in the Pattern list
    Call Pickup Groups Subscriber Management > Call Pickup Groups > Call Pickup Group > Line DNs provisioned to member lines are displayed in the Pattern list

The DataModel that VOSS Automate uses to manage INI items.

Model Details: data/InternalNumberInventory

Title Description Details
Base Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Base
  • Type: Object
Internal Number *
  • Field Name: Base.internal_number
  • Type: String
Status *
  • Field Name: Base.status
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Available", "Used", "Used-Utility", "Reserved", "Cooling"]
  • Field Name: Base.usage
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.e164number
  • Type: String
Release Date A value indicates that the number is in temporary 'cooldown' isolation (and therefore also temporarily unavailable until the cooling duration expires, refer to global settings).
  • Field Name: Base.release_date
  • Type: String
Internal Number Type
  • Field Name: Base.internal_number_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Routing", "Calling Plan", "Operator Connect"]
  • Field Name: Base.tag
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.description
  • Type: String
Reservation notes
  • Field Name: Base.reservation_notes
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.vendor
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra1
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra2
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra3
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra4
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra5
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra6
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra7
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra8
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Base.extra9
  • Type: String