
Model: device/cuc/Schedule

Model Details: device/cuc/Schedule

Title Description Details
Start Date The date and time when schedule becomes active, or NULL if active immediately.
  • Field Name: StartDate
  • Type: String
Display Name The preferred text name of this schedule to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console and Cisco Personal Assistant.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Owner User URI
  • Field Name: OwnerUserURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ET1N4ZQNKKIrZihn%24%2BlkYMN0K%2BpZvsL9y%2BEqeZOhww4MiaK82tlBId8oJL7UhQMkSdmfKvLRp0CqhNCzTiEpxn/4dePlnFVmw0wpOxlHqOiw0lEXV8dgnb%2BS34GlIX%2BchcwSnVOsEXCWXhMnhWBxCmH67FJQAhoEc1uydCFPafy6h/yOQWw%2BX4ZKcesCldnkEnfX/kKSg3TeKLIDebquEuFSibHMs0gWQNOMCuFW/AALYRFLeTN1Ohj3cB58IDpTHQPivf4pUPi4WA8wNceHNo6oOhSewiFl4SB0vpuuLKzKzYCUd54RYc9g0jLDLOUBAg9nSgHuVsl5Nwn/gnKCElqhFM8rInaeH4g%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a Schedule object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Owner Location Object Id The owner of this schedule. If the owner is a LocationVMS, the unique identifier of the LocationVMS object to which this schedule belongs. Commonly referred to as a "system" schedule. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerLocationObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ET1N4ZQNKKIrZihn%24%2BlkYMN0K%2BpZvsL9y%2BEqeZOhww4MiaK82tlBId8oJL7UhQMkSdmfKvLRp0CqhNCzTiEpxn/4dePlnFVmw0wpOxlHqOiw0lEXV8dgnb%2BS34GlIX%2BchcwSnVOsEXCWXhMnhWBxCmH67FJQAhoEc1uydCFPafy6h/yOQWw%2BX4ZKcesCldnkEnfX/kKSg3TeKLIDebquEuFSibHMs0gWQNOMCuFW/AALYRFLeTN1Ohj3cB58IDpTHQPivf4pUPi4WA8wNceHNo6oOhSewiFl4SB0vpuuLKzKzYCUd54RYc9g0jLDLOUBAg9nSgHuVsl5Nwn/gnKCElqhFM8rInaeH4g%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Owner Location URI
  • Field Name: OwnerLocationURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ET1N4ZQNKKIrZihn%24%2BlkYMN0K%2BpZvsL9y%2BEqeZOhww4MiaK82tlBId8oJL7UhQMkSdmfKvLRp0CqhNCzTiEpxn/4dePlnFVmw0wpOxlHqOiw0lEXV8dgnb%2BS34GlIX%2BchcwSnVOsEXCWXhMnhWBxCmH67FJQAhoEc1uydCFPafy6h/yOQWw%2BX4ZKcesCldnkEnfX/kKSg3TeKLIDebquEuFSibHMs0gWQNOMCuFW/AALYRFLeTN1Ohj3cB58IDpTHQPivf4pUPi4WA8wNceHNo6oOhSewiFl4SB0vpuuLKzKzYCUd54RYc9g0jLDLOUBAg9nSgHuVsl5Nwn/gnKCElqhFM8rInaeH4g%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Is Holiday A flag indicating whether this schedule represents a holiday.
  • Field Name: IsHoliday
  • Type: Boolean
Schedule Details URI
  • Field Name: ScheduleDetailsURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24ET1N4ZQNKKIrZihn%24%2BlkYMN0K%2BpZvsL9y%2BEqeZOhww4MiaK82tlBId8oJL7UhQMkSdmfKvLRp0CqhNCzTiEpxn/4dePlnFVmw0wpOxlHqOiw0lEXV8dgnb%2BS34GlIX%2BchcwSnVOsEXCWXhMnhWBxCmH67FJQAhoEc1uydCFPafy6h/yOQWw%2BX4ZKcesCldnkEnfX/kKSg3TeKLIDebquEuFSibHMs0gWQNOMCuFW/AALYRFLeTN1Ohj3cB58IDpTHQPivf4pUPi4WA8wNceHNo6oOhSewiFl4SB0vpuuLKzKzYCUd54RYc9g0jLDLOUBAg9nSgHuVsl5Nwn/gnKCElqhFM8rInaeH4g%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Owner Subscriber Object Id The owner of this schedule. If the owner is a subscriber, the unique identifier of the Subscriber object to which this schedule belongs. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerSubscriberObjectId
  • Type: String
Owner Personal Rule Set Object Id The owner of this schedule. If the owner is a personal rule set, the unique identifier of the PersonalRuleSet to which this schedule belongs. Otherwise, this attribute is set to NULL.
  • Field Name: OwnerPersonalRuleSetObjectId
  • Type: String
Tenant Object Id Unique ObjectId of the tbl_Tenant
  • Field Name: TenantObjectId
  • Type: String
End Date The date and time when schedule ends, or NULL if effective indefinitely.
  • Field Name: EndDate
  • Type: String
Undeletable A flag indicating whether this schedule can be deleted via an administrative application such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration. It is used to prevent deletion of factory defaults.
  • Field Name: Undeletable
  • Type: Boolean