
Model: device/genericcucm/HeadsetInventory

Headset Inventory

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VOSS Automate supports Cisco headset management for Unified CM (Call Manager, or CUCM) version 12.5 SU3 onwards. See: Headset Enablement. Third-party headset management may also be supported, depending on the headset type and Unified CM version.

Headset metrics are pulled from Unified CM and displayed on an easy to understand, read-only form in an inventory in VOSS Automate.

Headset data can be used for:

Subscriber or phone headset data can be viewed in VOSS Automate.

Headset templates are also listed and custom templates can be added as required.

Headset Inventory


Headset details on Unified CM are updated dynamically, for example when a headset is either connected or disconnected from a phone connected to the Unified CM.

To ensure regular headset status updates in VOSS Automate, we recommend that you create a custom data sync and schedule it to run on a daily basis or more frequently if required. See also:

The Headset Inventory list view and instance form (default menu Subscriber Management > Headset Inventory) will display the latest headset data after you have executed a sync.

There are two ways a headset can be associated with a user:

  1. When connecting the headset to a phone that is associated to a user
  2. When a user logs in to the headset. This method is typically used in an extension mobility environment (on Unified CM version 12.5 SU3). The headset is paired to a phone, which automatically logs the user in to the phone.

As soon as a Cisco USB Headset gets connected to, or disconnected from a phone on the Unified CM, the phone automatically provides details about the headset to the Unified CM.

VOSS Automate pulls this information from Unified CM, and displays it on the Headset Inventory form, allowing you to view and track headsets across clusters, providing headset details such as Headset Serial Number, Vendor, Model, Owner, Connected Device Owner, Connection Type, Connected Device Name, and so on.


For non-Cisco headsets, the Device Name is used as the Serial Number. Using the same non-Cisco headset in multiple phones creates duplicate headset records.

Headset Templates

The headset template allows you to associate User Profiles. The Headset Templates list (default menu Subscriber Management > Headset Templates) shows the following types of headset templates:

Headset Configuration Settings

Field Description
Name* Enter a unique name to identify the headset template.
Description Enter a description that identifies use of the template.
Associated User Profiles

To associate a User Profile to this template, click '+' and select the profile from the drop-down, which displays all User Profiles that are available to use with this headset


By default, all User Profiles are assigned to the Standard Default Headset Configuration Template. To associate a User Profile to a different template, create the new template and assign the User Profile to the new template.

Model Specific Settings  
Models E.g. 521, 522, 531, 532
Model Series E.g 500
Model Firmware

Select the required firmware version:

  • Remain on current version - choose this option if you want the headset to remain on the existing firmware version, i.e. the headset firmware version is not upgraded to the latest firmware version on the system.
  • Latest - choose this option if you want to upgrade the headset firmware version to the latest firmware version on the system.
Firmware parameters

Parameters as set on Unified CM:

  • Name: e.g. SpeakerVolume
  • Value: integer, e.g. 5
  • Access: e.g. User
  • Usage ID: e.g. 32

One or more parameters can be set.

See also "Headsets" in the Business Admin Portal

Model Details: device/genericcucm/HeadsetInventory

Title Description Details
Headset Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Headset Details
  • Type: Object
Headset Serial Number *
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_serialNumber
  • Type: String
Headset First Seen This is the time the headset was first seen in the UCM
  • Field Name: Headset Details.firstSeenTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Headset Last Change This is the last time the headset status changed in the UCM
  • Field Name: Headset Details.lastChangeTime
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
Headset Owner This is the user logged in/associated with the headset
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_owner
  • Type: String
Headset Connection Status
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_connectionStatus
  • Type: String
Headset Connection Type
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_connectionType
  • Type: String
Headset Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Headset Model
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_model
  • Type: String
Headset Vendor
  • Field Name: Headset Details.headset_vendor
  • Type: String
Connected Device Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details
  • Type: Object
Connected Device Client
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_client
  • Type: String
Connected Device Name This is the device the headset is connected to
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_deviceNameTrimmed
  • Type: String
Connected Device Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Connected Device OS Version
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_hostOSVersion
  • Type: String
Connected Device Model
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_model
  • Type: String
Connected Device Serial Number
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_serialNumber
  • Type: String
Connected Device Owner This is the owner ID assigned to the connected device
  • Field Name: Connected Device Details.host_userId
  • Type: String
Dock Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Dock Details
  • Type: Object
Dock Firmware Version
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_firmwareVersion
  • Type: String
Dock Model
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_model
  • Type: String
Dock Serial Number
  • Field Name: Dock Details.dock_serialNumber
  • Type: String