
Model: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsNetworkRegion

Model Details: device/skypeforbusinesshybrid/CsNetworkRegion

Title Description Details
BWAlternatePaths A list of objects that contain information about whether alternate Internet connection paths are allowed if a media request is unable to complete along the preferred path (for example, if limits on that path have been exceeded). Alternate path objects must be created by calling the New-CsNetworkBWAlternatePath cmdlet. If you supply a value for this parameter, you cannot supply values for either the AudioAlternatePath or VideoAlternatePath parameters. Alternate paths for audio and video are enabled (AlternatePath = True) by default.
  • Field Name: BWAlternatePaths
  • Type: String
Description A string that describes the region. This parameter can be used to provide a more descriptive explanation of what the region is for than can be expressed by the Identity alone.
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String
BypassID A globally unique identifier (GUID). This GUID is used to map network regions to media bypass settings within a CAC or Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) network configuration. (Use this BypassID value in the call to the New-CsNetworkMediaBypassConfiguration cmdlet.) If you do not specify a value for this parameter, a value will be automatically generated. If you do specify a value, it must be in the format of a GUID (for example, 3b24a047-dce6-48b2-9f20-9fbff17ed62a). Auto-generation is recommended. If you supply a value for this parameter, you'll receive a confirmation prompt asking if you really want to supply this value rather than allow it to be auto-generated.
  • Field Name: BypassID
  • Type: String
NetworkRegionID * This value is the same as the Identity. You cannot specify both an Identity and a NetworkRegionID; a value entered for one will be automatically used for both.
  • Field Name: NetworkRegionID
  • Type: String
AudioAlternatePath This parameter determines whether audio calls will be routed through an alternate path if adequate bandwidth does not exist in the primary path. This parameter populates the BWAlternatePaths property. The value supplied to this parameter is stored in the AlternatePath property for the alternate path element with a BWPolicyModality value of Audio. If you supply a value for this parameter, you cannot specify a value for the BWAlternatePaths parameter. Default: True. Set this parameter to False only if you need to turn off the offload to the Internet. If any of your calls will be Internet calls, this value must be True, regardless of bandwidth settings.
  • Field Name: AudioAlternatePath
  • Type: Boolean
CentralSite * The central site running the bandwidth policy service. This service must be enabled in order to use CAC. This service runs on the Front End Server or the Standard Edition server.
  • Field Name: CentralSite
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Element
  • Type: String
InMemory Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet's matching Set-<cmdlet>.
  • Field Name: InMemory
  • Type: Boolean
VideoAlternatePath This parameter determines whether video calls will be routed through an alternate path if adequate bandwidth does not exist in the primary path. This parameter populates the BWAlternatePaths property. The value supplied to this parameter is stored in the AlternatePath property for the alternate path element with a BWPolicyModality value of Video. If you supply a value for this parameter you cannot specify a value for the BWAlternatePaths parameter. Default: True. Set this parameter to False only if you need to turn off the offload to the Internet. If any of your calls will be Internet calls, this value must be True, regardless of bandwidth settings.
  • Field Name: VideoAlternatePath
  • Type: Boolean
Identity * A unique identifier for the newly created network region. Regions are created only at the global scope, so this identifier does not need to specify a scope. Instead, it contains a string that is a unique name that identifies that region.
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String