
Model: device/cuc/UserRole

Model Details: device/cuc/UserRole

Title Description Details
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a Policy object. - template parameter [2]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
User URI
  • Field Name: UserURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Alias The alias of the user. This column shadows the object's primary alias from tbl_Alias. It was added to speed up queries.
  • Field Name: Alias
  • Type: String
Role * The unique identifier of the Role object that specifies the privileges to be granted to the subject, for the target. For example, the role could be a "Technician."
  • Field Name: RoleObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/Role
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Role Name The name of the role. The given, unique text name of the user role. For example, "User Administrator," "Help Desk Administrator," "Technician," etc.
  • Field Name: RoleName
  • Type: String
Role URI
  • Field Name: RoleURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
User * The unique identifier of the User object (subject) to which this policy is assigned. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: UserObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/User
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri