
Model: device/spark/User

Model Details: device/spark/User

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: lastName
  • Type: String
Email Address *
  • Field Name: email
  • Type: String
Phone Numbers Phone numbers for the person. Only settable for Webex Calling. Needs a Webex Calling license.
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type The type of phone number.
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Work", "Mobile", "Fax"]
Number The phone number e.g. +1 408 526 7209
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n].value
  • Type: String
Extension Webex Calling extension of the person. This is only settable for a person with a Webex Calling license.
  • Field Name: extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: line
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: status
  • Type: String
Invite Pending
  • Field Name: invitePending
  • Type: Boolean
Login Enabled
  • Field Name: loginEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: services
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: message
  • Type: Object
Webex App Messaging Named User License
  • Field Name: services.message.messaging
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: meeting
  • Type: Object
Webex App 25 Party Meetings Named User License. Each Named User license allows 1 user to be entitled as a meeting host. Named users can hold unlimited meetings.
  • Field Name: services.meeting.meeting
  • Type: Boolean
Webex Enterprise Edition 200 Named User License. Each Named User license allows 1 user to be entitled as a meeting host. Named users can hold unlimited meetings.
  • Field Name: services.meeting.webex_enterprise_200
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: calling
  • Type: Object
Webex Calling - Basic
  • Field Name: services.calling.calling_standard_enterprise
  • Type: Boolean
Webex Calling - Standard Enterprise
  • Field Name: services.calling.calling_basic
  • Type: Boolean
Webex Calling - Common Area
  • Field Name: services.calling.calling_common_area
  • Type: Boolean
Hybrid Calendar Services Add @spark to an invitation to create a Cisco Spark room for your meeting. Add @webex to attach your WebEx Personal Room.
  • Field Name: hybrid_calendar_services
  • Type: Object
Microsoft Exchange/Office 365
  • Field Name: services.hybrid_calendar_services.microsoft_exchange
  • Type: Boolean
Google Calendar
  • Field Name: services.hybrid_calendar_services.google
  • Type: Boolean
Hybrid Call Services
  • Field Name: hybrid_call_services
  • Type: Object
Aware Users can share content from the Cisco Spark app during a call from their work phones and view their call history in the app.
  • Field Name: services.hybrid_call_services.aware
  • Type: Boolean
Connect Users' incoming calls will ring their work phones and the Cisco Spark app. Users can call their colleagues from either their phones or the app, too. Aware must be enabled before the user can be enabled for Connect.
  • Field Name: services.hybrid_call_services.connect
  • Type: Boolean
Hybrid Message Services
  • Field Name: hybrid_message_services
  • Type: Object
Hybrid Message Service Hybrid Message Services
  • Field Name: services.hybrid_message_services.message
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: roles
  • Type: Object
No administrator privileges Default: true
  • Field Name: roles.none
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Full administrator privileges - User Management - Company Policy & Templates - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications - Licenses & Upgrades - Assign Roles
  • Field Name: roles.full
  • Type: Boolean
Read-only administrator privileges Read-only view of the portal. No changes will be accepted.
  • Field Name: roles.readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Support Administrator - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications
  • Field Name: roles.support
  • Type: Boolean
User and Device Administrator - User Management - Device Management - Licenses & Upgrades
  • Field Name: roles.user_device
  • Type: Boolean
Device Administrator - Device Management
  • Field Name: roles.device
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: settings
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: calling
  • Type: Object
Calling Behaviour This determines how a user makes calls in Webex App.
  • Field Name: settings.calling.calling_behaviour
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Calling in Webex App", "Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)", "Cisco Jabber app"]
Use Organization's Domain Enabling this will use the Webex App organization domain for Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)
  • Field Name: settings.calling.use_org_domain
  • Type: Boolean
UC Manager Profile
  • Field Name: settings.calling.calling_behaviour_uc_manager_profile
  • Type: String
Create iPhone Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkiPhoneDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create Android Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkAndroidDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create Tablet Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkTabletDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create CSF Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkCSFDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
  • Field Name: message
  • Type: Object
Third-Party Content Management Select how this user manages and shares files with content management in Cisco Webex App. Default: Third Party Off
  • Field Name: settings.message.enterprise_content_management
  • Type: String
  • Default: Third Party Off
  • Choices: ["Third Party Off", "Third Party On"]
Enable Jabber Team Messaging Mode
  • Field Name: settings.message.jabber_with_webex_teams
  • Type: Boolean
Contact Migration Required
  • Field Name: settings.message.contact_migration_required
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Jabber Calling
  • Field Name: settings.message.jabber_calling
  • Type: Boolean
UC Manager Profile
  • Field Name: settings.message.uc_manager_profile
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: care
  • Type: Object
Chat and Callback All Care users require a Cisco Webex App license as a prerequisite. Additionally, they require a Cisco Webex Calling license for voice-based interactions.
  • Field Name: settings.care.care_digital_channel_service
  • Type: Boolean