
Model: view/BulkUpdateWebexTeamsUser

Bulk Update Webex App Users

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This procedure generates CSV files to perform bulk actions on import into Webex App Control Hub.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Webex App > Bulk Update Webex App Users.
  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy (Customer or below), where your Webex App users reside.
  3. On the Bulk Update Webex App Users page, to filter users at your current hierarchy, choose a user filter from the User Filter drop-down. For example, all users or only users with Hybrid Calling enabled.
  4. Select the relevant User Template, which contains the settings to apply to the filtered users. For example, to provide messaging only, select the Webex App User Messaging Only Template.
  5. Choose whether to generate a combined CSV file for the hierarchy or individual files for each user, or both (generates multiple files).
  6. Fill out the CSV Recipient Email Address. This defaults to the VOSS Automate administrator email address.
  7. If necessary, you can select more users (move users from the Available field to the Selected field. Else move all users.
  8. Click Save. The message is sent with the CSV file attachment.

Model Details: view/BulkUpdateWebexTeamsUser

Title Description Details
User Filter Select the type of Webex App user to list below for selection to bulk update. Default: All
  • Field Name: filter
  • Type: String
  • Default: All
  • Choices: ["All", "Free calling", "Hybrid calling", "Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)", "Cisco Jabber app"]
User Template * Select the template to apply to the Webex App users selected below.
  • Field Name: wt_user_template
  • Type: String
Generate CSV Settings Select whether to generate a CSV file for user Control Hub settings per user, per hierarchy or both. Per Hierarchy will generate a single CSV file containing settings for all users at the selected hierarchy. Default: Per Hierarchy
  • Field Name: generate_csv_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: Per Hierarchy
  • Choices: ["Per Hierarchy", "Per User", "Both"]
CSV Recipient Email Address A CSV file will be generated containing Control Hub configuration for all Webex App users and sent to the Webex App account enetered here. Leave blank to skip sending a CSV file.
  • Field Name: email
  • Type: String
Users List of Webex App users that will be updated.
  • Field Name: users.[n]
  • Type: Array