.. _add_custom_variables: Add Custom Variables -------------------- System administrators can create custom macros for use in for example custom Configuration Templates. .. note:: * The macro needs to be evaluated at the hierarchy that it is created. * The same macro variable can be defined to have different values at different hierarchies. 1. Choose **Advanced Tools > Custom Variables** and click **Add**. 2. Enter the macro name, optional description and value. The name must be prefixed with ``CV_``. For details on macro syntax, refer to the "Advanced Configuration Guide". 3. Click **Save**. To test the macro, enter it in the macro evaluator at **Administration Tools > Macro Evaluator**. Example ....... Create: :: CV_current_time Current time is: {{ fn.now }} Invoke: :: {{ macro.CV_current_time }} Output example: :: Current time is: 2017-03-31 13:20:18.509871 .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM .. |CUC| replace:: Cisco Unity Connection