
Model: relation/MultiVendorSubscriber

Multi Vendor Subscriber Edit Relation

Model Details: relation/MultiVendorSubscriber

Title Description Details
User Name * User's Username.
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
Email Address The User email address.
  • Field Name: email
  • Type: String
First Name The User first name.
  • Field Name: first_name
  • Type: String
Last Name The User last name.
  • Field Name: last_name
  • Type: String
Password The User password.
  • Field Name: password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
  • Store Encrypted: True
  • Pattern: .{8,}
Role * The role to which the user belongs. See: Role.
  • Field Name: role
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Role
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Language The preferred language for this user. Default: en-us
  • Field Name: language
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Language
  • Target attr: lcid
  • Default: en-us
  • Format: uri
Set by Default Language Indicate if the user's language is set by language default in the hierarchy.
  • Field Name: set_language
  • Type: Boolean
Account Information Additional account information for the given user.
  • Field Name: account_information
  • Type: Object
Change Password on Next Login Indicates if the user must be forced to change their password the next time that login.
  • Field Name: account_information.change_password_on_login
  • Type: Boolean
Locked Indicates if the account has been locked to prevent the user from logging in.
  • Field Name: account_information.locked
  • Type: Boolean
Disabled Indicates if the account has been disabled to prevent the user from logging in until an administrator enables the account again.
  • Field Name: account_information.disabled
  • Type: Boolean
Reason for Disabled A description of why the account is disabled.
  • Field Name: account_information.reason_for_disabled
  • Type: String
Credential Policy Specifies the policy with the rules used to govern this user's credentials.
  • Field Name: account_information.credential_policy
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/CredentialPolicy
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Time Locked Due to Failed Login Attempts The time when the user account was locked as result of the number of failed login attempts exceeding the permitted thresholds.
  • Field Name: account_information.failed_login_lock_date
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Password Change The time when the password was last changed.
  • Field Name: account_information.password_last_change_time
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Password Change By User The time when the password was last changed by the user.
  • Field Name: account_information.password_last_change_time_by_user
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Time of Last Successful Login The time the user last logged in successfully.
  • Field Name: account_information.last_login_time
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Number of Failed Login Attempts Since Last Successful Login The total number of failed login attempts since last successful login. Default: 0
  • Field Name: account_information.num_of_failed_login_attempts
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 0
Security Questions
  • Field Name: security_questions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Question *
  • Field Name: account_information.security_questions.[n].question
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 128
Answer *
  • Field Name: account_information.security_questions.[n].answer
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 128
Used Passwords List of passwords that have been used by user.
  • Field Name: used_passwords.[n]
  • Type: Array
Password Used password
  • Field Name: account_information.used_passwords.[n].password
  • Type: String
Time Created Time when password was created.
  • Field Name: account_information.used_passwords.[n].time_created
  • Type: String
Entitlement Profile
  • Field Name: entitlement_profile
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/HcsEntitlementProfileDAT
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Sync Source Sync source of the user. Identifies where the user was synced from. This value will determine the master of the data. The data in the User model will be derived from the fields of the master application (E.G. CUCM, CUC, MS-LDAP). Default: LOCAL
  • Field Name: sync_source
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/UserSyncSource
  • Target attr: name
  • Default: LOCAL
  • Format: uri
Sync Type Sync type of the user. Identifies the user type that was synced from device as indicated by Sync Source information, e.g. CUCM-Local, CUCM-LDAP, LOCAL. Default: LOCAL
  • Field Name: sync_type
  • Type: String
  • Default: LOCAL
Building Name Building name or number.
  • Field Name: building_name
  • Type: String
Country Country name.
  • Field Name: country
  • Type: String
Department Department names and numbers.
  • Field Name: department
  • Type: String
Directory URI Alphanumeric Directory URI (e.g. SIP URI)
  • Field Name: directory_uri
  • Type: String
Display Name Display name of the user
  • Field Name: display_name
  • Type: String
Employee Number Employee number of the user
  • Field Name: employee_number
  • Type: String
Employee Type Employee type
  • Field Name: employee_type
  • Type: String
Facsimile Telephone Number Contains strings that represent the user's facsimile telephone Number(s).
  • Field Name: facsimile_telephone_number.[n]
  • Type: Array
Home Phone Contains strings that represent the user's home phone number(s).
  • Field Name: home_phone.[n]
  • Type: Array
IP Phone Contains strings that represent the user's IP phone number(s).
  • Field Name: ip_phone.[n]
  • Type: Array
Jabber ID Jabber ID
  • Field Name: jabber_id
  • Type: String
City Contains the name of a person's locality.
  • Field Name: city
  • Type: String
Manager Manager.
  • Field Name: manager
  • Type: String
Member Of The user can be a member of a variety of groups.
  • Field Name: member_of.[n]
  • Type: Array
Mobile Contains strings that represent the user's IP mobile number(s).
  • Field Name: mobile.[n]
  • Type: Array
Organization The name of the person's organization.
  • Field Name: organization
  • Type: String
Object Class
  • Field Name: object_class.[n]
  • Type: Array
Other Mailbox
  • Field Name: other_mailbox.[n]
  • Type: Array
Organizational Unit The name of the person's organization unit.
  • Field Name: ou.[n]
  • Type: Array
Photo URL Photo URL.
  • Field Name: photo_url
  • Type: String
Physical Delivery Office Name Physical Delivery Office Name.
  • Field Name: physical_delivery_office_name
  • Type: String
Postal Code Contains code used by a Postal Service to identify postal service zones.
  • Field Name: postal_code
  • Type: String
Preferred Language Preferred Language.
  • Field Name: preferred_language
  • Type: String
State Contains full names of state or province.
  • Field Name: state
  • Type: String
Street Contains site information from a postal address.
  • Field Name: street
  • Type: String
Telephone Number Telephone Number.
  • Field Name: telephone_number.[n]
  • Type: Array
Timezone Timezone.
  • Field Name: timezone
  • Type: String
Title Title.
  • Field Name: title
  • Type: String
Unverified Mail Box Unverified Mail Box.
  • Field Name: unverified_mailbox
  • Type: String
Custom String 1 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString1
  • Type: String
Custom String 2 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString2
  • Type: String
Custom String 3 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString3
  • Type: String
Custom String 4 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString4
  • Type: String
Custom String 5 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString5
  • Type: String
Custom String 6 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString6
  • Type: String
Custom String 7 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString7
  • Type: String
Custom String 8 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString8
  • Type: String
Custom String 9 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString9
  • Type: String
Custom String 10 Custom String
  • Field Name: customString10
  • Type: String
Custom List of Strings 1 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings1.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 2 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings2.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 3 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings3.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 4 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings4.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 5 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings5.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 6 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings6.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 7 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings7.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 8 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings8.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 9 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings9.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom List of Strings 10 Custom List of Strings
  • Field Name: customListOfStrings10.[n]
  • Type: Array
Custom Boolean 1 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean1
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 2 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean2
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 3 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean3
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 4 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean4
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 5 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean5
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 6 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean6
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 7 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean7
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 8 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean8
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 9 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean9
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Boolean 10 Custom Boolean
  • Field Name: customBoolean10
  • Type: Boolean
Auth Method The type of authentication that our user would be using. Typically this would be choices between a Standard VOSS 4 UC user, an LDAP user or an SSO user. Default: Local
  • Field Name: auth_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: Local
  • Choices: ["Local", "Automatic", "LDAP", "SSO"]
LDAP Server A reference to the LDAP server which this user must authenticate against.
  • Field Name: ldap_server
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Ldap
  • Format: uri
LDAP Username The login attribute of the associated LDAP device model instance
  • Field Name: ldap_username
  • Type: String
SSO Identity Provider The entity id of the SSO Identity Provider.
  • Field Name: sso_idp
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/SsoIdentityProvider
  • Target attr: entity_id
  • Format: uri
SSO Username The name identifier that is used for an SSO authenticated user.
  • Field Name: sso_username
  • Type: String
User Type Indicate the user's login type. Default: Admin
  • Field Name: user_type
  • Type: String
  • Default: Admin
  • Choices: ["Admin", "End User", "End User + Admin"]
Exclude from Directory Exclude from Directory flag to control the Phone Services directory lookup. If set to true the User's phone number will not appear in the directory lookup.
  • Field Name: exclude_from_directory
  • Type: Boolean
Hybrid Status
  • Field Name: mvs_hybrid_status
  • Type: String
Primary Line
  • Field Name: mvs_primary_line
  • Type: String
Primary Class of Service
  • Field Name: mvs_primary_line_cos
  • Type: String
Extensions Extensions to select primary details from.
  • Field Name: mvs_extensions.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: mvs_extensions.[n].line
  • Type: String
Line E164
  • Field Name: mvs_extensions.[n].line_e164
  • Type: String
Class of Service
  • Field Name: mvs_extensions.[n].line_cos
  • Type: String
Avaya System Manager User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Avaya System Manager.
  • Field Name: username_avaya_system_manager
  • Type: String
Broadworks User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Broadworks.
  • Field Name: username_broadworks
  • Type: String
Cisco Unity Connection User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Cisco Unity Connection.
  • Field Name: username_cuc
  • Type: String
Cisco Unified Communication Manager User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Cisco Unified Communication Manager.
  • Field Name: username_cucm
  • Type: String
HCMF User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Cisco HCMF.
  • Field Name: username_hcmf
  • Type: String
LDAP Directory User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in the LDAP Directory.
  • Field Name: username_ldap
  • Type: String
Microsoft User Name The username corresponding to the the Microsoft Username.
  • Field Name: username_microsoft
  • Type: String
Microsoft Office 365 User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Microsoft Office 365.
  • Field Name: username_ms_365
  • Type: String
Microsoft LDAP User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Microsoft LDAP.
  • Field Name: username_ms_ldap
  • Type: String
Microsoft Teams User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Microsoft Teams.
  • Field Name: username_ms_teams
  • Type: String
Open LDAP User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Opoen LDAP.
  • Field Name: username_open_ldap
  • Type: String
Cisco Unified Contact Centre Express User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Cisco Unified Contact Centre Express.
  • Field Name: username_uccx
  • Type: String
Webex App User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Webex App.
  • Field Name: username_webex_teams
  • Type: String
Zoom User Name The username corresponding to the the Username in Zoom.
  • Field Name: username_zoom
  • Type: String
Authorized Admin Hierarchy A reference an Authorized Admin Hierarchy instance that defines this user's administrative capabilities. This enables administrative capabilities for end users.
  • Field Name: authorized_admin_hierarchy
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/AuthorizedAdminHierarchy
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Mvs User
  • Field Name: mvs_user
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: mvs_user.username
  • Type: String
Enabled Services
  • Field Name: mvs_user.enabled_services
  • Type: String
Discovered Services
  • Field Name: mvs_user.discovered_services
  • Type: String
VOSS User Line
  • Field Name: mvs_user.line
  • Type: String
VOSS User Line by pattern
  • Field Name: mvs_user.line_by_pattern
  • Type: String
VOSS User Associated Lines
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_lines
  • Type: String
Associated Phones
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_phones
  • Type: String
Associated Profiles
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_profiles
  • Type: String
Associated Cucm User
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_cucm_user
  • Type: String
Associated SNR
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_rdp
  • Type: String
Associated VM
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_vm
  • Type: String
Associated WebEx
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_webex
  • Type: String
Associated Webex Team
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_webexteam
  • Type: String
Associated Microsoft User Data
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_ms
  • Type: String
Associated Microsoft User PKID
  • Field Name: mvs_user.ms_user_pkid
  • Type: String
Associated CUCM User PKID
  • Field Name: mvs_user.cucm_user_pkid
  • Type: String
VOSS User Located at
  • Field Name: mvs_user.located_at
  • Type: String
Associated CCX
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_ccx
  • Type: String
Associated Pexip
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_pexip
  • Type: String
Associated FDP
  • Field Name: mvs_user.associated_fdp
  • Type: String
Mvs User Qa
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.username
  • Type: String
Login Phone
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_login_phone
  • Type: String
Logout Phone
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_logout_phone
  • Type: String
Add Cisco User (Profile)
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_add_subscriber_from_profile
  • Type: String
Add Cisco User (QAS)
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_add_qas
  • Type: String
Move Subscriber
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_move_subscriber
  • Type: String
Update Cisco User
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_update_cisco_user
  • Type: String
Reassign Services
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_reassign_services
  • Type: String
Reset Pin / Password
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_reset_pin_passwd
  • Type: String
Delete All Services
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_delete_services
  • Type: String
Add to Hunt Group
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_huntgroup_add
  • Type: String
Remove from all Hunt Groups
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_huntgroup_del
  • Type: String
Add to Call Pickup Group
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_cpg_add
  • Type: String
Remove from all Call Pickup Groups
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_cpg_del
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mvs_user_qa.qa_refresh
  • Type: String
Cisco User
  • Field Name: cisco_user
  • Type: Object
VOSS User *
  • Field Name: cisco_user.username
  • Type: String
IM And Presence Enable
  • Field Name: cisco_user.imAndPresenceEnable
  • Type: Boolean
IPCC Extension
  • Field Name: cisco_user.ipccExtension
  • Type: String
Enable User To Host Conference Now
  • Field Name: cisco_user.enableUserToHostConferenceNow
  • Type: Boolean
Meeting Number
  • Field Name: cisco_user.selfService
  • Type: String
Attendees Access Code
  • Field Name: cisco_user.attendeesAccessCode
  • Type: String
Cisco Phone
  • Field Name: cisco_phone
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.cucm_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.cucm_user_data
  • Type: String
Associated Phones
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.associated_phones
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.cucm_user_phone_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM Phone Data
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.cucm_user_phone_data
  • Type: String
Phone Name
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.name
  • Type: String
Phone Type
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.type
  • Type: String
Phone Lines
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.lines
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.qa_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.qa_reset
  • Type: String
Generate PRT
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.qa_generate_prt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_phone.qa_replace
  • Type: String
Cisco Jabber
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.cucm_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.cucm_user_data
  • Type: String
Associated Phones
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.associated_phones
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.cucm_user_phone_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM Phone Data
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.cucm_user_phone_data
  • Type: String
Phone Name
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.name
  • Type: String
Phone Type
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.type
  • Type: String
Phone Lines
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.lines
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.qa_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.qa_reset
  • Type: String
Generate PRT
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.qa_generate_prt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_jabber.qa_replace
  • Type: String
Cisco Em
  • Field Name: cisco_em
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_em.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_em.cucm_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_em.cucm_user_data
  • Type: String
Associated Profiles
  • Field Name: cisco_em.associated_profiles
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_em.cucm_user_em_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM EM Data
  • Field Name: cisco_em.cucm_user_em_data
  • Type: String
EM Name
  • Field Name: cisco_em.name
  • Type: String
EM Type
  • Field Name: cisco_em.type
  • Type: String
EM Lines
  • Field Name: cisco_em.lines
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_em.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_em.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_em.qa_delete
  • Type: String
Cisco Snr
  • Field Name: cisco_snr
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.cucm_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.cucm_user_data
  • Type: String
Associated SNR
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.associated_rdp
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.cucm_user_rdp_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM RDP Data
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.cucm_user_rdp_data
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.line
  • Type: String
Mobile Number
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.RemoteDestination
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_snr.qa_delete
  • Type: String
Cisco Vm
  • Field Name: cisco_vm
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUC User
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.cuc_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUC User
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.cuc_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUC User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.cuc_user_data
  • Type: String
VM Account Number
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.account_number
  • Type: String
Admin Locked
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.pin_locked
  • Type: Boolean
User Locked
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.pin_user_locked
  • Type: Boolean
CUC Lines
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.cuc_lines
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.qa_delete
  • Type: String
Unlock Account
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.qa_unlock_account
  • Type: String
Lock Account
  • Field Name: cisco_vm.qa_lock_account
  • Type: String
Cisco Webex
  • Field Name: cisco_webex
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Associated WebEx User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.associated_webex
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.active
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.email
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.qa_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webex.qa_add
  • Type: String
Cisco Webexteams
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Associated Webex Team Data
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.associated_webexteam
  • Type: String
Login Enabled
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.loginEnabled
  • Type: String
Invite Pending
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.invitePending
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.services
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_webexteams.qa_delete
  • Type: String
Cisco Ccx
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx
  • Type: Object
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.cucm_user
  • Type: String
Cisco CUCM User
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.cucm_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Cisco CUCM User Data
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.cucm_user_data
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.extension
  • Type: String
User Type
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.type
  • Type: String
Team Name
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.teamName
  • Type: String
Resource Group
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.resourceGroupName
  • Type: String
Auto Available
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.autoAvailable
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.skills
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: cisco_ccx.qa_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteam
  • Type: Object
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: msteam.ms_user
  • Type: String
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: msteam.ms_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Microsoft User Data
  • Field Name: msteam.ms_user_data
  • Type: String
Microsoft User PKID
  • Field Name: msteam.ms_user_pkid
  • Type: String
Microsoft Azure Data
  • Field Name: msteam.azure_user_data
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ms365
  • Type: Object
Phone Number
  • Field Name: msteam.ms365.PhoneNumber
  • Type: String
Mobile Number
  • Field Name: msteam.ms365.MobileNumber
  • Type: String
Location Usage
  • Field Name: msteam.ms365.LocationUsage
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mslicenses
  • Type: Object
Is Licensed
  • Field Name: msteam.mslicenses.IsLicensed
  • Type: String
License Summary
  • Field Name: msteam.mslicenses.AccountSkuId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteams
  • Type: Object
User Principal Name
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.UserPrincipalName
  • Type: String
Account Enabled
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.AccountEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Feature Types
  • Field Name: FeatureTypes.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line URI
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.LineURItel
  • Type: String
Line URI Type
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.LineURIType
  • Type: String
Online Voice Routing Policy
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
Tenant Dial Plan
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.TenantDialPlan
  • Type: String
Teams Calling Policy
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.TeamsCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
Teams Call Park Policy
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.TeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Type: String
Teams Emergency Call Routing Policy
  • Field Name: msteam.msteams.TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteam.qa_msteam_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteam.qa_msteam_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteam.qa_msteam_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mso365
  • Type: Object
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: mso365.ms_user
  • Type: String
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: mso365.ms_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Microsoft User Data
  • Field Name: mso365.ms_user_data
  • Type: String
Microsoft User PKID
  • Field Name: mso365.ms_user_pkid
  • Type: String
Microsoft Azure Data
  • Field Name: mso365.azure_user_data
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: ms365
  • Type: Object
Phone Number
  • Field Name: mso365.ms365.PhoneNumber
  • Type: String
Mobile Number
  • Field Name: mso365.ms365.MobileNumber
  • Type: String
Location Usage
  • Field Name: mso365.ms365.LocationUsage
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mslicenses
  • Type: Object
Is Licensed
  • Field Name: mso365.mslicenses.IsLicensed
  • Type: String
Account SKU ID
  • Field Name: mso365.mslicenses.AccountSkuId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: msteams
  • Type: Object
User Principal Name
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.UserPrincipalName
  • Type: String
Account Enabled
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.AccountEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Enterprise Voice Enabled
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Line URI
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.LineURItel
  • Type: String
Online Voice Routing Policy
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
Tenant Dial Plan
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.TenantDialPlan
  • Type: String
Teams Calling Policy
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.TeamsCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
Teams Call Park Policy
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.TeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Type: String
Teams Emergency Call Routing Policy
  • Field Name: mso365.msteams.TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mso365.qa_mso365_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mso365.qa_mso365_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mso365.qa_mso365_delete
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mseo
  • Type: Object
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: mseo.ms_user
  • Type: String
Microsoft User
  • Field Name: mseo.ms_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Microsoft User Data
  • Field Name: mseo.ms_user_data
  • Type: String
Microsoft User PKID
  • Field Name: mseo.ms_user_pkid
  • Type: String
Exchange Enabled
  • Field Name: mseo.enabled
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mseo.Permissions
  • Type: String
Calendar Permissions
  • Field Name: mseo.CalendarPermissions
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mseo.qa_mseo_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: mseo.qa_mseo_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: pexip
  • Type: Object
Pexip User
  • Field Name: pexip.pexip_user
  • Type: String
Pexip User
  • Field Name: pexip.pexip_user_link
  • Type: String
  • Format: link
Pexip User Data
  • Field Name: pexip.pexip_user_data
  • Type: String
Account Name
  • Field Name: pexip.name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: pexip.ConferenceAlias
  • Type: String
Primary Owner Email Address
  • Field Name: pexip.primary_owner_email_address
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: pexip.qa_add
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: pexip.qa_edit
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: pexip.qa_delete
  • Type: String
Hybrid Status
  • Field Name: hybrid_status
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: hybrid_status.username
  • Type: String
Add Hybrid Subscriber
  • Field Name: hybrid_status.qa_add_hybrid_subscriber
  • Type: String
Update Hybrid Status
  • Field Name: hybrid_status.qa_update_hybrid_status
  • Type: String