
Model: data/HcsDpSiteShortCodeDAT

Contains a short dialing code for a site.

Model Details: data/HcsDpSiteShortCodeDAT

Title Description Details
Site Name * Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • Field Name: siteName
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/BaseSiteDAT
  • Target attr: SiteName
  • Default: {{ macro.HcsDpSiteName }}
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Short Code * Short code number. Enter the abbreviated number to be supported by the site. This number can include wildcards (do not use spaces). Valid characters include 0 through 9, *, #, uppercase A, B, C, and D and \+, which represents the international escape character +.
  • Field Name: shortCode
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 48
  • Pattern: ^(\\\+)?[\[\]!\?\-\^0-9A-D\*#X]*\.?[\[\]!\?\-\^0-9A-D\*#X]*$
Short Code Type * The type of short code. Default: calledMask
  • Field Name: type
  • Type: String
  • Default: calledMask
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Choices: ["Directory Number", "Called Mask", "Pre-dot with Called Prefix"]
Value * If Short Code Type is Directory Number, the directory number to which this short code maps. If Short Code Type is Called Mask, the called mask to which this short code maps. If Short Code Type is Pre-Dot with Called Prefix, the called prefix to which this short code maps.
  • Field Name: value
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 16
  • Pattern: ^\+?[0-9X*#]+$
Use Originator's Calling Search Space If enabled, this short code will use the originator's calling search space to route the short code rather than an explicit CSS.
  • Field Name: useOrigCss
  • Type: Boolean