
Model: device/cucm/GatewayType

Model Details: device/cucm/GatewayType

Title Description Details
Gateway Name Example An example of the name of the CUCM Gateway Type
  • Field Name: GatewayNameExample
  • Type: String
Gateway Name Prefix The prefix for the name of the CUCM Gateway Type
  • Field Name: GatewayNamePrefix
  • Type: String
Gateway Name Format The format for the name of CUCM Gateway Type
  • Field Name: GatewayNameFormat
  • Type: String
Protocol and Templates Available options for this CUCM gateway type
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n]
  • Type: Array
Vendor Config JSON string - Available vendor config for this CUCM gateway type & protocol
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].VendorConfig
  • Type: ["String"]
Gateway Layout
  • Field Name: Layout.[n]
  • Type: Array
Allowed Units
  • Field Name: AllowedUnits.[n]
  • Type: Array
Allowed Subunits
  • Field Name: AllowedSubunits.[n]
  • Type: Array
Allowed Endpoints
  • Field Name: AllowedEndpoints.[n]
  • Type: Array
Endpoint Name
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].AllowedSubunits.[n].AllowedEndpoints.[n].EndpointName
  • Type: String
Starting Port
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].AllowedSubunits.[n].AllowedEndpoints.[n].StartPort
  • Type: Integer
Subunit Name
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].AllowedSubunits.[n].SubunitName
  • Type: String
Number of Allowed Ports
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].AllowedSubunits.[n].NumAllowedPorts
  • Type: Integer
Number of Allowed Subunits
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].NumAllowedSubunits
  • Type: Integer
Unit Name
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].AllowedUnits.[n].UnitName
  • Type: String
Unit Position Position of unit on this CUCM gateway type & protocol
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Layout.[n].UnitPosition
  • Type: Integer
Protocol One of the protocols available for this CUCM gateway type
  • Field Name: ProtocolTemplates.[n].Protocol
  • Type: String
Gateway Type Name The CUCM Gateway Type name
  • Field Name: GatewayType
  • Type: String