
Model: data/FlowThroughProvisioningCriteria

Flow Through Provisioning Criteria is a model where user criteria is stored for FTP. When a user is synced into the system and FTP is configured this data will be checked to see if the user that is synced in matches the criteria or not. If it matches the appropriate Subscriber from Profile mechanism is called to automatically provision the user.

Model Details: data/FlowThroughProvisioningCriteria

Title Description Details
Name Name of the flow through provisioning criteria
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description Description of the flow through provisioning criteria
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Criteria Order Ordered list a criteria to math on. The first criteria that matches will be used.
  • Field Name: criteria.[n]
  • Type: Array
Model filter criteria Model Filter Criteria
  • Field Name: criteria.[n].model_filter_criteria
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ModelFilterCriteria
  • Format: uri
Subscriber Profile Profile of the Subscriber to use.
  • Field Name: criteria.[n].profile
  • Type: String
User Role Role to assign to the user.
  • Field Name: criteria.[n].role
  • Type: String