
Model: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsRgsQueue

Model Details: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsRgsQueue

Title Description Details
AgentGroupIDList Identity of the Response Group agent groups to be added to the queue. The agent group Identities can be retrieved using the Get-CsRgsAgentGroup cmdlet. For details, see the Examples section in this topic. If a call is routed to a queue that has no agent groups assigned to it (or has only been assigned agent groups that do not have any agents) then that call will automatically be disconnected.
  • Field Name: AgentGroupIDList
  • Type: String
Name * Unique name to be assigned to the queue. The combination of the Parent property and the Name property enables you to uniquely identify Response Group queues without having to refer to the queue's globally unique identifier (GUID).
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OwnerPool
  • Type: String
OverflowThreshold Number of simultaneous calls that can be in the queue at any one time before the overflow action is triggered. The OverflowThreshold can be any integer value between 0 and 1000, inclusive. The default value is Null, meaning that an unlimited number of calls can be in the queue at any given time.
  • Field Name: OverflowThreshold
  • Type: String
OverflowCandidate Indicates which call will be acted upon should the overflow threshold be reached. The OverflowCandidate property must be set to one of the following two values: NewestCall OldestCall The default value is NewestCall.
  • Field Name: OverflowCandidate
  • Type: String
InMemory Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set-<cmdlet>.
  • Field Name: InMemory
  • Type: Boolean
TimeoutAction Action to be taken if the timeout threshold is reached. The TimeoutAction must be created using the New-CsRgsCallAction cmdlet.
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.Action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["The call is terminated", "The call is transferred to a Response Group queue", "The call is transferred to a Response Group question", "The call is transferred to the specified SIP Uniform Resource Identifier ", "The call is transferred to a public switched telephone network (PSTN) telephone"]
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.Question
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Prompt
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.Uri
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: TimeoutAction.QueueID
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsRgsQueue
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
OverflowAction Action to be taken if the overflow threshold is reached. The OverflowAction must be created using the New-CsRgsCallAction cmdlet.
  • Field Name: OverflowAction
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.Action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["The call is terminated", "The call is transferred to a Response Group queue", "The call is transferred to a Response Group question", "The call is transferred to the specified SIP Uniform Resource Identifier ", "The call is transferred to a public switched telephone network (PSTN) telephone"]
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.Question
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Prompt
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.Prompt.TextToSpeechPrompt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.Prompt.AudioFilePrompt
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.Uri
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: OverflowAction.QueueID
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsRgsQueue
  • Target attr: Identity
  • Format: uri
Parent * Service where the new queue will be hosted. For example: -Parent "service:ApplicationServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com".
  • Field Name: Parent
  • Type: String
TimeoutThreshold Amount of time (in seconds) that a call can be in the queue before that call times out. At that point, the system will take the action specified by the TimeoutAction parameter. The timeout threshold can be any integer value between 10 and 65535 seconds (approximately 18 hours), inclusive; the default value is null, meaning that the queue never times out.
  • Field Name: TimeoutThreshold
  • Type: Integer
Identity Represents either the Identity of the service where the Response Group queue is hosted or the full Identity of the queue itself. If you specify the service Identity (for example, service:ApplicationServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com), then all the Response Group queues hosted on that service will be returned. If you specify the Identity of the queue, then only the specified Response Group queue will be returned. Note that the Identity of a queue consists of the service Identity followed by a globally unique identifier (GUID); for example: service:ApplicationServer:atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com /1987d3c2-4544-489d-bbe3-59f79f530a83. An alternate way to return a single Response Group queue is to specify the service Identity, then include the Name parameter and the queue name. That enables you to retrieve a specific Response Group queue without having to know the GUID assigned to that queue. If called without any parameters, Get-CsRgsQueue returns all the Response Group queues configured for use in your organization.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
Description Enables administrators to provide additional information about the Response Group queue.
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String