
Model: device/spark/Device

Model Details: device/spark/Device

Title Description Details
Device Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Device Details
  • Type: Object
Name A friendly name for the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.displayName
  • Type: String
Place The place associated with the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.placeId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/spark/Place
  • Target attr: displayName
  • Format: uri
Person The person associated with the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.personId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/spark/User
  • Target attr: email
  • Format: uri
Errors This device has the following issues.
  • Field Name: Device Details.errorCodes
  • Type: String
Capabilities The capabilities of the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.capabilities
  • Type: String
Permissions The permissions the user has for this device. For example, xapi means this user is entitled to using the xapi against this device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.permissions
  • Type: String
Connection Status The connection status of the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.connectionStatus
  • Type: String
Product The product name.
  • Field Name: Device Details.product
  • Type: String
Tags Tags assigned to the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.tags
  • Type: String
IP Address The current IP address of the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.ip
  • Type: String
Active Interface The current network connectivty for the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.activeInterface
  • Type: String
MAC Address The unique address for the network adapter.
  • Field Name: Device Details.mac
  • Type: String
Primary SIP URL The primary SIP address to dial this device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.primarySipUrl
  • Type: String
SIP URLs All SIP addresses to dial this device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.sipUrls
  • Type: String
Serial Serial number for the device.
  • Field Name: Device Details.serial
  • Type: String
Software The operating system name data and version tag.
  • Field Name: Device Details.software
  • Type: String
Upgrade Channel The upgrade channel the device is assigned to.
  • Field Name: Device Details.upgradeChannel
  • Type: String
Created The date and time that the device was registered, in ISO8601 format.
  • Field Name: Device Details.created
  • Type: String