
Model: relation/WebexTeamsPlace

Webex App Workspaces

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You can define Webex App workspaces of various types in VOSS Automate. For example, meeting rooms or open spaces.

When adding or updating a workspace, the details you add to the Workspaces page in the Admin Portal is formatted as a sequence of manual steps, in an email message. The manual steps are to be performed in the Webex App Control Hub.

See: Global Settings for an email message example.

The content of the manual steps for a workspace configuration display in the Steps content via the (default menus) Subscriber Management > Webex App > Manual Steps.

Add a Webex App Workspace

This procedure adds a Webex App workspace.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Webex App > Workspaces.

  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy.

  3. Provide a workspace name, and capacity, and from the Type field, choose the workspace type.

  4. In the Send Device Activation Code To field, fill out the email address(es) where the device type code is sent.


    This code is unique to this created workspace and is entered into the device itself.

    Once the code is created, the Device Activation Code (read only) value is returned and shown, as well as its Device Activation Code Expiration Date.

    A VOSS Automate schedule checks the expiration date and generates a new code. The SIP Address of the workspace is also shown.

  5. In the Calling section, choose the calling behavior (free or hybrid).


    The hybrid calling option displays additional fields where you need to choose a site and an available directory number, which then generates a mail ID is generated from CUCM. The auto-generated value in the Mail ID from Unified CM field uses the following:

    wt_ + <random-number> + the email hostname set up for the Webex App service

    For example, wt_886821663180@myhost.com.

    A subscriber user for the device is then added at the selected site, with the following:

    • User Id and Last Name: wt_886821663180
    • First Name: workspace Name
    • Primary Extension: Directory Number
    • Phone: Spark Remote device with workspace specific settings

    Once the device code is entered, the page displays details of the device associated with the workspace in the Devices group, for example: Product, Connection Status and IP Address. A link to the device is then also available, to show details (read only) as listed under the Devices menu for Webex App.

    The new workspace is listed on the Workspaces list view.

This implements the relationship between a Webex App place and associated devices.

Model Details: relation/WebexTeamsPlace

Title Description Details
Place Settings Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Place Settings
  • Type: Object
Name * Unique name for this place.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.name
  • Type: String
Capacity How many people is the Workspace suitable for?
  • Field Name: Place Settings.capacity
  • Type: Integer
Type What type best describes the Workspace?
  • Field Name: Place Settings.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["No workspace type set", "Desk - individual", "Focus - high concentration", "Huddle - brainstorm/collaboration", "Meeting Room - dedicated meeting space", "Open Space", "Other"]
SIP Address The unique SIP address this place.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.sip_address
  • Type: String
Contains The product type of the devices associated with this place.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.wt_device_product
  • Type: String
Device Activation Code The activation code for registering and associating a device with this place.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.wt_device_code
  • Type: String
Device Activation Code Expiration Date The expiration date for the activation code.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.wt_device_code_expiry_date
  • Type: String
Send Device Activation Code To A comma separated list of email addresses the activation code will be sent to via a Webex Teams message.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.wt_device_code_email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^(\s?[^\s,]+@[^\s,]+\.[^\s,]+\s?,)*(\s?[^\s,]+@[^\s,]+\.[^\s,]+)$
  • Field Name: calling
  • Type: Object
Calling Behaviour This determines how calls are made from this place. Default: Free Calling (default)
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.calling_behaviour
  • Type: String
  • Default: Free Calling (default)
  • Choices: ["Free Calling (default)", "Hybrid Calling"]
Site Select the Site where the associated Unifed CM user will be created. The Webex Teams places and devices will automatically be moved to this site.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.site
  • Type: String
Site Pkid
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.site_pkid
  • Type: String
Directory Number Enter the DN to be used with the Unified CM account. This DN is used for hybrid calling.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.directory_number
  • Type: String
Mail ID from Unified CM Enter the Mail ID below to connect this place to the existing Unified CM account. This Mail ID ensures that the correct user account is connected with this place for hybrid calling. A default domain must be configured on the Webex Teams account to dervice this email address.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.mailid
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: (^$|^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$)
Subscriber PKID Internal field for the subscriber ID.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.subscriber_pkid
  • Type: String
Link to Subscriber Jump to the associated subscriber page.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calling.subscriber_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
  • Field Name: calendar
  • Type: Object
Calendar Calendar service enables One Button To Push for this place.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calendar.calendar
  • Type: Boolean
Hybrid Calendar Service Which calendar provider do you want to use?.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calendar.hybrid_calendar_service
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Microsoft Exchange / Office 365", "Google Calendar"]
Email address of the calendar mailbox This is the email address that will be used to connect to the hybrid calendar service.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.calendar.email
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: devices.[n]
  • Type: Array
Link Link to jump to the device details.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.devices.[n].link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Product The product name.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.devices.[n].product
  • Type: String
Connection Status The connection status of the device.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.devices.[n].connectionStatus
  • Type: String
IP Address The current IP address of the device.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.devices.[n].ip
  • Type: String
Primary SIP URL The primary SIP address to dial this device.
  • Field Name: Place Settings.devices.[n].primarySipUrl
  • Type: String