
Model: device/cuc/InstalledLanguage

Model Details: device/cuc/InstalledLanguage

Title Description Details
Loaded A flag indicating whether this language is loaded at run time.
  • Field Name: Loaded
  • Type: Boolean
Language Type The type of language (TUI, GUI, etc.)
  • Field Name: LanguageType
  • Type: Integer
Is Licensed A derived column that tells if a language is licensed on this box. "1" for yes and "0" for no.
  • Field Name: IsLicensed
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24Bl9Fn7bK1swgm9qH%24tnClNUw%2BwjTrwC5PffVDpxSh7FwM7u1s8yX3Zhxc/p6k3eeirmEkoQ91AZDaUTx30NhFIGtBIlb7SQq2BOk%2BX0hMz6j9FMnJNWzGCmUnvcGe8RgiN16ssFf8V/UoHD7Fw8HeNzD6t7ts3VnJQRwEQ1G5SpVen15Coy7iPZlTPySKvan1ORUsh4hydqItsbp8iC1hY6Lr18pGQjAfUlPZkCppDVVaRLMBSfWyeHYOCELYbuReC431UIw7zcQFQrNNf%2Bzlwfa9JKRvquIDDtKYkUimy75BIfKaEcPUqP2%2B8niy3mTQooQAt1iC6pPcTSwlfAXad8%2BhKu7CqSHsiQyG2uJjjx2aNA%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Language Code The Windows Locale ID (LCID) which is a 32-bit value defined by Windows that consists of a language ID, a sort ID, and reserved bits. For example, the LCID for US English is 1033.
  • Field Name: LanguageCode
  • Type: Integer