
Model: data/ClassOfService

Class of Service

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Customer administrators and higher level administrators can create and maintain a Class of Service (CoS) that apply to subscribers. A CoS specifies the Unified CM and Calling Search Spaces (CSS) for a subscriber's line, thereby indicating whether local, national and international numbers can be called.

An administrator can create a CoS at a customer level hierarchy. A Unified CM is specified. A drop-down list of those available at the customer level is shown.

Optional device and line CSSs can also be added - either selected from those existing on the Unified CM, or else added. Macros can also be used when adding new CSSs, for example: CSS-Gold-{{macro.SITENAME}}.

When a CoS is modified, the Unified CM cannot be modified. In order to refer to another Unified CM, either clone an existing CoS or else delete it and re-add it.

Add a Class of Service

  1. Log in as a Customer administrator or higher.

  2. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Class of Service.

  3. To add new CoS instance, click Add. If necessary, this will automatically direct the user to select a customer-hierarchy-level, if not already on it.

  4. From the CUCM drop-down, choose the relevant CUCM.

  5. Enter the Class of Service name in the CoS Name field.

  6. From the Device CSS and Line CSS drop-downs, choose the relevant CSS types to be associated to this CoS item.

    The value can also be a macro that evaluates to a valid CSS type which already exists on the selected CUCM. Blank values are also allowed.

This is the Class of Service (CoS) definition.

Model Details: data/ClassOfService

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/CallManager
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: cucm
  • Type: String
CoS Name *
  • Field Name: cos_name
  • Type: String
Device CSS
  • Field Name: device_css
  • Type: String
Line CSS
  • Field Name: line_css
  • Type: String