
Model: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsOutboundTranslationRule

Model Details: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsOutboundTranslationRule

Title Description Details
InMemory Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set-<cmdlet>.
  • Field Name: InMemory
  • Type: Boolean
Name * The name of the outbound translation rule. If no Name is supplied, an Identity consisting of a scope and name must be specified. If a Name is supplied, the Parent parameter is also required, but an Identity cannot be specified.
  • Field Name: Name
  • Type: String
Parent * The scope of the outbound translation rule. If a value is specified for this parameter, a value must also be specified for the Name parameter. However, the Identity parameter cannot be specified. If the Parent and Name parameters aren't specified, the Identity must be.
  • Field Name: Parent
  • Type: String
Pattern A regular expression representing the number pattern to which the Translation will be applied. Default: ^\+(\d*)$
  • Field Name: Pattern
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
Priority If a number matches the Pattern of more than one outbound translation rule, rules are applied in priority order. Use this parameter to assign a priority to the rule.
  • Field Name: Priority
  • Type: Integer
Translation A regular expression that will be applied to the number matching the Pattern to prepare that number for outbound routing. Default: $1
  • Field Name: Translation
  • Type: String
Identity * A unique identifier for the outbound translation rule. The Identity includes the scope at which the rule is applied and the name of the rule, and must be at the global, site, or service (PSTNGateway only) scope. For example, site:Redmond/OutboundRule1 and PstnGateway:Redmond.litwareinc.com/OutboundRule2. If the Identity parameter is specified, you cannot specify values for the Name or Parent parameters.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
Description A description of the outbound translation rule. This description will help identify the purpose of the rule.
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String