
Model: data/SiteDefaultsDoc

Site Defaults

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com


Site defaults provide the default values for several of the tasks performed during onboarding. When creating a site, a site defaults instance is created on the site, having the same name as the new site, and pre-populated with several default values.

For Provider deployments, when creating a Cisco HCS site dial plan, the site defaults on the site are updated with dial-plan-related attributes that are affected by the deployed site dial plan. Any related existing values are overwritten. When the site dial plan is removed, these values are reset (set to empty) in the site defaults.

The Site Defaults Doc (SDD) is useful for managing multi-site, multi-country customers. A SDD allows a Provider administrator (or higher) to define geo-specific information at a site level, allowing multinational sites to stay in sync.

Geo-specific information includes CUCM user-locale and network-locale defaults, as well as the CUC time zone and language defaults.

Site defaults may also be used to include a site for the overbuild, a VOSS Automate process that syncs in users, and which may include moving users to sites (based on model filter criteria chosen for the site defaults), and assigning services to subscribers at the sites (when flow through provisioning is enabled).

Edit Site Defaults

This procedure displays and updates site defaults.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to VOSS Automate (Admin Portal or Business Admin Portal), as Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.

  2. Choose an option:

  3. Click through the tabs to modify site default values:

  4. Save your changes.


    • Field descriptions for the tabs on this screen are documented below.

    • Note that the SDD also contains ten custom string fields and ten custom boolean fields, which are, by default, untitled and hidden:

      • custom_string_1 to custom_string_10
      • custom_boolean_1 to custom_boolean_10

      To enable and use these fields, higher-level administrators can modify the field display policy (FDP) for the SDD (at a specific hierarchy). Once the fields are available, designers can reference the fields in custom configuration templates and workflows.

Related Topics

Site Defaults Doc Templates in the Core Feature Guide.

Defaults Page

On the Defaults page (Site Management > Defaults) you can view and edit a site's default settings (the site defaults document, or SDD).

You can select the following tabs on this page:

General Defaults Tab

Option Default Value

Mandatory. The same name as the site.

Only one instance of site defaults exists for a site.

Default CUCM Device Pool Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-DevicePool
Default CUCM Location Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Location
Default CUCM Region Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Region
Default CUCM Date/Time Group


For Provider deployments, choose from the drop-down list.

Default User Locale The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users at the specific location, including language and font. Choose the required user locale from the drop-down list, which contains all user locales available on the CUCM at the selected location.
Default Network Locale The network locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phones and gateways use at the specific location. Choose the required network locale from the drop-down list, which contains all network locales available on the CUCM at the selected location.
Default User Profile (for User Self Provisioning) Choose from the drop-down list.
Default CUCM Hunt Pilot Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
Default CUCM Call Pickup Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
Default CUCM Call Park Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
Default CUCM MeetMe Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
Default CUCM Group

Defined via a macro in the CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE and the algorithm chosen for CUCM Group selection, either Least Utilized or Default.

See CUCM Group Selection in the Core Feature Guide for details.

Related Topics

CUCM Group Selection in the Core Feature Guide.

Configure CUCM Groups in the Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide.

Device Defaults Tab

Values on the Device Defaults tab are applied to the configuration template associated with adding a subscriber (SubcriberPhonePrePopulate).

Option Default Value
Default CUCM Phone Product Cisco 9971
Default CUCM Phone Protocol SIP
Default CUCM Phone Button Template Standard 9971 SIP
Default CUCM Phone Security Profile Cisco 9971 - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile
Default CUCM Phone Softkey Template Standard User
Default CUCM Phone SIP Profile Standard SIP Profile
Default CUCM Phone Presence Group Standard Presence Group
Default CUCM Phone Common Profile Standard Common Phone Profile
Default CUCM Phone Line E164 Mask Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
Default CUCM Device CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-{countryIsoCode}- DP-Emer-CSS
Default CUCM User Subscribe CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Phone Subscribe CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-InternalOnly-CSS
Default CUCM Device Profile Product Cisco 9971
Default CUCM Device Profile Protocol


When adding a phone (or when choosing a phone for a subscriber), the phone type you choose must support the protocol you wish to use (SIP or SCCP). If the phone type does not support the protocol, the protocol defaults to the protocol value set up in the site defaults (if the phone type supports the default protocol).

Default CUCM Device Profile Button Template Standard 9971 SIP
Option Default Value
Default CUCM Device Profile Line E164 Mask None. Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
Default CUCM Device Profile EMCC CSS None
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile CSS None
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile ReRouting CSS None
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile Line E164 Mask None. Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
Use National Mask Format

When this check box is selected, the E164 Mask will use the National format of the associated E164 Number.

For example, if the E164 Number has been added in the format +44 1234 5000, and this check box is selected, the E164 Mask on the device will have the International Dialing Code prefix removed e.g. +44, and a '0' will be prefixed to the number e.g. 012345000.


For Quick Add Subscriber, set the following value in the E164 Mask field of the relevant phone, device profile and remote destination profile configuration template {{ macro.SDD_QAS_E164Number_MCR }}. See the "Reference CUCM Phone Template" CFT for an example configuration.

Line Defaults Tab

Values on the Line Defaults tab are applied to the configuration template associated with adding a line (line-cft).

Option Default Value
Default CUCM Line BLF Presence Group Standard Presence Group
Default CUCM Line Voicemail Profile None
Default CUCM Line Partition  
Default CUCM Line Alternate E164 Partition None
Default CUCM Line CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-InternalOnly-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward All CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer Internal CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy CSS Internal-CSS
Option Default Value
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy Internal CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage Internal CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure Internal CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Not Registered CSS Internal-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Alternate Party CSS CU1-DummyBlk-CSS
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Secondary CSS Internal-CSS

User Defaults Tab

Option Default Value
Default System User Role {SiteName}SelfService
Default CUCM User BLF Presence Group Standard Presence group
Default CUCM Service Profile None
Default Self-service Language Choose from the drop-down list of installed Self-service languages. Default is English (en-us).
Webex App - Use Organization's Domain

Displays only when:

  • The entitlement profile allows the Webex App service
  • A Webex App server is configured
  • The subscriber and Webex App user have the same email address
  • Subscriber does not already have Jabber clients
  • CUCM calling behavior is not yet configured for the Webex App user

Enabling this option hides the following field: Webex App - UC Manager Profile

Default (when displayed) is unchecked (clear).

When enabled, Webex App provisioning via QAS refers to values generated via the following named macros in the device/spark/User configuration template (CFT):

  • SDD_WtCallBehaviourUcManagerProfile
  • SDD_WtUseOrgDomain

When the CFT with these macros is chosen for the QAS, the QAS uses site default values to provision Webex App (the macros allow QAS to determine whether the user has a Jabber client and whether CUCM calling behavior is configured).

Webex App - UC Manager Profile

Displays only when the following checkbox is clear (not selected): Webex App - Use Organization's Domain

Choose the UC Manager profile from the drop-down.

Options in the drop-down are the UC manager profiles added via Services > Webex App > Customer Access

CUC Defaults Tab

For more information about the settings on this tab, see:

Cisco Unity Connection Localization in the Core Feature Guide.

Option Default Value
Default CUC Phone System This field is populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
Default CUC Subscriber Template This field is populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
Default CUC HTML Notification Template Default_Dynamic_Icons
Default CUC SMPP Provider None
Default CUC TimeZone

None. Choose from the drop-down list, for example: GMT-05:00-America-New_York. The timezones available in this drop-down are those added in Services > CUC Localization > CUC TimeZone Filters (see cross reference below).

You can also manually enter a valid timezone index value in this field, for example 035 for (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada). Note that the code entered must already be installed on the CUC server associated to this site.

Default CUC Language

None. Choose from the drop-down list, for example: English-US. The languages available in this drop-down are those in Services > CUC Localization > CUC Language Filters (see cross reference below).

You can also manually enter a valid Locale ID (LCID) value for the language in this field, for example 1036 for French - France. Note that the code entered must already be installed on the CUC server associated to this site.

Default Language That Callers Hear

None. Choose from the drop-down list:

  • Inherit Language From Caller
  • Use System Default Language
  • [Use the User Language] e.g. English (United States). See "Default CUC Language" above.
  • [Choice of Languages] e.g. Spanish (Spain Traditional). See "Default CUC Language" above).

HotDial Defaults Tab

Option Default Value
Default PLAR CSS None
Default HotDial TimeZone None

Overbuild Defaults Tab

The Overbuild Defaults tab is visible only to Provider and Reseller administrators.

Settings on this tab:

For more information about the settings on this tab, see:

Overbuild Site Defaults: Overview in the Core Feature Guide.

Move Filter Criteria Tab

This tab defines the rules the system uses to match users to sites when syncing in users, and to determine whether users should be moved directly to the site as subscribers.

The model filter criteria you can choose (depending on the user type you're syncing in, for example, Microsoft, LDAP, or CUCM), is configured in the Admin Portal, via (default menus):

Related Topics

Flow Through Provisioning in the Core Feature Guide

Model Filter Criteria in the Core Feature Guide

MS Teams Tab

The table describes settings on this tab:

Option Description
Manage Licenses and Allow User Staging

This checkbox defines whether Voss Automate may update the MSOL (Microsoft 365) user, typically, the licensing component.

When disabled (unchecked), VOSS Automate will never attempt to update a user's license, and in this case, it won't be possible to use Quick Subscriber to license a user and to provide them with baseline MS Teams configuration. The user must be properly licensed through the Microsoft online portal to allow VOSS Automate to provide accurate MS Teams configuration.

Additionally, disabling this setting hides the Line URI field in Quick Subscriber when:

  • The user is not licensed for Microsoft Teams
  • The user's license includes feature group PhoneSystem

Enable this setting to allow users to be staged, licensed, and provisioned from Quick Subscriber.

Auto Delete VOSS4UC User

Defines whether to delete the user in VOSS Automate when the MS Azure AD online user is deleted.

This only applies to users located at the Site level. Users at Customer level will not be automatically deleted.

Default Tenant Dial Plan Defines the default tenant dial plan for the site. For details, see Configure Microsoft Tenant Dialplan in the Core Feature Guide.
MS Teams Policies

Policies are synced in to VOSS Automate from MS Teams and are available in the SDD as defaults. You can choose a default policy for a site in the site defaults to automatically assign to subscribers at the site. When creating a subscriber via Quick Subscriber, the site default is used, but you can also edit the configuration template for the Quick Add Group (QAG) to use a policy different to the site defaults, or you can edit a subscriber directly to choose a different policy for that subscriber.

See Introduction to Microsoft Teams Policies in the Core Feature Guide

Default Usage Location The country for default usage.

Related Topics

Configure Microsoft Tenant Dialplan in the Core Feature Guide.

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Policies in the Core Feature Guide.

Quick Subscriber for Microsoft Users in the Core Feature Guide.

Microsoft Licenses in the Core Feature Guide

CUC Localization

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com

Provider administrators or higher can manage multi-site, multi-country customers by setting geo-specific information using the Site Defaults Doc. Using this information, administrators can use custom Configuration Templates (as in the Quick Add Group for Quick Add Subscriber), to set this information on a per-site level.

Timezones and languages in VOSS Automate are populated with the required CUC timezones and languages. These are typically selected from the relevant drop-down lists as described under Modify Site Defaults.


You must only add timezone and language codes in VOSS Automate that match the installed timezones and languages on the associated CUC Server. The names entered must uniquely describe the timezone and code.

See also:

Add a CUC TimeZone

To access the latest documentation, go to Documentation and Resources at: https://voss.portalshape.com

To add a custom Cisco Unity Connection timezone filter:

  1. Log in as provider administrator or higher.
  2. Choose Services > Cisco Unity Connection Localization > TimeZone Filters to see a list of timezone filters currently in VOSS Automate.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the following:
    1. TimeZone Code - this is a mandatory field, and must match a timezone code installed on the associated Cisco Unity Connection Server.
    2. TimeZone Name - this is a mandatory field, and must be a unique description for the timezone code above.
  5. Click Save.

Add a Language Filter

To add a custom Cisco Unity Connection language filter:

  1. Log in as provider administrator or higher.
  2. Choose Services > Cisco Unity Connection Localization > Language Filters to see a list of language filters currently in VOSS Automate.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the following:
    1. Installed Language Code - this is a mandatory field, and must match a language code installed on the associated Cisco Unity Connection Server.
    2. Language Name - this is a mandatory field, and must be a unique description for the language code above.
  5. Click Save.

Site Defaults Doc Templates

When a provider hierarchy is created in VOSS Automate, a workflow creates a default Site Defaults Doc Template (SDD template) called PROVIDER_TEMPLATE at the provider level.

The data in this template is in turn used to generate a customer-level default SDD template called CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE for each customer added to the system under the respective provider hierarchy.

When creating a site, a SDD instance is created on the site using the CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE. The site level SDD is useful for managing multi-site, multi-country customers and allows a provider administrator (or higher) to define geo-specific information at a site level, allowing multinational sites to stay in sync.

The site level SDD has the same name as the new site, and is also pre-populated with several default values. Site level SDDs provide the default values for several of the tasks performed during onboarding.

For Provider deployments, when creating a Cisco HCS site dial plan, the site defaults on the site are updated with dial-plan-related attributes that are affected by the deployed site dial plan. Any related existing values are overwritten. When the site dial plan is removed, these values are reset (set to empty) in the site defaults.

Administrators with the required permissions can modify the PROVIDER_TEMPLATE and CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE SDD templates as required in order to customize SDD settings in the template during the creation of lower level SDDs and SDD templates. The default SDD templates are shown in the list view of the Site Defaults menu.

Related Topics

Site Defaults Doc

Model Details: data/SiteDefaultsDoc

Title Description Details
General Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: General Defaults
  • Type: Object
Name *
  • Field Name: General Defaults.name
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Pool
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultDP
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Location
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultLOC
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Region
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultREG
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Date/Time Group
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultDTG
  • Type: String
Default User Locale
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultUL
  • Type: String
Default Network Locale
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultNL
  • Type: String
Default User Profile (for User Self Provisioning)
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultuserprofile
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Hunt Pilot Partition
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaulthppt
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSitePartitions.SitePT
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM Call Pickup Partition
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultcpupt
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSitePartitions
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM Call Park Partition
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultcppt
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSitePartitions
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM MeetMe Partition
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultmmpt
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSitePartitions
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM Group
  • Field Name: General Defaults.defaultcucmgroup
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_1
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_2
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_3
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_4
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_5
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_6
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_7
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_8
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_9
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_boolean_10
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_1
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_2
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_3
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_4
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_5
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_6
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_7
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_8
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_9
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: General Defaults.custom_string_10
  • Type: String
Device Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Device Defaults
  • Type: Object
Default CUCM Phone Product
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_product
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Protocol
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_protocol
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Button Template
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_template
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Security Profile
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_securityprofile
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Softkey Template
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_softkey
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone SIP Profile
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_sipprofile
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Presence Group
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_presencegroup
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Common Profile
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_commondeviceconfig
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Line E164 Mask
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_phone_e164_mask
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.defaultdevicecss
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSiteCSS
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM User Subscribe CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_user_subscriber_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Phone Subscribe CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_phone_subscriber_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Profile Product
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_dp_product
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Profile Protocol
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_dp_protocol
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Profile Button Template
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_dp_template
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Profile Line E164 Mask
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_dp_e164_mask
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Device Profile EMCC CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_dp_emcc_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_rdp_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile ReRouting CSS
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_rdp_rr_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile Line E164 Mask
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.default_cucm_rdp_e164_mask
  • Type: String
Use National Mask Format
  • Field Name: Device Defaults.useNationalMaskFormat
  • Type: Boolean
Line Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Line Defaults
  • Type: Object
Default CUCM Line Presence Group
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.default_cucm_line_presencegroup
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Voicemail Profile
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.default_cucm_line_vmprofile
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Partition
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinept
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSitePartitions.SitePT
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM Line Alternate E164 Partition
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.default_alternate_e164_pt
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecss
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/DialPlan
  • Target attr: AddSiteCSS
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default CUCM Line Call Forward CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.default_callforward_css
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfnacss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward All CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfacss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer Internal CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfnaicss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfbcss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy Internal CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfbicss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfnccss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage Internal CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfncicss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfofcss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure Internal CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfnricss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Not Registered CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfnrcss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Alternate Party CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlinecfapcss
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Line Call Forward Secondary CSS
  • Field Name: Line Defaults.defaultlineseccss
  • Type: String
User Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: User Defaults
  • Type: Object
Default System User Role Default: selfservice
  • Field Name: User Defaults.defaultuserrole
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Role
  • Target attr: name
  • Default: selfservice
  • Format: uri
Default CUCM User Presence Group
  • Field Name: User Defaults.default_cucm_user_presencegroup
  • Type: String
Default CUCM Service Profile
  • Field Name: User Defaults.default_cucm_user_serviceprofile
  • Type: String
Default Self-service Language
  • Field Name: User Defaults.default_self_service_language
  • Type: String
Webex App - Use Organization's Domain
  • Field Name: User Defaults.use_org_domain
  • Type: Boolean
Webex App - UC Manager Profile
  • Field Name: User Defaults.calling_behaviour_uc_manager_profile
  • Type: String
CUC Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults
  • Type: Object
Default CUC Phone System
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcucphonesystem
  • Type: String
Default CUC Subscriber Template
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcucsubscribertemplate
  • Type: String
Default CUC HTML Notification Template
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcuchtmlnotificationtemplate
  • Type: String
Default CUC SMPP Provider
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcucsmppprovider
  • Type: String
Default CUC Timezone
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcuctimezone
  • Type: String
Default CUC Language
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcuclanguage
  • Type: String
Default Language That Callers Hear
  • Field Name: CUC Defaults.defaultcuclanguagecallerhears
  • Type: String
HotDial Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: HotDial Defaults
  • Type: Object
Default PLAR CSS
  • Field Name: HotDial Defaults.defaultplarcss
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Css
  • Target attr: name
  • Choices: ["y"]
Default HotDial Time Zone
  • Field Name: HotDial Defaults.hotdial_time_zone
  • Type: String
Overbuild Defaults Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults
  • Type: Object
Include Site for Overbuild Mark this site as to be included for Overbuild
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeOverbuild
  • Type: Boolean
Create Internal Number Inventory at Customer Creates Internal Number Inventory at Customer level when selected, else creates INIs at Site level Default: false
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.customer_ini
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
Additional Device Pools Choose the Device Pools to include for the move.
  • Field Name: additionalDevicePools.[n]
  • Type: Array
Device Pool Name Device Pool to be used during Overbuild for this site.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.additionalDevicePools.[n].dpName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/DevicePool
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Replace With Default Device Pool Replace the Device Pool with the site default Device Pool
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.additionalDevicePools.[n].dpReplace
  • Type: Boolean
Overbuild Device Control Select the method of device selection Default: all
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.deviceLimitYN
  • Type: String
  • Default: all
  • Choices: ["Move All Devices", "Limit Moved Devices"]
Phones Move all phones that match search-criteria, to destination site.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includePhone
  • Type: Boolean
Dual-mode Remote Destinations Remote Destinations associated to Dual-Mode Phones
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includePRD
  • Type: Boolean
Users Move Users down to associated phones
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeUser
  • Type: Boolean
Device Profiles Move User Device Profiles down to associated User
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeDP
  • Type: Boolean
Remote Destination Profiles Move Remote Destination Profiles that match search-criteria, to destination site.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeRDP
  • Type: Boolean
Remote Destinations Remote Destinations associated to RDP's
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeRD
  • Type: Boolean
Lines Lines associated to 1) phones, 2) device profiles, 3) RDP's.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeLine
  • Type: Boolean
CUC Users Unity Connect Users associated to phones
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeCUCUser
  • Type: Boolean
Webex App Users Webex App Users that have a User at Site level with same email address.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeWebexTeamsUser
  • Type: Boolean
Contact Center Agents Contact Center Agents that have a User at Site level with same user ID.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeContactCenterAgent
  • Type: Boolean
PexIP Users PexIP Users that have a User at Site level with same username.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includePexIpUser
  • Type: Boolean
Microsoft Users Move Microsoft users to site level using Filter Model Criteria.
  • Field Name: Overbuild Defaults.includeMsUser
  • Type: Boolean
Move Filter Criteria Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Move Filter Criteria
  • Type: Object
MS 365 User Model Filter Criteria Rule to use for matching the MSOL User. This criteria will be used to check if a user should be moved to a site when the user is synced in.
  • Field Name: Move Filter Criteria.ms365UserModelFilterCriteria
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ModelFilterCriteria
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
LDAP User Model Filter Criteria Rule to use for matching the LDAP User. This criteria will be used to check if a user should be moved to a site when the user is synced in.
  • Field Name: Move Filter Criteria.ldapUserModelFilterCriteria
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ModelFilterCriteria
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
CUCM User Model Filter Criteria Rule to use for matching the CUCM User. This criteria will be used to check if a user should be moved to a site when the user is synced in.
  • Field Name: Move Filter Criteria.cucmUserModelFilterCriteria
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ModelFilterCriteria
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
MS Teams Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: MS Teams
  • Type: Object
Manage Licenses and Allow User Staging Allow VOSS4UC to manage MS licenses and allow user staging
  • Field Name: MS Teams.manageLicenses
  • Type: Boolean
Auto Delete VOSS4UC User Delete VOSS4UC User when deleting Azure AD Online Users
  • Field Name: MS Teams.deleteDataUserOnMsolUserDelete
  • Type: Boolean
Enterprise Voice MS-Teams Users provisioned with Enterprise Voice = False and OnLine Voice Routing Policy = Not Set
  • Field Name: MS Teams.enterpriseVoice
  • Type: Boolean
MS-Teams Direct Routing MS-Teams DirectRouting disabled on PBX-side or in the SBC
  • Field Name: MS Teams.msTeamsDirectRouting
  • Type: Boolean
Default Tenant Dial Plan Default TenantDialPlan
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTenantDialPlan
  • Type: String
Default Online Voice Routing Policy Default OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Messaging Policy Default TeamsMessagingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsMessagingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Meeting Broadcast Policy Default TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Meeting Policy Default TeamsMeetingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsMeetingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Calling Policy Default TeamsCallingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Call Park Policy Default TeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsCallParkPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Emergency Call Routing Policy Default TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Emergency Calling Policy Default TeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Calling Line Identity Default TeamsCallingLineIdentity
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultCallingLineIdentity
  • Type: String
Default Teams Video Interop Service Policy Default TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy
  • Type: String
Default Teams Upgrade Policy Default TeamsUpgradePolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsUpgradePolicy
  • Type: String
Default App Permission Policy Default TeamsAppPermissionPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsAppPermissionPolicy
  • Type: String
Default App Setup Policy Default TeamsAppSetupPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsAppSetupPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Audio Conferencing Policy Default TeamsAudioConferencingPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsAudioConferencingPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Channels Policy Default TeamsChannelsPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsChannelsPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Enhanced Encryption Policy Default TeamsEnhancedEncryptionPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsEnhancedEncryptionPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Online Voicemail Policy Default TeamsOnlineVoicemailPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsOnlineVoicemailPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Update Management Policy Default TeamsUpdateManagementPolicy
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy
  • Type: String
Default Usage Location Default Usage Location
  • Field Name: MS Teams.defaultUsageLocation
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Afghanistan", "Åland Islands", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Aruba", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas, The", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Bouvet Island", "Brazil", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "Brunei", "Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Cabo Verde", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Christmas Island", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "Colombia", "Comoros", "Congo", "Congo (DRC)", "Cook Islands", "Costa Rica", "Côte d’Ivoire", "Croatia", "Curaçao", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "Ecuador", "Egypt", "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)", "Faroe Islands", "Fiji Islands", "Finland", "France", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "French Southern and Antarctic Lands", "Gabon", "Gambia, The", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Gibraltar", "Greece", "Greenland", "Grenada", "Guadeloupe", "Guam", "Guatemala", "Guernsey", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "Honduras", "Hong Kong SAR", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Isle of Man", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jersey", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea, Republic of", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Laos", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macao SAR", "Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Martinique", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mayotte", "Mexico", "Micronesia", "Moldova", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Montserrat", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands", "Netherlands Antilles (Former)", "New Caledonia", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Niue", "Norfolk Island", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Norway", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Palestinian Authority", "Panama", "Papua New Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Pitcairn Islands", "Poland", "Portugal", "Puerto Rico", "Qatar", "Reunion", "Romania", "Russia", "Rwanda", "Saint Barthélemy", "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saint Martin", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "Samoa", "San Marino", "São Tomé and Príncipe", "Saudi Arabia", "Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles", "Sierra Leone", "Singapore", "Sint Maarten", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "South Sudan", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "Suriname", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Timor-Leste", "Togo", "Tokelau", "Tonga", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tuvalu", "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "Wallis and Futuna", "Western Sahara", "Yemen", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"]