.. _perform_a_bulk_load: Bulk Loading a File ------------------- Completed Bulk Load XLS sheets can be loaded immediately. Verify the following: * Ensure that: * The file has a valid file extension ``.xlsx``. An error message will display on the user interface to indicate that the file does not have a valid file extension. * Any Configuration Templates that are referenced, are available. * Any comments that your spreadsheet application allows you to add (for example showing as a marker in the cell with a pop-up) have been removed. Otherwise, an error message is shown: "An error occurred while opening the workbook. For possible resolution, please remove all comments from the worksheets and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator for support." * To send *empty values* for a field, two options are available: * Type a space in the cell of the value column on the sheet. * Type ```` in the cell of the value column on the sheet. * Spreadsheet formulas (such as ``'=7+2'``) in data will not be evaluated. 1. Browse to the hierarchy level at which you want to perform the bulk load. #. Open the **Bulk Load** form (default menu **Administration Tools > Bulk Load**). #. Browse to the file you want to bulk load and click **Bulk Load**. #. Go to the **Transaction** menu to inspect the bulk load in the transaction log if necessary. The **Execute Bulk Load** sub-transaction list shows the transaction for each row of the sheet. #. Alternatively, to schedule the bulk load, clear the **Execute Immediately** check box and add scheduled date and time values in the mandatory **Execution Date**, **Execution Time** and **Execution Timezone** fields. A scheduled bulk load is shown on the list view of the Schedule and has the name and upload load date of the sheet.