
Model: data/GS_SME_EventData_DAT

Data model for SME event triggers

Model Details: data/GS_SME_EventData_DAT

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: customer
  • Type: String
SLC Based Dialplan
  • Field Name: customerUsesSlc
  • Type: Boolean
SME List
  • Field Name: smeArray.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
  • Field Name: smeArray.[n].smeBkey
  • Type: String
SME Setup Template
  • Field Name: smeSetupTemplate
  • Type: String
Site Dialplan
  • Field Name: siteDialplan
  • Type: Boolean
SLC based site dialplan template name
  • Field Name: siteDialplanSlcTemplate
  • Type: String
Flat site dialplan template name
  • Field Name: siteDialplanFlatTemplate
  • Type: String
First site In Country
  • Field Name: firstInCountry
  • Type: Boolean
First Site In Country Template
  • Field Name: firstSiteInCountryTemplate
  • Type: String
DN Routing
  • Field Name: dnRouting
  • Type: Boolean
DN Routing Template
  • Field Name: dnRoutingTemplate
  • Type: String
Associate E164 1 to 1
  • Field Name: associate1to1
  • Type: Boolean
Associate 1 to 1 Template
  • Field Name: associate1to1Template
  • Type: String
Associate E164 1 to N
  • Field Name: associate1toN
  • Type: Boolean
Associate 1 to N Template
  • Field Name: associate1toNTemplate
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: addFmc
  • Type: Boolean
FMC Template
  • Field Name: addFmcTemplate
  • Type: String
FMC update Template
  • Field Name: updateFmcTemplate
  • Type: String
Hunt Group Pilot
  • Field Name: huntGroupPilot
  • Type: Boolean
Hunt Group Pilot Template
  • Field Name: huntGroupPilotTemplate
  • Type: String
External Group CLI
  • Field Name: externalGroupCli
  • Type: Boolean
External Group CLI Template
  • Field Name: externalGroupCliTemplate
  • Type: String
Leaf Cluster Data
  • Field Name: leafClusterData.[n]
  • Type: Array
Leaf Cluster
  • Field Name: leafClusterData.[n].leafClusterBkey
  • Type: String
Route List to Leaf Cluster Route List name on SME to route to leaf cluster
  • Field Name: leafClusterData.[n].leafClusterRL
  • Type: String