
Model: data/HcsCommandBuilderDAT

IOS Device Management

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In VOSS Automate, you can set up IOS devices such as SIP Local Gateways and Analog Gateways. And you can set up Command Builders to generate the appropriate IOS commands, which allow you to copy to the IOS device CLI.

Related Topics

Command Builders in the Core Feature Guide

IOS Device Management Workflow

This section outlines a possible workflow for setting up Local Break Out (LBO) using a SIP Local Gateway. This workflow copies IOS commands to the IOS device CLI after each step. Alternatively, you can use the consolidate commands tool to create one set of IOS commands to run all at once.

Perform these steps:

  1. Create customized Command Builders for events. Either add new ones, or clone the default ones and update the clones. See Set up a Command Builder or Clone a Command Builder.
  2. Add an IOS device at customer hierarchy level. See Set up an IOS Device.
  3. View the IOS Commands log and copy commands to the IOS device CLI. See View IOS Commands Log.
  4. Add SIP Local Gateways at customer hierarchy level. See:

Set up SIP Local Gateway in the Core Feature Guide

  1. View the IOS Commands log and copy commands to the IOS device CLI. See View IOS Commands Log.
  2. Perform manual configuration on the SIP Local Gateway. See IOS Gateway Manual Configuration.
  3. Associate SIP Local Gateways to sites. See:

Associate a SIP Local Gateway to a Site in the Core Feature Guide

  1. View the IOS Commands log and copy commands to the IOS device CLI. See View IOS Commands Log.
  2. Create E.164 Associations. See:

Associate a Set of E164 Numbers to One Internal Number in the Core Feature Guide

Associate a Range of E164 Numbers to a Range of Internal Numbers in the Core Feature Guide

  1. View the IOS Commands log and copy commands to the IOS device CLI. See View IOS Commands Log.


Model Details: data/HcsCommandBuilderDAT

Title Description Details
Name * Command Builder name
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Event Name * Event name
  • Field Name: eventName
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/HcsCommandEventDAT
  • Target attr: eventName
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Format: uri
Description A description for the command builder
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 4096
Command Template Command template triggered by this event
  • Field Name: commandTemplate
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 4096
Enabled * command builder enabled or not Default: true
  • Field Name: enabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Applicable Device Type * Applicable Device Type
  • Field Name: applicableDevType
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
  • Choices: ["IOS Device", "SIP Local Gateway", "Analog Gateway"]