
Model: device/cuc/MessageAgingText

Model Details: device/cuc/MessageAgingText

Title Description Details
Body Admin supplied body
  • Field Name: Body
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
Language Code The language identifier for this row.
  • Field Name: LanguageCode
  • Type: Integer
Default Subject Default data supplied subject
  • Field Name: DefaultSubject
  • Type: String
Object Id PK - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%247CdFc24KFnUci5go%24BwcJGGO6KjtQi%2Betwytwe5mABkNKl6Uh%2B8SeyCehe%2BgviXctlT852jALogbaJAyXwT5pv9iiW5GscsWz4PtPsPddnwIBYjUY6nDkD3IeyOAvRdPjFrhb0qUu4GKwdhGSwHZXWvcy24V4ZWiqQ8uog1ZCIIC%2BDbpnds3LxqpPbhwS/v3IL9Fe/WJGZfQQxqovbRZZAnWWAC0tQ87nz5uD%2BOJ1OsSIFQgFvSmZOGK/EXYK3hfy94qrRITWKqpr7lf9ExBB/L%2BjTzMevX0T2S8x/nKczDGF7RnsWihOd6VUObH1gwTAG00jVP2ehemxKYzQWAl8BmE69mS3%2B1EKTVKbD7WZNLiH%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Rule Description The description for the rule.
  • Field Name: RuleDescription
  • Type: String
Default Body Default data supplied default body
  • Field Name: DefaultBody
  • Type: String
Use Default Specify that the DefaultSubject and DefaultBody should be used.
  • Field Name: UseDefault
  • Type: Boolean
Aging Rule Type The rule type this notification is for.
  • Field Name: AgingRuleType
  • Type: Integer
Subject Admin supplied subject
  • Field Name: Subject
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]