
Model: device/cuc/PortGroup

Model Details: device/cuc/PortGroup

Title Description Details
Mwi On Code The access code that Cisco Unity Connection uses to activate (light) a message waiting indicator (MWI).
  • Field Name: MwiOnCode
  • Type: String
Noise Free Enable Enable NoiseFree noise cancellation.
  • Field Name: NoiseFreeEnable
  • Type: Boolean
Sip Authenticate As User The user name used for SIP authentication.
  • Field Name: SipAuthenticateAsUser
  • Type: String
Display Name * The unique text name of this MediaPortGroup. Used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Mwi Off Code The access code that Cisco Unity Connection uses to deactivate (extinguish) a message waiting indicator (MWI).
  • Field Name: MwiOffCode
  • Type: String
Port Count The total number of MediaPorts in the MediaPortGroup.
  • Field Name: PortCount
  • Type: Integer
Mwi Req Port Specific A flag indicating whether MWI requests require a MediaPort.
  • Field Name: MwiReqPortSpecific
  • Type: Boolean
Port Group Codec URI The URI to codec Information
  • Field Name: PortGroupCodecURI
  • Type: String
Media SIP Security Profile The name of the Sip security profile used by this port group.
  • Field Name: MediaSipSecurityProfileObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/SipSecurityProfile
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Sip Preferred Media Indicates SIP media preference when sending an SDP offer.
  • Field Name: SipPreferredMedia
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["IPmodeV4", "IPmodeV6", "IPmodeV4_V6"]
Phone System URI
  • Field Name: PhoneSystemURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Port Group Server URI The URI to change the server address.
  • Field Name: PortGroupServerURI
  • Type: String
Sip Authenticate Password The password to use during SIP authentication.
  • Field Name: SipAuthenticatePassword
  • Type: String
Telephony Integration Method * The method used by lines in this group to integrate with the switch.
  • Field Name: TelephonyIntegrationMethodEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["PIMG", "SIP", "Skinny"]
Media Remote Services The type of IP service.
  • Field Name: MediaRemoteServiceEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["ASRMediaServer", "CCM", "CCMAXL", "CCMTFTP", "PIMG", "SIPPROXY", "TTSMediaServer"]
Preferred Call Control Indicates call control signaling preference.
  • Field Name: PreferredCallControl
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["IPmodeV4", "IPmodeV6", "IPmodeV4_V6"]
Reset Status Shows whether the port group needs to be reset in order to cause configuration changes to take effect
  • Field Name: ResetStatusEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Reset Not Required", "Reset Required", "Reset In Progress"]
Skinny Device Prefix The prefix Cisco Unity Connection uses to generate Skinny device name for ports belonging to this group.
  • Field Name: SkinnyDevicePrefix
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^.{1,46}-VI$
Recording DTMF Clip Ms Number of milliseconds to remove from the end of a recording when the recording is terminated with a digit press.
  • Field Name: RecordingDTMFClipMs
  • Type: Integer
Outgoing Guard Time Ms The amount of time (in milliseconds) a port in this group must be on-hook before the Cisco Unity Connection will allow an outgoing call on that port.
  • Field Name: OutgoingGuardTimeMs
  • Type: Integer
Tls Port The IP port at which the service is found. Cisco Unity Connection must negotiate a TLS session when using this port.
  • Field Name: TlsPort
  • Type: Integer
Enable AGC A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should apply software-based gain control when recording messages.
  • Field Name: EnableAGC
  • Type: Boolean
Host Or IP Address V6 Server DNS name or IPv6 address for remote service.
  • Field Name: HostOrIPAddressV6
  • Type: String
Mwi Max Concurrent Requests The maximum number of MWI requests that can be in progress at any instant.
  • Field Name: MwiMaxConcurrentRequests
  • Type: Integer
Mwi Retry Interval On Success Ms The minimum time interval (in milliseconds) between repeated transmissions of MWI on/off, see MWIRetryIntervalCountOnSuccess.
  • Field Name: MwiRetryIntervalOnSuccessMs
  • Type: Integer
Media Server Name The preferred name of the media server, if applicable.
  • Field Name: MediaServerName
  • Type: String
Sip Enable Next Gen Security A flag which indicates next generation Security is enable or not in sip
  • Field Name: SipEnableNextGenSecurity
  • Type: Boolean
Media Port Group Template * The name of the template from which the MediaPortGroup object was created.
  • Field Name: MediaPortGroupTemplateObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/PortGroupTemplate
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Media Switch Display Name The name of the parent MediaSwitch.
  • Field Name: MediaSwitchDisplayName
  • Type: String
Recording Tone Extra Clip Ms Additional number of milliseconds to remove from the end of a recording when the recording is terminated by a tone.
  • Field Name: RecordingToneExtraClipMs
  • Type: Integer
Wait For Call Info Ms Number of milliseconds to wait for call information (CallerID, CalledID, etc.) to arrive after answering the call.
  • Field Name: WaitForCallInfoMs
  • Type: Integer
Delay Before Opening Ms The delay (in milliseconds) after a call is connected before playing the opening greeting.
  • Field Name: DelayBeforeOpeningMs
  • Type: Integer
Mwi Min Request Interval Ms The minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) between sending MWI on/off requests to the switch.
  • Field Name: MwiMinRequestIntervalMs
  • Type: Integer
SIP TLS Mode Specifies cipher to use for TLS
  • Field Name: SipTLSModeEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["Authenticated", "Encrypted"]
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a MediaPortGroup object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
SIP Transport Protocol The transport protocol Cisco Unity Connection should use for the SIP integration.
  • Field Name: SipTransportProtocolEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["TCP", "UDP"]
Outgoing Post Dial Delay Ms The delay (in milliseconds) after dialing an outgoing call.
  • Field Name: OutgoingPostDialDelayMs
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Sip RPID Display Name SIP Remote-Party-ID header display name
  • Field Name: SipRPIDDisplayName
  • Type: String
Ccm Do Auto Failback A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should automatically re-register (i.e. failback) with a higher-precedence CCM server if one becomes available. This is pertinent if a Cisco Unity Connection Skinny device is currently registered to a CCM server that is not the primary server.
  • Field Name: CcmDoAutoFailback
  • Type: Boolean
Port Group URI
  • Field Name: PortGroupURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Sip Do Dtmf KPML Send/receive DTMF out-of-band as SIP events (KPML)
  • Field Name: SipDoDtmfKPML
  • Type: Boolean
Enable MWI A flag indicating whether this port group can transmit message waiting indicator (MWI) on/off messages to the switch.
  • Field Name: EnableMWI
  • Type: Boolean
Mwi Retry Count On Success The number of times Cisco Unity Connection should repeat activating/deactivating an MWI upon success.
  • Field Name: MwiRetryCountOnSuccess
  • Type: Integer
Host Or IP Address * The DNS name or IP address of the computer hosting the remote service .
  • Field Name: HostOrIPAddress
  • Type: String
Skinny State Machine A flag indicating whether this MediaPortGroup is integrated with Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Cisco CallManager Express. This is used to switch on a special state engine in the Skinny TSP for Cisco CallManager Express.
  • Field Name: SkinnyStateMachineEnum
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["CCM", "CCME"]
Video Profile
  • Field Name: VideoProfile
  • Type: Integer
Sip Register With Proxy Server A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should register with a SIP proxy server.
  • Field Name: SipRegisterWithProxyServer
  • Type: Boolean
Port URI The URI to ports Information
  • Field Name: PortURI
  • Type: String
Sip Do Authenticate A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should authenticate with the remote endpoint.
  • Field Name: SipDoAuthenticate
  • Type: Boolean
Dtmf Dial Inter Digit Delay Ms The amount of time (in milliseconds) between DTMF digits when sending DTMF to the PBX.
  • Field Name: DtmfDialInterDigitDelayMs
  • Type: Integer
Media Switch * The name of the MediaSwitch object to which this MediaPortGroup belongs. The MediaSwitch represents the PBX/switch at the other end of the phone lines.
  • Field Name: MediaSwitchObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/PhoneSystem
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Media Certificate The name of the Sip certificate object used by this port group.
  • Field Name: MediaCertificateObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/SipCertificate
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Outgoing Pre Dial Delay Ms The delay (in milliseconds) before dialing.
  • Field Name: OutgoingPreDialDelayMs
  • Type: Integer
Sip Contact Line Name The dialable (extension) number of the lines in this group, i.e., pilot number.
  • Field Name: SipContactLineName
  • Type: String
Media Port Group The name of the MediaPortGroup object to which this row corresponds.
  • Field Name: MediaPortGroupObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/PortGroup
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Sip Do Dtmf Rfc2833 Send/receive DTMF in RTP stream (RFC 2833)
  • Field Name: SipDoDtmfRfc2833
  • Type: Boolean
Sip Do SRTP A flag indicating whether the audio stream between Cisco Unity Connection and the remote endpoint should be encrypted.
  • Field Name: SipDoSRTP
  • Type: Boolean
Port The IP port at which the service is found.
  • Field Name: Port
  • Type: Integer